Starting from:


Project 2 – Transport

CS168  Project 2 – Transport

1 Introduction 3
2 Background 3
2.1 Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 TCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3 Before You Start 6
3.1 Getting Skeleton Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2 Consider using an IDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.3 The POX Simulation Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.4 Trying out POX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.5 Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.6 Debugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.6.1 Programmatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.6.2 Tracing packets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.7 Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.8 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4 Getting Familiar 9
4.1 Methods in skeleton code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5 Sequence spaces and segments 10
5.1 Sending data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
5.2 Receiving data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
5.3 Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6 Stages 12
6.1 Three-way handshake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
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6.2 Receiving In Order Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6.3 Receiving Out of Order Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6.4 Simple Sending of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6.5 Honor Advertised Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
6.6 Passive Close . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
6.7 Active Close . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6.8 Send retransmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6.9 RTO Update & RTT Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6.10 Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
7 Grading 20
7.1 Test Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
7.1.1 Stage 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
7.1.2 Stage 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
7.1.3 Stage 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
7.1.4 Stage 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
7.1.5 Stage 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
7.1.6 Stage 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
7.1.7 Stage 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
7.1.8 Stage 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
7.1.9 Stage 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
7.1.10 Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
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1 Introduction
The goal of this project is to implement a Socket that implements a TCP protocol similar to those you
can find in the Internet. A socket is an abstraction between the application layer and the transport layer
that allows an application to easily use the underlying transport protocol (TCP in this case). While sockets
are usually implemented by the operating system, your socket will be a user space implementation written
in Python. We will provide a network simulator and a Python TCP/IP stack, minus parts that you must
implement (which is the core of the actual TCP protocol). In this project, you won’t be implementing
applications that use this Socket. Instead, you will be implementing core parts of the protocol, and the
tests we provide will act as applications. These applications will use the Socket class you write and expect
the behavior defined in this specification.
This is not a short project. Please start as soon as possible to give yourself ample time to complete it.
2 Background
2.1 Sockets
It would be difficult for application developers to think in terms of packets. Following the trend of using
abstractions when dealing with complexity, it is much easier to use a logical pipe that connects a sender
and a receiver. In such abstraction, a sender calls a function to send data without having to worry about
the details of how that message is actually sent and delivered. This abstraction is called a Socket and is
controlled by its API.
Sockets abstract away establishing a connection, and sending and receiving data. Further, a TCP socket
provides reliable, ordered, and error-checked delivery of a stream of bytes. Usually, each connection is
composed of two sockets: the local socket, and the remote socket. For example, the local socket might
be created and utilized by your web browser, and the remote socket could be created and managed by a
web server. In typical usage, one socket actively connects (this would be your web browser), and the other
passively connects (this would be the web server). In a typical scenario, the server creates a socket and
then calls bind and listen functions to create a socket waiting for a connection. Clients can establish
TCP connections to the server by calling connect, which the server can accept. Underlying this sequence
of function calls is the TCP 3-way handshake you have learned about in lecture. Once the connection is
established, either side can send data with send and the other side can receive data with recv.
2.2 TCP
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a Layer 4 protocol that provides a byte stream abstraction. The
stream of bytes are broken into packets (or segments in TCP lingo) and delivers those packets. It provides
multiplexing and demultiplexing, reliability, connection orientated communication, and flow and congestion
A connection can progress through a series of states during its lifetime. The possible states are listed in
the diagram below. For this project you only need to implement a subset of TCP for the client and not
the server. You will not have to implement the LISTEN or SYN RECEIVED state transitions, and you’ll be
given a large fraction of the rest of state transitions. The entire state transition diagram is detailed below
for reference. Further, the TCP stack you will implement will only support the ACK, SYN and FIN control
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Further, we will also not implement congestion control. Specifically, we will not do fast retransmit (retransmit on 3 dup ACKs), fast recovery, slow start, or congestion avoidance. You are welcome to learn about
this on your own and congestion control has been the focus of much great debate and research. However,
due to its complex and gritty details, we will skip it for this project.
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3 Before You Start
This project requires Python 2.7. Please make sure you have that installed. Other versions will not work.
