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Project 2 Semantic Analysis

CS323 - Compilers Project 2 
Semantic Analysis
1 Overview
In the previous project, you have completed the tasks of lexical and syntax analysis, which
end up with a syntax tree representation for a syntactically-valid SPL program. Informally,
semantic analysis ensures that the program has a well-defined meaning. In other words, via
semantic analysis, your compiler finally knows whether an input SPL program is legal or not.
Unlike your experience in the previous project, to implement the semantic analyzer, you
will not be provided with any handy tools. Instead, you are expected to write all the code
by yourself. Semantic analysis is not the most difficult task for implementing the SPL
compiler, however, it is the most laborious one. To realize the semantic analysis effectively
and efficiently, you need to design various data structures, such as symbol table and data
type representation, and carefully consider what is their most appropriate implementation.
We have defined SPL tokens by regular expressions and SPL syntax by a context-free
grammar. In this project, we will not use more expressive formal languages (i.e., contextsensitive grammar) for semantic analysis. Instead, we use attribute grammar, which assigns
each symbol in the CFG a set of actions. Actually, we already used attribute grammar for
syntax tree generation during parsing in the previous project. Assigning all symbols with
solely synthesized attributes allows you to make a one-pass parser, which builds the parse
tree and performs semantic analysis simultaneously. Running in one-pass is definitely more
efficient, though it is preferable to separate these two stages (build the tree and then traverse
it to analyze semantics) for better modularity and flexibility.
You will start semantic analysis based on the previous project, and will continue the
subsequent parts of your SPL compiler on top of this work, hence it is important to keep
your code maintainable and extensible.
2 Development Environment
We will evaluate your program on an Ubuntu 18.04 (64-bit) environment. Since you will
implement semantic analysis based on the last project, Flex and Bison are still necessary.
Again, we list the suggested versions of the dependencies below:
• GCC version 7.4.0
• GNU Make version 4.1
• GNU Flex version 2.6.4
• GNU Bison version 3.0.4
• Python version 3.6.8
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• urwid (Python module) 2.0.1
• Spim version 8.0
You will utilize several abstract data types for semantic analysis, such as binary tree
or hash table. You can use the abstract data types provided by existing libraries, either
standard libraries (e.g., Standard Template Library for C++) or third-party libraries (e.g.,
GNU libavl1
for C). You can also implement them by your own. However, you should make
sure your submitted code is compilable and runnable in the evaluating environment.
3 Symbol Table
3.1 Overview
A symbol table maps a name to its associated information. During semantic analysis, the
compiler will continuously update the table with information about what is in scope. Here,
the notion “name” is the identifier which includes (but is not limited to): variable names,
function names, user-defined type names, labels; “information” has a broader meaning, such
as the type of identifier, the data type, array’s dimension, numerical values, etc..
Two typical operations on the symbol table are insert and lookup a particular symbol.
When the analyzer encounters a declaration or definition statement, it should insert the declared identifier into the symbol table, together with the corresponding information. Lookup
is more commonly used, for example:
• Before inserting a new name, the analyzer will check whether it is already defined.
• The analyzer should check whether the actual type of an expression matches the declared type.
• In some strongly-typed programming languages, there are operations that strictly permit only specific types of operands.
• When generating code, the symbol table can provide information such as type length,
structure member offset, etc.
Unlike the previous project, there is no restriction on the symbol table implementation,
hence you are largely free to design the symbol table. Here, “free” has two meanings:
1. There is no definite data structure for a symbol table. It can be built with any abstract
data type (§ 3.2), and there can be more than one table. You can organize all symbols
into a single table, or separate the symbols for variables, functions, types, etc.Multiple
tables can be parallel, or form a hierarchical structure in case of scope checking (§ 3.3).
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2. A symbol table is generally a collection of key-value pairs, in which the key is the symbol
itself and the value can be any information related to that symbol. While you can put
anything in a symbol table, we suggest that you only record the type information for
a variable symbol, and the return type and parameter list for a function symbol.
