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Recurrent Networks and Sentiment Classification SOLVED

COMP9444 Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Project 2 - Recurrent Networks and Sentiment Classification

Marks: 15% of final assessment
You should now have a good understanding of the internal dynamics of TensorFlow and
how to implement, train and test various network architectures. In this assignment we will
develop a classifier able to detect the sentiment of movie reviews. Sentiment
classification is an active area of research. Aside from improving performance of systems
like Siri and Cortana, sentiment analysis is very actively utilized in the finance industry,
where sentiment is required for automated trading on news snippits and press releases.
Before commencing this assignment, you should download and install TensorFlow, and
the appropriate python version. It is also helpful to have completed the Word
Embeddings andRecurrent Neural Networks tutorials located on the TensorFlow website.
You should download the following files from the directory hw2/src Python source code for Stage 1 Python source code for Stage 2
reviews.tar.gz 25000 plain text movie reviews, split into positive and negative sets
glove.6B.50d.txt GloVe word embeddings for Stage 2
Note that reviews.tar.gz should remain in its gzipped format. You may need to adjust
the Preferences in your Web browser in order to prevent it from being gunzipped
automatically (for example, with Mac Safari, go to Preferences, General and un-check
"Open safe files after downloading").
The training dataset contains a series of movie reviews scraped from the IMBD website.
There are no more than 30 reviews for any one specific movie. You have been provided
with a tarball (reviews.tar.gz) that contains two folders; "pos" and "neg". It contains the
unchanged reviews in plain text form. Each folder contains 12500 positive and negative
reviews respectively. Each review is contained in the first line of its associated text file,
with no line breaks.
You will need to extract these files, and load them into a datastructure you can feed into
TensorFlow. It is essential to preform some level of preprocessing on this text prior to
feeding it into your model. Because the glove embeddings are all in lowercase, you
should convert all reviews to lowercase, and also strip punctuation. You may want to do
additional preprocessing by stripping out unessesary words etc. You should examine any
avenue you can think of to reduce superfluous data that you will feed into your model.
For the purposes of reducing training time, you MUST limit every review fed into the
classifier at 40 words. This should occur after your preprocessing. The model must only
accept input sequences of length 40. If a review is not 40 words it should be 0-padded.
Some reviews are much longer than 40 words, but for this assignment we will assume the
sentiment can be obtained from the first 40.
For evaluation, we will run your model against a test set that contains an additional 25000
reviews spit into positive and negative categories. For this reason you should be very
careful about overfitting - your model could report 100% training accuracy but
completely fail on unseen reviews. There are various ways to prevent this such as
judicious use of dropout, splitting the data into a training and validation set, etc.
There are two main tasks that must be implemented; word embedding and the classifier
itself. Each task can be completed independently of the other, and the two tasks are to be
submitted separately (as hw2 and hw2sent).
This assignment may be done individually, or in groups of two students. Groups are
defined by a number called hw2group. All students will initially be assigned a unique
hw2group. When you decide that you want to work with a partner, send an email
to indicating the names and student numbers of you and your
partner, and I will modify hw2group accordingly.
Stage 1: Word Embeddings
Word embeddings have been shown to improve the performance of many NLP models by
converting words from character arrays to vectors that contain semantic infomation of the
word itself. In this assignment, you will implement a Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW)
version of word2vec - one of the fastest and most commonly used embedding algorithms.
A good introduction to word embeddings can be found in the
TensorFlow word2vec tutorial. This section of the assignment builds on that tutorial.
The aim of this task is to modify the code here so that it uses the continuous bag of words
(CBOW) model instead of the skip-gram model. This should produce better embeddings,
particularly when less data is available. Furthermore, implementing this change should
give you a better understanding of both models, and the differences between them.
CBOW vs Skip-gram
The main difference between the skip-gram and CBOW model, is the way training data is
With the skip-gram model, the input is the word in the middle of the context window, and
the target is to predict any context word (word that is skip_window words to the left or the
right) for the given word.
With CBOW, the input is all the words in the context besides the middle word, and the
target is to predict the middle word, that was omitted from the context window.