3.1 Getting Skeleton Code
$ git clone
You should end up with a directory at cs168-fall18-student/proj2_transport/pox; all commands in
this spec (unless they say otherwise) assume this is your current directory.
3.2 Consider using an IDE
You can use an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to assist you with navigating and editing the
project code. A good IDE will let you jump to symbol definitions, go forward and backward to different
methods, and can infer the types of many variables. PyCharm Community Edition is a free, fully featured
IDE that checks off all of these boxes and more. Simply open the pox directory with PyCharm to get
started. Ensure that you change the Python version to 2.7 in the Project Interpreter settings.
3.3 The POX Simulation Environment
POX is a networking software platform written in Python. POX started life as an OpenFlow controller, but
can now also function as an OpenFlow switch, and can be useful for writing networking software in general.
We will be using POX to create virtual end hosts and routers in a simulated network. This simulation is so
realistic that after your TCP implementation is complete, you could use it to communicate with real servers
on the Internet (even using your web browser) with only a bit of extra configuration. If you are interested
in this please post a question in Piazza after the project is due.
3.4 Trying out POX
After cloning the repos, we can now try out a test to make sure that everything has been installed and set
up correctly. From the top level pox directory, try the following command to run POX using a configuration
file that just checks that things seem to be working.
$ python config=ext/cs168p2/tests/sanity_test.cfg
And you should see the following message if everything is correct:
$[test ] [00:00:02] All checks passed, test PASSED
1Some interesting tidbits not directly related to this project: OpenFlow is an open network protocol for remotely controlling
programmable network switches in a networking paradigm known as Software Defined Networking, which will be touched on
in a future lecture. The switches may be either hardware switches or software virtual switches, of which Open vSwitch (OVS)
is one of the most notable. Scott’s company Nicira was a major early developer of OpenFlow and OVS. Despite POX’s origins
in this type of work, this project is actually entirely unrelated to it.
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3.5 Testing
To help you check your work, we provide you with unit tests. These tests will be the only tests that we’ll
use to grade your submission, i.e., there will be no hidden tests (see Section 7 for details on grading).
However, there will be some hidden tests not used for grading but for identifying various types of cheating.
The tests are run on the following network topology,
where your socket runs as c1 and the staff socket runs as s1. Links L1 and L3 have infinite bandwidth and
zero propagation delay. Link L2 is the one the tests can control, with variable specifications depending on
the test.
The tests are grouped to correspond with the stages of the project, and each test one aspect of the
implementation as independently as possible. As you work on each stage, you should run the unit tests for
that stage (and all previous stages) and make sure you pass them. For example, after you finish Stage 5,
you can run unit tests by invoking:
$ cd ext/cs168p2
$ python s5 # Runs the unit tests for Stage 5
$ python all # Runs all unit tests
$ python all 5 # Runs all unit tests up to and including stage 5
While you are working on a particular stage (or a bug!), you may also want to run particular tests, and
you may want to read the code of the test that’s failing to see exactly what it’s doing. Each test is run by
invoking POX with a particular configuration file. Most of these then load up a specific Python module.
See the tests directory for a list of them. In general, you can invoke a particular test by doing something
like the following:
$ cd ext/cs168p2
$ python s5_t1
This will also show you the test console output.
Note: The unit tests are not guaranteed to be comprehensive—it is possible for your implementation to
have a defect in one stage that manifests itself by failing unit tests for a later stage.
3.6 Debugging
We identify two different ways to debug your code. One is to trace the packets between components in the
network (see diagram in 3.5), and the other one is to use a more programmatic approach.
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3.6.1 Programmatic
You can use self.log to print debug messages; e.g. self.log.error(string) anywhere within the StudentUSocket
class. You can also set breakpoints with pdb in your python code; e.g. "import pdb; pdb.set_trace()"
wherever you want to set a breakpoint. If you’ve never used pdb you can read about it here. However,
if you wish to use pdb you’ll need to run the test without the autograder. Example: if you want to set
breakpoints in your code and run test s1_t1, you’ll need to do the following from the root pox directory:
$ python config=ext/cs168p2/tests/s1_t1.cfg
When you execute tests this way, you might see logs starting with the string "tcp_sockets". This are logs
coming from the server code. Logs coming from your code will begin with "student_socket". Important
note: remove all breakpoints from your code before turning it in. You’ll only be given points for tests that
pass in the autograder without timing out, so if a test pauses because it hit a breakpoint in your code,
you’ll lose those points.