3.2 Abstract Data Types
There are various abstract data types that support insert and lookup operations. These data
structures differ in space/time complexities as well as implementation difficulty. Here we list
some commonly used ADTs.
3.2.1 Linked List
next NULL
In a linked list symbol table, all symbols are organized in a sequential order. To insert
a new symbol, we can simply put it right after the header node, and the time complexity is
O(1). However, to lookup a particular symbol, in the worst case, we need to go through the
whole list (O(n) time complexity). Deleting a symbol is the same as lookup, since we should
know whether the symbol exists before deleting it.
Clearly, linked list is not efficient for lookup and delete operations. When there are many
symbols in the table, these operations can be time-consuming. Nevertheless, linked list is
easy to implement. If you know beforehand that there are only a few symbols during semantic
analysis, using a linked list to build the symbol table may be a wise choice.
3.2.2 Binary Search Tree
Linked list only supports sequential search, while binary tree supports binary search, of which
the time complexity to O(log n). A binary search tree node generally has two pointer fields,
one to its left child, another to the right one. The structural property of a binary search
tree is that, all keys in the left subtree are strictly smaller than the root’s key, while all keys
in the right subtree are greater than the root’s key. With such a property, a binary search
tree is able to support lookup/delete in logarithmic time. However, the insert time is also
logarithmic, since it should firstly find a suitable position to insert.
However, a binary search tree may degenerate to a linked list, depending on the order of
insert and delete. To overcome this limitation, many balance strategies have been proposed.
Typical variants include AVL tree or red-black tree. These variants propose more strict
structural properties to ensure that the tree never degenerates, and the operations are in
O(log n) time on average. However, implementing a binary search tree with an applicable
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key 8
left right
key 4
left right
key 9
left right
key 1
left right
key 6
left right
balance strategy is rather complicated. Binary search tree achieves a good trade-off between
space and time complexity, hence it is commonly used in some performance-sensitive systems.
For example, JDK’s TreeMap collection is implemented using red-black tree.
3.2.3 Hash Table
The time complexity of lookup in a hash table is O(1). A good hash function may provide
constant time for all operations (in average). Comparing to other ADTs, hash table is rather
simple to implement: allocate a large consecutive memory space, design a hash function
for the given key type (ASCII strings for a symbol table), then insert the key-value at the
corresponding position. Note that hash table consumes more space than binary tree, though
space is not a critical concern in our project.
A hash function “compresses” the key into a fixed-range index. A good function can
produce evenly distributed values with respect to the input string. How to design a good
hash function is beyond the scope of our course. You can find many practical examples of
hash functions in A good candidate is the
hash function proposed by P. J. Weinberger2
The hash function inevitably causes collisions, in which multiple keys map to the same
index value. To resolve hash collisions, there are generally two approaches: separate chaining and open addressing. The former defines each table element to be the head of a linked
list, and appends the collided keys to the same list. The latter is also called rehashing, which
re-computes the hash value by alternative hash functions to find the next available position. You can also employ other advanced techniques, such as multiplicative hash function
or universal hash function, to make your hash table more evenly distributed.
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3.3 Scope Checking
A scope is a section of program text enclosed by basic program delimiters, e.g., {} in C, or
begin-end in Pascal. With scope, variables are only visible within certain sections. Optionally, our SPL language can provide scoping. Consider the following code:
Listing 1: Sample SPL program (scoping)
1 int test_2_o01(){
2 int a, b, c;
3 a = a + b;
4 if(b > 0){
5 int a = c * 7;
6 b = b - a;
7 }
8 return a + c*b;
9 }
The function defines variable a in line 2. Another a is defined in the if-statement’s scope.
For a compiler that only supports global scope, it should report a semantic error at line 5
since the line redefines the same identifier. As for a compiler with scope, this SPL program
is semantically valid, but the three usages of a should refer to different variables. In line 3,
the outer a is increased by b; in line 6, b is decreased by the inner a which shadows the outer
definition; in the return statement, the outer a is referenced. However, the usages of b and
c inside the if-statement should point to the outer scope definition.