For example, given the sentence fragment "the cat sat on the", the following training
examples would be used by skip-gram, with parameters skip_window=1, num_skips=2 -
in the form: [words in context window]: (input, target)
[the cat sat]: (cat, the), (cat, sat)
[cat sat on]: (sat, cat), (sat, on),
[sat on the]: (on, sat), (on, the)
While for CBOW the input-output pairs are (note that the inputs now contain more than
one word):
[the cat sat]: ([the sat], cat),
[cat sat on]: ([cat on], the),
[sat on the]: ([sat the], on)
Of course, as is explained in the tutorial, the words themselves aren't actually used, but
rather their (integer) index into the vocabulary (dictionary) for the task.
CBOW Input: Mean of Context Words Embeddings
In the skip-gram model there is just a single word as the input, and this word's embedding
is looked up, and passed to the predictor.
In the CBOW, since there's more than one word in the context we just take the mean
(average) of the embeddings for all context words (hint tf.reduce_mean(?, axis=?)).
Download and reviews.tar.gz from the directory hw2/src. When unzipped, a
directory hw2 will be created with the following files: skeleton code for your word2vec implementation code to train your word2vec model helper functions for loading the sentiment data, used by
word2vec_cbow to visualise embeddings
The file is the one you will need to modify and submit. It contains two
1. generate_batch(...) which is initially identical to the function
utorials/word2vec/, with just one change,
the num_skips parameter has been removed as it is not needed in the CBOW
2. get_mean_context_embeds(...)
You are to:
1. modify generate_batch so batch is a vector of shape (batch_size, 2*skip_window),
with each entry for the batch containing all the context words, with corresponding
label being the word in the middle of the context
2. implement get_mean_context_embeds so that it returns mean_context_embeds - the
mean of the embeddings for all context words for each entry in the batch, see the
docstring in the function for more details.
You can run the code that does the embeddings with:
If this completes without error, you should see a file called CBOW_Embeddings.npy in the
current directory, which you will need to submit along with your version
Additionally, if you run
you should be able to see a low dimensional visualisation of the embeddings created
with TSNE. Don't worry if you are unable to get the visualisation running. (Note: If you
are working on the CSE Lab machines, you may need to use pip3 in order to get
matplotlib installed correctly).
1. [i for i in range(5) if i != 2] produces the list [0,1,3,4], something like this
will be useful for extracting the CBOW input from the full context_window
2. generate_batch should be slightly simpler than the skip-gram version, since only
one (input, output) pair needs to be created for each context window.
3. get_mean_context_embeds(...) should only require about 2 lines of TensorFlow
Submitting Stage 1
You should submit Stage 1 by typing:
give cs9444 hw2 CBOW_Embeddings.npy
The submission deadline for Stage 1 is Sunday 8 October.
Stage 2: Sentiment Classifier
Download from the hw2 directory and unzip it to produce a
directory hw2sent containing these files: this is a skeleton file for your RNN classifier implementation file that calls and trains your sentiment model
If you are running on your own machine, you will also need to download the
file glove.6B.50d.txt.gz and gunzip it. If you are running on the Lab machines, you
could use the copy of glove.6B.50d.txt in the class account by uncommenting this line
in (and commenting out the line above it)
data =
In this assignment, unlike assignment 1, the network structure is not specified, and you
will be assessed based on the performance of your final classifier.
There are very few constraints on your model - it must only use some form of recurrent
unit (tanh, LSTM, GRU etc.) and be trained by the code provided.
So that no one has an advantage due to access to better hardware, we have provided
the file. On submission, you should train your model using an unedited version
of (this ensures the same number of data presentations for everyone's model).
While an unchanged file must be used during submission, you are encouraged to make
changes to this file during development. You may want to track additional tensors in
tensorboard, or serialize training data so that the word embedding is not called on each
run. It would also be highly advisable to split the data into a training and validation set to
ensure your model does not overfit.
You must make use of recurrent network elements in your final solution. Aside from the
fact that this is the type of network this assessment aims to assess, for text classification
some recurrency will be important. Consider the review fragment; "I really thought this
was a great example of how not to make a movie.". A naive classifier (e.g. a feed forward
network trained on word counts) would be unable to correctly identify the sentiment as it
depends on the tail end of the review being understood in the context of the "not"
negation. Recurrent units allow us to preserve this dependency as we parse the review.