3.6.2 Tracing packets
Every time a test is run, the command line output will specify a location for a pcap file. POX can produce
pcap (packet capture) files that allows you to use a network analyzer such as WireShark. The pcap is
automatically captured by Pox and written to the trace directory. To debug, download WireShark, go to
the File menu, and Open the pcap file. Note: you’ll see sequence numbers always starting at 0 on WireShark.
This is because the tool shows relative numbers (deltas) with respect to the initial sequence number.
3.7 Resources
Listed below are all the RFCs that went into the creation of this project. Note that these are only for
reference, and if there’s any contradiction between this specification and the RFCs, this document takes
• RFC 793 - Transmission Control Protocol
There are a bunch of RFCs that update or modify this. Additionally, the API it describes is not a
perfect match to the sockets API, which we follow more closely.
• RFC 1122 - Requirements for Internet Hosts – Communication Layers
Most notably, this contains some fixes/updates to RFC 793. Also contains discussion of zero window
• RFC 6298 - Computing TCP’s Retransmission Timer
The most up-to-date and comprehensive RFC on the retransmission timer. This includes all the
Karn/Partridge stuff.
3.8 Requirements
Before we get started with the implementation, let’s lay down some ground rules:
• Your TCP Socket implementation must live entirely in ext/cs168p2/; no other
files will be considered or usable during grading (so you may, for example, write additional test cases,
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but correct operation of your socket code must not rely on anything not in the
• You should not touch the POX code itself. Nor should you write code that dynamically modifies
POX, the simulator, or the tests. Additionally, don’t override any of the methods which aren’t clearly
intended to be overridden, and don’t alter any “constants.” You will receive zero credit for turning in
a solution that modifies the simulator itself or otherwise subverts the assignment. If you’re not sure
about something: ask.
• Your TCP Socket instances should communicate with other TCP Socket instances only via the
sending of packets. Global variables, class variables, calling methods on other instances, etc., are not
allowed—each TCP Socket instance should be entirely standalone!
• The skeleton code we provide for TCP Socket will already have several instance variables defined
for the class. Do not modify or remove these definitions; you’ll be using them during the project.
Similarly, do not remove any existing method definitions; you’ll be filling in their implementations.
• However, feel free to add your own instance variables and/or helper methods, as long as they don’t
break the provided tests.
• You should not need any additional import statements. It would be fine for you to use, say, Python’s
collections module. However, you should not use (or need to use!) the time, threading, or socket
modules. If you have questions, ask!
4 Getting Familiar
The most common way in which programs interact with the networking capabilities of operating systems
is via the Berkeley sockets API, invented right here at Berkeley. Applications call the socket API functions
in order to manage connections and to communicate.
All the code you write will be inside the StudentUSocket class. This is a subclass of StudentUSocketBase
that contains the interface to POX and a number of things which you shouldn’t really need to worry about
for this project. You’ll be writing up code in StudentUSocket to implement the rest of TCP.
4.1 Methods in skeleton code
All methods in the skeleton code you are provided have docstrings, but we summarize all of them here for
easier reference later in this specification.