Scope checking refers to the process of determining if an identifier (symbol) is accessible
at a program location. There are two common ways to implement a scoping symbol table.
i i i
j j
symbol table
scope stack
The first approach is imperative-style implementation, in which only one single table is
maintained globally. We can implement a hash table with separated chaining, and insert
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duplicated key to the head of its corresponding linked list. The innermost definition then
always appears at the head of list. However, when the current scope is closed, we should pop
out all symbols in the scope. To prevent traversing the whole hash table whenever a scope
is closed, you may consider to utilize orthogonal list data structure. In the orthogonal list
shown above, three cascading scopes are defined. The outermost scope is at the bottom of
the stack, in which two symbols, namely a and i are declared. In the second level, symbols
i, j, and v are declared, and this symbol i shadows the outer declaration. Similar for the
top scope on the stack. When the top scope is popped, we can trace through the list and find
that only symbols i and j are defined inside, hence efficiently remove these two keys from
the head of their corresponding lists. Another solution for imperative-style symbol table is
assigning each scope with a depth number. Each name in the symbol table is inserted along
with the depth number of its containing scope. A name may appear in the symbol table
more than once as long as each repetition has a different depth. To lookup a certain name,
the symbol table should always return the name with the innermost depth number. Such
implementation is similar to an open-addressing hash table.
Another implementation style is so called functional-style, which separates individual
symbol table for each scope. Under such an implementation, we organize all these symbol
tables into a scope stack, the innermost scope is stored at the top of the stack, with the next
containing scope that is underneath it, etc.When a new scope is opened, a new symbol table
is created and the variables declared in that scope are inserted into the new table. We then
push the symbol table onto the scope stack. When a scope is closed, the top symbol table is
popped. To find a symbol, we start at the top of the stack and search all the way down until
we find it. If we do not find it, the variable is not accessible and an error should be reported.
Despite the obvious overhead of creating/removing symbol tables, the functional-style has a
disadvantage, that is, all global variables will appear at the bottom of the stack, so scope
checking of a program that accesses a lot of global variables can run slowly. Nevertheless,
this approach has the advantage that each symbol table, once populated, remains immutable
for the rest of the compilation process. Often times, immutable data structures lead to more
robust code.
4 Type Checking
4.1 Type System
In programming language, a type is a set of values and a set of operations on those values.
In SPL, there are two categories of data types:
• Primitive Types are the base types of the language. These types are provided directly
by the underlying hardware. They are int, char and float.
• Derived Types are constructed by aggregating primitive types or derived types. Examples are arrays, structures in SPL, and pointers, union in C, etc.
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Type checking is the process of verifying that each operation executed in a program
respects the type system of the language. This generally means that all operands in any
expression are of appropriate types and number. Much of what we do in the semantic
analysis is type checking. Type checking can be done in compilation, during execution, or
across both.
A type checker typically should identify the language constructs that have types associated
with them, and check them against the predefined semantic rules. In SPL, there are three
language constructs:
• Variable: All variables declared in a SPL program must have a type, either a primitive
type or a derived type.
• Function: Each function has a return type. Each parameter in the function definition
has a type, which is also associated with a corresponding argument in a function call.
• Expression: Each expression has a type based on the type of the variables in the
expression, return types of the called functions, or the operands in the expressions.
We list the semantic rules in § 5.1. You should carefully think about how they can be
realized under the SPL type system and perform type checking at the proper syntax node.
4.2 Type Equivalence
How to tell whether two types are equivalent? The question is trivial for primitive types: an
int is equivalent only to another int, a float only to another float, etc.