During testing, we will load your saved network from a TensorFlow checkpoint (see: the
TensorFlow programmers guide to saved models). To allow our test code to find the
correct path of the graph to connect to, the following naming requirements must be
1. Input placeholder: name="input_data"
2. labels placeholder: name="labels"
3. accuracy tensor: name="accuracy"
4. loss tensor: name="loss"
If your code does not meet these requirements it cannot be marked and will be recorded
as incomplete.
Code Structure
This file contains the training code for the model to be defined in
It calls functions to load the data, convert it to embedded form, and define the model
structure. It then runs 100000 training iterations, with whatever batch size is defined
Accuracy and loss values are printed to the terminal every 50 iterations, and are also
saved as tensorboard summaries in a created tensorboard directory. The model is saved
every 10000 iterations. These model files are saved in a created checkpoints directory,
and should consist of a checkpoint file, plus three files ending in the extentions .data00000-of-00001, .indexand .meta .
This is the model that must be submitted, and will be used for marking.
This is where you should implement your solution. This file must contain three
functions: load_glove_embeddings(), load_data() and define_graph()
load_glove_embeddings() should load the word embedding vectors found
in glove.6B.50d.txt and return the vectors in array form, and a dictionary matching
words to index's in that array. The array should contain one vector per row, and the
dictionary should have words in string form as keys, and index's as values. For example,
in the provided file, the first word vector is for "the". On loading this first vector, the
values themselves (0.418 0.24968 -0.41242 0.1217 etc.) should be put in the first row of
the array. A new entry in the dictionary should then be added: {"the":0}. This tells us that
the vector values for the word "the" are located in the first row of our embeddings array.
There should also be a 0 vector as the first entry, with it's associated key being 'UNK' -
this will be used for unknown words.
load_data(glove_dict) should load the training data found in reviews.tar.gz into a
numpy array that can be used for training. Reviews should take up one row of the array,
which must be capped at 40 colums. Each element should contain the index of the word
from that review in the generated embeddings array. If reviews are shorter than 40 words
they should be 0-padded.
define_graph(glove_embeddings_arr, batch_size) This is where you should define your
model. The embedding array will be required to perform an embedding lookup
(tf.nn.embedding_lookup()). You are required to make use of at least one recurrent unit -
either an LSTM, GRU or tanh. To ensure your model is sufficiently general (so as to
achieve the best test accuracy) you should experiment with regularization techniques such
as dropout. This is where you must also provide the correct names for your placeholders
and variables.
There is also a global variable, batch_size which you should experiment with changing.
This defines the size of the batches that will be used to train the model in and
may have a significant effect on model performance.
Visualizing Your Progress
In addition to the output of, you can view the progress of your models using the
tensorboard logging included in that file. To view these logs, run the following command
from the src directory:
python3 -m tensorflow.tensorboard --logdir=./tensorboard
Depending on your installation, the following command might also work:
tensorboard --logdir=./tensorboard
1. open a Web browser and navigate to http://localhost:6006
2. you should be able to see a plot of the loss and accuracies in TensorBoard under
the "scalars" tab
Make sure you are in the same directory from which is running. For this
assignment, tensorboard is an extremely useful tool and you should endeavor to get it
running. A good resource is here for more information.
You should submit Stage 1 by typing
give cs9444 hw2 CBOW_Embeddings.npy
For Stage 2, you need to submit four files:
• Your complete file
• the (final) checkpoint files generated by
If these files are in a directory by themselves, you can submit by typing:
give cs9444 hw2sent *.data* *.index *.meta
You can submit as many times as you like - later submissions will overwrite earlier ones,
and submissions by either group member will overwrite those of the other. You can check
that your submission has been received by using the following command:
9444 classrun -check
The submission deadline for Stage 1 is Sunday 8 October, 23:59.
The submission deadline for Stage 2 is Sunday 15 October, 23:59.
15% penalty will be applied to the (maximum) mark for every 24 hours late after the
Additional information may be found in the FAQ and will be considered as part of the
specification for the project.
Questions relating to the project can also be posted to the Forums on the course Web
If you have a question that has not already been answered on the FAQ or the
MessageBoard, you can email it to
You should always adhere to good coding practices and style. In general, a program that
attempts a substantial part of the job but does that part correctly will receive more marks
than one attempting to do the entire job but with many errors.

Good luck!

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