class RXControlBlock (object)
nxt = 0 # next expected receive sequence number
wnd = 0 # receive window
irs = 0 # initial receive sequence number
class TXControlBlock (object)
una = 0 # oldest unacknowledged sequence number
nxt = 0 # next send sequence number to use
wnd = 0 # send window
wl1 = 0 # seg sequence num used for last window update
wl2 = 0 # seg ack num used for last window update)
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iss = 0 # initial send sequence number
class FinControl (object)
def acks_our_fin (self, ack)
def set_pending (self, next_state=None)
def try_send (self)
class RetxQueue(object)
def push (self, p)
def pop (self)
def pop_upto (self, seq_no)
def get_earliest_pkt (self)
def empty (self)
def peek (self)
class RecvQueue(RetxQueue)
def push (self, p)
class StudentUSocket(object)
def _do_timers (self)
def new_packet (self, ack=True, data=None, syn=False)
def close (self)
def acceptable_seg (self, seg, payload)
def connect (self, ip, port)
def tx (self, p, retxed=False)
def rx (self, packet)
def handle_synsent (self, seg)
def update_rto (self, acked_pkt)
def handle_accepted_payload (self, payload)
def update_window (self, seg)
def handle_accepted_ack (self, ack)
def check_ack (self, seg)
def handle_accepted_seg (self, seg, payload)
def maybe_send (self)
def start_timer_timewait (self)
def check_timer_timewait (self)
def check_timer_retx (self)
def set_pending_ack (self)
def maybe_send_pending_ack (self)
5 Sequence spaces and segments
Before we go on and talk about the project stages, we need to talk about the different kinds of sequences
spaces that TCP uses. Since you’ll be implementing the protocol itself, we will have to go into significant
detail here.
Each host in TCP needs to maintain a send sequence space and a receive sequence space. In this project,
the RXControlBlock is the data structure that keeps the send sequence space and is instantiated for you in
self.snd. TXControlBlock keeps the receive sequence space and is instantiated in self.rcv. 1 sequence space
usually corresponds to 1 octet, or 1 byte, but some packets occupy sequence space even though they don’t
carry any payload; more on this later.
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5.1 Sending data
Send Sequence Space
1 2 3 4
1 - old sequence numbers which have been acknowledged
2 - sequence numbers of unacknowledged data
3 - sequence numbers allowed for new data transmission
4 - future sequence numbers which are not yet allowed
Within the diagram, the definitions of each label are:
• SND.UNA: the oldest unacknowledged sequence number
• SND.NXT: the next sequence number to be sent
• SND.WND: the current send window (the receive window of the peer)
Therefore, when we send segments that are valid and occupy sequence space, we must increment SND.NXT.
FINs and SYNs occupy 1 sequence space and segments with payload occupy size of payload sequence
space. Furthermore, when the peer acknowledges new segments we have sent, we move SND.UNA to the
right to match the segment ack number. Finally, every segment we receive comes with a window field (the
window advertisement) which is the maximum buffer size that we can send to the peer (including packets
in flight).
5.2 Receiving data
Receive Sequence Space
1 2 3
1 - old sequence numbers which have been acknowledged
2 - sequence numbers allowed for new reception
3 - future sequence numbers which are not yet allowed
Within the diagram, the definitions of each label are:
• RCV.NXT: next sequence number expected on an incoming segments, and is the left or lower edge
of the receive window
• RCV.WND: the current size of our receive window
Therefore, when we receive segments they are stored starting at RCV.NXT, and up to RCV.WND bytes.
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5.3 Segments
We refer to segments as any TCP packet that we send or receive. TCP segments are usually encapsulated
in IP packets– we mostly ignore IP packets in this project, however, sometimes you’ll see that methods in
the socket class receive or send IP packets. The reason is because POX deals with IP packets. If at any
point the documentation says that p is an IP packet, you can get the TCP segment with doing p.tcp. In
this project, each TCP segment contains the following fields:
seg.seq - segment sequence number
seg.ack - segment acknowledgment number
seg.len - segment length - segment window
seg.ACK - whether this segment has the ACK flag set
seg.SYN - whether this segment has the SYN flag set
seg.FIN - whether this segment has the FIN flag set
The function new_packet() creates new segments for us so we can transmit them. Further, it sets the
segment’s sequence number equal to self.snd.nxt and the ack number to self.rcv.nxt.
6 Stages
To guide your implementation, we have split the implementation process into ten stages, each of which
covers one aspect of the project. Some of these are split into sub-stages. You should follow along stage by
stage, and by the end, you will have implemented a functional version of TCP, similar to what you find in
the Internet!
6.1 Three-way handshake
Every TCP connection begins with the three-way handshake. In this procedure, the client will try to establish
a connection with the server by first sending a packet, with the SYN flag set, of some sequence number
x. When the server receives this request, it will respond with a segment, with the ACK and SYN flags
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set, with ack number x + 1 and some sequence number y. The client will in turn respond to the server’s
SYNACK with a final segment with ACK flag set, sequence number x + 1 and ack number y + 1.