However, things get complicated for derived types. Actually, whether two derived types
are equivalent depends on how we define “equivalence”. Typically, there are two kinds of type
equivalence: named equivalence and structural equivalence. For languages supporting named
equivalence, two types are considered equivalent if and only if they have the same name. For
example, struct st {int x;} and struct st {char y;} are equivalent types, regardless
of their actual definitions. Structural equivalence is more general. Two types are structurally
equivalent if a recursive traversal of the two type definition trees leads to completely the
same results.
Clearly, checking types for a language supporting named equivalence is easier and quicker
than doing that for a language supporting structural equivalence. But the trade-off is, named
equivalence does not always reflect what is really being represented in a derived type.
4.3 Derived Types Representation
At implementation level, it is easy to represent primitive types: using constants is sufficient.
As for the derived types, arrays and structures, representing them is rather complicated. For
example, we can define arrays of structures, as well as a structure with an array (what’s
more, a multi-dimensional array!) field.
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A common technique is to store the basic information, defining the type as a multi-level
linked list. We provide the follow definition of a Type class.
Listing 2: Type class definition
1 typedef struct Type {
2 char name[32];
3 enum { PRIMITIVE, ARRAY, STRUCTURE } category;
4 union {
5 enum { INT, FLOAT, CHAR } primitive;
6 struct Array *array;
7 struct FieldList *structure;
8 };
9 } Type;
11 typedef struct Array {
12 struct Type *base;
13 int size;
14 } Array;
16 typedef struct FieldList {
17 char name[32];
18 struct Type *type;
19 struct FieldList *next;
20 } FieldList;
We separate three categories, and organize their representation as a union. Note that the
name is 32 bytes, since we already make the assumption that no identifier name’s length can
exceed 32. We can safely represent primitive types as constants. For arrays, we should record
its base type and the size. Note that this representation also supports multi-dimensional
arrays, since the base type can be an array. As for structure type, we record each field
The definition above conceptually represents a derived type as a tree structure. Checking
named equivalence can be done by passing the name field of two types to strncmp. For
structural equivalence, you should traverse the type trees to see whether they follow the
same structural properties. As an example, we can represent the structure definition struct
st { float val; struct _ { char c[2]; } charr; int arr2[3][2]; } as Figure 1.
Checking type equivalence is much more complicated for real-world compilers. A rigorous
and practical type checker should formally infer types from multi-level language constructs,
and support more language features, such as pointers, object-oriented classes, explicit or
implicit type coercion, etc.Though you are not required to implement them, you should be
aware of the fact that type checking is generally much more difficult than what you are
required to do in this project.
5 Project Requirements
5.1 Semantic Rules
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Name: st
Name: val
Blue: Type
Red: Array
Green: FieldList
Union: FLOAT
Name: charr
Name: _ Union:
Name: arr2
Union: Type:
Size: 3
Union: Type:
Size: 2
Union: INT
Name: c
Union: Type:
Size: 2
Union: CHAR
Figure 1: Tree representation of a structure type
5.1.1 Assumptions
Before presenting the semantic rules, we shall make some assumptions. The assumptions are
obeyed in our provided test cases, which means you don’t need to consider their violations.
Nevertheless, they can be the starting points to design your bonus rules (§ 5.1.3), since a
real-world compiler should be able to detect as many errors as possible.
