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Project 2: Orientation Tracking

ECE 276A: Sensing & Estimation in Robotics 
Project 2: Orientation Tracking
Collaboration in the sense of discussion is allowed, however, the work you turn in should be your own -
you should not split parts of the assignments with other students and you should certainly not copy other
students’ code or papers. See the collaboration and academic integrity statement here: https://natanaso. Books may be consulted but not copied from.
You should submit the following two files by the deadline shown on the top right corner.
1. FirstnameLastname P2.pdf on Gradescope: upload your solutions to the theoretical problems
(Problems 1-2). You may use latex, scanned handwritten notes (write legibly!), or any other method
to prepare a pdf file. Do not just write the final result. Present your work in detail explaining your
approach at every step. Also, attach to the same pdf the report for Problem 4. You are encouraged but
not required to use an IEEE conference template1
for your report.
2. FirstnameLastname on TritonEd: upload all code you have written for Problem 3 (do not
include the training and test datasets) and a README file with clear instructions for running it. Please
try to generate an executable file from your code following the instructions online2
. While generating an
executable is not required, it will simplify the task of running your code with different library versions
across different platforms.
In square brackets are the points assigned to each problem.
1. [4 pts] Suppose that the pose of a moving robot with respect to the world frame is given by the following
function of time t:
T(t) =

cos tπ
0 − sin tπ
0 1 0 0
sin tπ
0 cos tπ
0 0 0 1

∈ SE(3)
(a) Find the axis-angle representations of the robot orientation at time t = 1.
(b) Find the quaternion representations of the robot orientation at time t = 1 and of the inverse of this
(c) Compute the linear and the angular velocity with respect to the world frame at time t = 1.
(d) Compute the linear and the angular velocity with respect to the robot frame at time t = 1.
(e) Compute the coordinates of the point pW = (9, 0, 0) in the robot frame (i.e., find pR in the robot
frame) at time t = 1.
2. [4 pts] Consider the discrete-time nonlinear time-invariant system:
xt+1 = −0.1xt + cos(xt) + wt, wt ∼ N (0, 1)
zt = x
t + vt, vt ∼ N (0, 0.5)
with a prior distribution x0 ∼ N (0, 1).
(a) Derive the extended Kalman filter equations by linearizing around the nominal state x
t ≡ 1
(b) Derive the unscented Kalman filter equations around the nominal state x
t ≡ 1
ECE 276A: Sensing & Estimation in Robotics Due: 11:59 pm, 11/15/17
3. [10 pts] Implement an unscented Kalman filter to track the 3-D orientation of a rotating body using
inertial measurement unit (IMU) readings. Generate a panoramic image by stitching camera images
based on the orientation estimate of your filter. Instructions and tips follow.
• Training data: now available:
The camera sets of images are paired with their respective IMU set using the filename numbers.
• Test data: released at 12:00 pm, 11/14/17:
• Sensor calibration: The biases and scale factors of the accelerometers and gyroscopes are unknown
and should be approximated/learned using the ground truth data from a Vicon motion capture
system. The gyros have dual output (1x and 4x). This is done by designers to make the chips
versatile in different operating conditions. If you look at the schematic of the board, however,
you see that only 4x gyro signals are routed to the microcontroller (therefore you should use the
appropriate sensitivity). Make sure you convert sensitivity to mv/rad/sec (not degrees...). The
camera axis is aligned with imu x axis. The relative position of the camera is roughly (0, 0, 0.1), i.e.,
10cm just above the imu. See Platform.jpg and IMU reference.pdf for details.
• Errata in IMU reference.pdf:
V ref /1023 ∗ sensitivity (Incorrect) → V ref /1023/sensitivity (Correct)
• Known glitch: Some imu data sets (e.g., #4) contain a small glitch in the beginning, where all 3
gyro values jump to a fixed value and then come back to normal operation (typically several seconds
after starting). This problem happened during data collection when a reset pin fired, locking the
gyros into the nominal zero, rather than the true zero bias gyro level.
• Quaternions: You are not allowed to use built-in libraries to do quaternion manipulations. You
should implement your own quaternion functions: multiply, log, exp, conjugate, rotation to quaternion, quaternion to rotation, etc. Also, implement the quaternion average function discussed in class.
Test it with some angles represented as quaternions, e.g., what is the average of 170, 270 and -100
degrees? You may try to use a different averaging approach if you prefer but make sure that it works
as expected.
• Allowed functions (incompete list): Euler2Rot, Rot2Euler, Euler2Quat, Quat2Euler, Spherical2Cartesian, Cartesian2Spherical, Cholesky. If you are not sure if a function is allowed, ask!
• UKF: Follow Edgar Kraft’s paper (
pdf) to implement an unscented Kalman filter that uses the gyroscope measurements for prediction and the accelerometer measurements for update (4 dimensional state). Optionally, as Edgar
Kraft suggests, you can switch the gyro measurements to observations as well and extend the state
of the filter to include angular velocity (7 dimensional state). See which approach works better.
Evaluate your performance by comparing it to the ground truth provided by the Vicon system. You
may uses the provided plotting function to visualize your results. You can modify it as
you see fit. Make sure your program can process new datasets containing only IMU readings without
Vicon estimates.
• Panorama: Construct and dispaly a panoramic image by stitching the RGB camera images over
time based on your orientation estimates. Don’t worry about the image looking perfect, it is very
difficult to do. The goal is to make sure that you know how to use the estimated orientation in the
context of fusing data coming from other sensors. If you can’t get the filter to work well, you can
still do the panorama part using the vicon ground truth and show that in your report.
4. [6 pts] Write a project report describing your approach to the orientation tracking and panorama reconstruction problems. Your report should include the following sections:
• Introduction: discuss why the problem is important and present a brief overview of your approach
• Problem Formulation: state the problem you are trying to solve in mathematical terms. This
section should be short and clear and should define the quantities you are interested in.
ECE 276A: Sensing & Estimation in Robotics Due: 11:59 pm, 11/15/17
• Technical Approach: describe your approach to orientation tracking and panorama reconstruction
• Results: present your training results, test results, and discuss them – what worked, what did not,
and why. Make sure your results include (a) plots comparing your estimated roll, pitch, and yaw
angles to the ground truth on the training sets, (b) plots showing your estimated roll, pitch, and
yaw angles on the test sets, (c) panoramic images obtained from the training and test sets.

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