During the three-way handshake, the TCP socket will transition between a set of states. When the socket
is idle, it is in the CLOSED state. When a connection has been successfully established, it is in the
ESTABLISHED state. After the SYN has been sent but before the SYNACK is received, it is in the
SYN_SENT state. When we receive the final ACK, we move to ESTABLISHED. The internal state of the
socket is kept in self.state.
In this project, you do not need to implement a client that can respond to a separate SYN and ACK
packets. You can assume that the server will respond with a single SYNACK packet.
1. Begin by taking a look the the connect() function. This function is called by the the application
and should start the procedure by sending the initial SYN packet. Build a new packet with the
SYN flag set, transmit this packet, and change the connection state to SYN_SENT. Remember to
manually set the sequence number for this packet to the initial sequence number. Hint: The send()
and maybe_send() functions do additional processing we don’t need here. Use the raw tx() function.
2. The SYNACK the client receives should be handled by the handle_synsent() function. All packet
receives are handled in rx()– modify the function such that if the current state is SYN_SENT, it calls
handle_synsent() with the new segmen.
3. In handle_synsent(), if the ACK for the SYN is acceptable (this code is given to you), set the variables
self.rcv.nxt, self.snd.una to appropriate values. Hint: You want to use modulo operators, check out, which performs arithmetic operations assuming 32-bit unsigned integers that can
wrap around.
4. Still in handle_synsent(), if the new oldest unacknowledged sequence number is larger than our initial
sequence number, then this ACK is acking our SYN. If so, move state to ESTABLISHED and then
express that we want to send an ACK (see set_pending_ack()). We don’t directly send the ACK
because we want to send as few packets as possible, so we try to merge ACKs and combine ACKs
with data. Once there is a pending ack, rx() will take care of the actual sending. As we will see in
more detail in a later stage, every segment we receive advertises a send window, and this ACK is no
exception, so make sure to also call update_window().
At this point your socket should do 3 way handshake correctly. You can now run Stage 1 tests.
6.2 Receiving In Order Data
In this stage you’ll add support for in-order data arrival to the client. Received in-order data should be stored
in rx_data. Consider the scenario where you are receiving 3 packets with payloads that don’t overlap: p1,
p2, p3. If all of these packets arrive, and they do so in order, then your implementation should simply copy
p1, p2, p3 to rx_data and you are done. However, if we assume p2 is lost, then your client will receive
and store p1, and then it will receive p3. At this point, you can’t store p3 in rx_data, as you would be
corrupting your receive buffer (you don’t know how large p2 could be!). Instead, for now, you’d need to
drop p3 and send an ack back to the server requesting p2.
You will implement the functions handle_accepted_seg() and handle_accepted_payload(). handle_accepted_seg()
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is called by rx() after a segment has been validated by acceptable_seg() to be within the receive window;
these are some tricky checks, but we provide this code for you.
1. Begin by modifying rx(). If the segment is acceptable, call handle_accepted_seg() on the segment.
However, you should only do this if the segment is in-order, i.e., it is the next segment you are
expecting (see rcv.nxt)! If you receive an out-of-order packet, set a pending ack and drop the packet
here (but allow the rest of rx() to execute).
2. TCP can only process the payload if the state is one of ESTABLISHED, FIN_WAIT_1, or FIN_WAIT_2,
and if the length of the payload is non-zero. Implement this functionality in handle_accepted_seg().
If both conditions are true, call handle_accepted_payload() on the payload.
3. In handle_accepted_payload(), increment then next expected byte (self.rcv.nxt). Also, decrement
the size of the receive window size by the same quantity. Then we append the payload to rx_data.
Finally set a pending ACK.
Hint: Every time you add numbers or increment number in your send or receive sequence space,
think if an overflow could occur.