Assumption 1 char variables only occur in assignment operations or function parameters/arguments
Assumption 2 only int variables can do boolean operations
Assumption 3 only int and float variables can do arithmetic operations
Assumption 4 no nested function definitions
Assumption 5 field names in struct definitions are unique (in any scope), i.e., the
names of struct fields, and variables never overlap
Assumption 6 there is only the global scope, i.e., all variable names are unique
Assumption 7 using named equivalence to determine whether two struct types are
5.1.2 Required Rules
Your analyzer should be able to detect the following semantic errors:
Type 1 a variable is used without a definition
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Type 2 a function is invoked without a definition
Type 3 a variable is redefined in the same scope
Type 4 a function is redefined (in the global scope, since we don’t have nested functions)
Type 5 unmatching types appear at both sides of the assignment operator (=)
Type 6 rvalue appears on the left-hand side of the assignment operator
Type 7 unmatching operands, such as adding an integer to a structure variable
Type 8 a function’s return value type mismatches the declared type
Type 9 a function’s arguments mismatch the declared parameters (either types or numbers, or both)
Type 10 applying indexing operator ([…]) on non-array type variables
Type 11 applying function invocation operator (foo(…)) on non-function names
Type 12 array indexing with a non-integer type expression
Type 13 accessing members of a non-structure variable (i.e., misuse the dot operator)
Type 14 accessing an undefined structure member
Type 15 redefine the same structure type
If your analyzer finds a semantic error in the SPL program, it should report the error
type (as listed above) and the line number with the following format:
Error type [TypeID] at Line [LineNo]: [message]
We do not constrain the content of the error message, however, your analyzer must give
the correct TypeID and LineNo. We will verify the output based on these two fields.
To show how your analyzer works, consider the following SPL program containing semantic errors:
Listing 3: SPL test case for semantic analysis
1 struct Apple
2 {
3 int weight;
4 float round;
5 };
6 int test_2_r07()
7 {
8 struct Apple aa;
9 float weight_test = 1.0;
10 aa.weight = aa + 2;
11 return 0;
12 }
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In the program, line 10 contains two errors, your analyzer may report as follows:
Error type 7 at Line 10: binary operation on non-number variables
Error type 5 at Line 10: unmatching type on both sides of assignment
Basically, variable aa is a struct Apple type, so adding it with an integer value is
semantically illegal, which refers to error type 7. The expression aa + 2 then evaluates to an
undefined type, which cannot be assigned to an integer type lvalue aa.weight, hence type 5
is also reported.
You may have questions like: “Which is the best error to report?” and “Is this considered
a cascade from an earlier error?” These are perfectly valid questions, but don’t be surprised
if we’re a bit hesitant to answer. We want you to think through and make these sorts of
decisions by yourself. Put yourself in the position of someone using your compiler, and try
your best to provide the most helpful error type/message.
Once an error is reported, you may suppress any subsequent errors cascading from that
problem, such as ignoring type 5 error from the example above. However, if your analyzer
ignores such cases in purpose, you should justify your design and explain your implementation
in the report, and we will evaluate your results accordingly.
5.1.3 Bonus Rules
You are encouraged to implement other rules that are not required, you may receive bonus
points for these extra features. Here are two possible bonus rules that you may consider:
• revoke Assumption 6, thus variables in different scopes can share the same identifier,
and variables defined in the outer scope will be shadowed by the inner variables with
the same identifier.
• revoke Assumption 7, and adopt structural equivalence for struct variables. You may
ignore the order (and names) of fields, so struct a { int m; float n; } and struct
b { float x; int y; } refer to the same type. Or if your analyzer deals with the
order, you may get higher bonus score.
Additionally, you may add new grammars and constrain them with corresponding semantic rules. For example, it may recognize continue or break statement, which can only exist
in the looping contexts. You can also enhance your type system, e.g., supporting (multi-level)
pointer types and their safe dereferences.
It is important to note that, your bonus rules may have conflicts with the required rules.
If so, please contact the teaching team to discuss the feasibility of your ideas. If your ideas
are approved, also remember to discuss how they clash with the required rules in your report.
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5.2 Self-written Test Cases
You are required to write 10 test cases (i.e., SPL programs and the corresponding outputs).
We will evaluate your compiler with all test cases written by the students enrolled in this
course. Your test cases should strictly follow the aforementioned semantic rules.
For evaluation purpose, your test cases should contain at least 8 semantic errors. They
can appear in the same SPL program, or distribute across individual test case. We will
provide you a set of sample test cases for reference. Your test cases shall not contain any
lexical nor syntax error, and they should be based on the required features in project 1
only (no comments, etc.). The grading of this part will be based on the quality and the
creativeness of your test cases.
5.3 Implementation Requirement
The input format is the same as the previous project, i.e., the executable splc accepts a
single command line argument representing the SPL program path. For a semantically legal
SPL program, your semantic analyzer shall not produce any output message, otherwise, a
meaningful error message should be printed out.
You should compile your analyzer as the splc target in Makefile, and move the executable to the bin directory. For example, the Makefile is placed under the project root
directory, then we make the splc target by:
make splc
which generates the semantic analyzer executable. Then we run it by:
bin/splc test/test_2_r01.spl
The analyzer should output the error message in a text file test/test_2_r01.out, if any
semantic error is presented. If no error, touch an empty file.
5.4 Grading Policy
The maximum score of this project, excluding the bonus part, is 100 points. Your score
depends on the number of test cases your analyzer can pass, the quality of your provided test
cases, and your report. Your analyzer will be evaluated with the test cases written by the
students enrolled in this course. If your analyzer passes all test cases, you will get 80 points.
Failing to pass some test cases may result in the decrease of your score. Your provided test
cases will be graded independently, with a maximum score of 10 points, according to the
quality and the creativeness. Your project report accounts for the remaining 10 points.
If you implemented bonus features, you should provide extra test cases. Note that these
test cases will not be used to evaluate the analyzers written by other students, since they may
not implement those bonus features. The bonus points you can get depend on the difficulty
of the features and how well you have implemented and tested them. The maximum bonus
you can get for this project is 20 points. The bonus points can only be used to redeem the
points you lose for projects or programming assignments.
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There may be multiple members in your team. In that case, we will evaluate the contribution of each member and rate his/her contribution using four levels: A (significant), B
(moderate), C (low), and D (very little contribution). If the rating is A, the member will
get 100% of the grade obtained by the team as a whole (G). If the rating is B, the member
will get 85% of G. If the rating is C, the member will get 60% of G. If the rating is D, the
member will get 30% of G. We hope everyone gets rated as A or B.
6 Submission
What to submit You are required to submit your C/flex/bison source code and other
related files in a .zip archive with file name format:
(e.g., In this project, the zip file tree is:
splc // generated
... // your self-written testcases
... // your extra testcases
... // C/Flex/Bison source code
• bin directory contains a single executable file named splc, which is generated by an splc
target in the Makefile. Make sure it works properly in our environment (§ 2).
• report directory contains a pdf file that illustrates your design and implementation. You
should focus on the bonus features your have realized (if you have implemented), since
the required part is straight-forward. Your report should not exceed 4 pages. We suggest
you use 11pt font size and single-line spacing for the report’s main content.
• test directory is your self-written test cases. Make sure to include your output files in
the directory. The code file name should end with .spl extension and output file name
should end with .out. Remember to include your student ID in the file names.
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• test-ex stores all your extra test cases. We will not use these test cases to evaluate
other students’ parsers. Their only purpose is to examine your parser’s bonus features.
• The Makefile is provided. You can add any targets, but most importantly, you should
ensure the splc target compiles and generates an executable splc in the bin/
directory. Otherwise, we cannot evaluate your work and you will get a zero in project 2.
• In this project, you will write code in C/Flex/Bison, you can place them directly under
the submitted directory, or under separate folders like src and include. Again, you must
ensure the code can be compiled successfully, no matter where they are.
How to submit You should upload your zip file on SAKAI before the 11:55 PM, November 15, 2021. Late submissions are still allowed within 2 weeks after the deadline (grace
period). If you submitted your project before Nov. 22 (11:55 PM), your score will be 80% of
the score you could get if the submission was made before the deadline. Later if you made
submission before Nov. 29 (11:55 PM), you will get only 60%. Submissions after Nov. 29
will not be graded, meaning that you will get a zero for project 2.
Contact For any question regarding this project, feel free to contact our teaching team via
emails (typically replied within 24 hours):
[CS323] Project 2 (YourName-StudentID)
e.g., [CS323] Project 2 (WangSinan-11849180)

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