6.3 Receiving Out of Order Data
In the previous stage we dropped packets that were out of order, while acking the segment we were waiting
for. In this stage we will improve on this by temporarily keeping any out-of-order segments until we can
process them in-order. For example, if we are supposed to receive packets p1, p2, p3, but p2 is lost, we
would only get p1 and then p3. Instead of dropping p3 (as done in the previous stage), we can store it in
a receive queue and send an ack requesting p2. For the receive queue, we use rx_queue, an object of type
RecvQueue. When p2 arrives, we process it (by calling handle_accepted_seg() on it) and this allows us to
process p3 as well. Although we can temporarily store packets that arrive out of order, we must process
them in order.
A payload overlap can occur for various reasons, but it essentially means that you need to handle situations
where the payloads partially overlap across subsequent segments. If this happens, you need to remove some
octets from the beginning of one of the segment’s payload.
1. Back in rx(), we just called handle_accepted_seg() if the state was in one of many that allowed
incoming segments. Instead of doing that, simply insert the segment into the rx_queue—we will
process the queue in the next step.
2. The rx() function a good place to check if we can process any in-order segments from the receive
queue. Every time rx() is called, there is a chance that the next in-order segment is available for
processing in the queue.
(a) If the packet with the smallest sequence number from the queue is larger than the currently next
expected sequence number for incoming segments, then the packet is out of order. In this case,
simply set a pending ack and allow the rest of rx() to execute.
(b) Otherwise, pop that packet from the queue, extract the payload (or a subset of the payload in
case of an overlap) and call handle_accepted_seg() on it. Continue doing this until the queue is
empty or until the next packet is not in-order.
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Hint: When doing comparisons or arithmetic on any sequence space number use modulo operators!
Hint: self.rcv.nxt - p.tcp.seq gives the start of the slice of the payload that is so far unprocessed—
useful if there is a payload overlap!
6.4 Simple Sending of Data
Now that we can set up a connection and receive data, the next step is to implement the ability to send data
and react to ACKs. When sending data, ACKs from the peer tells us what they have successfully received
so far. Applications call the socket function send() with data, and the function fills the transmit buffer
(tx_data) with the data. The function maybe_send() is called by send() and by rx() and is responsible for
sending as much as the send window allows (snd.wnd).
1. First, we will add code to maintain our send sequence space; among other things, this will tell us
what the peer has received so far. In check_ack() add code to implement the following checks and
(a) If snd.una < seg.ack ≤ snd.nxt, the ack number of the received segment is in 2 of the send
sequence space (see diagram in 5.1), and this means one of the packets we sent was just ACKed!
In this case, call handle_accepted_ack() on the segment.
(b) Otherwise, if seg.ack < snd.una (1 in send sequence space), then this is an old ACK. In this
case, drop the packet, that is, don’t allow the rest of handle_accepted_seg() to execute. However,
do allow the rest of check_ack() to execute.
(c) Otherwise, if the ack has a sequence number that you haven’t sent, i.e., seg.ack snd.nxt (3
or 4 in send sequence space), then set a pending ack and drop the packet; don’t allow the rest
of check_ack() to execute.
2. Now implement handle_accepted_ack(). For this stage, we only handle in-order ACKs for data that
we have sent, therefore, all you have to do for now is update the variable that keeps track of
unacknowledged sequence numbers so far.
3. Now that we have the ability to handle ACKs for data we have sent, let’s implement support to
segmentize and send packets. The function maybe_send() is used to send as much of the transmit
buffer as possible, that is, you need to send data currently stored in tx_data. While doing so, you
need to maintain the following conditions:
(a) Trivial, but you can’t send more data than what tx_data has.
(b) In sum, you can’t send more data than what your send window allows, including packets in flight.
(c) While segmentizing tx_data, each segment needs to be equal or smaller in size than the max
segment size. This is provided for you in self.mss.
Transmit each segment using tx().
Hint: The size of the send window is self.snd.wnd. How can you use the other variables in your send
sequence space to compute the amount of data in flight?
4. The last part is to actually transmit the data. Currently the function tx() hands off the packet to the
manager, which does the actual sending. Before handing off the packet, update the next sequence
number to be sent in your send sequence space for the case that you send a packet with payload.
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6.5 Honor Advertised Window
Welcome to the shortest stage of this project. In the previous stage, you already implemented obeying the
send window when segmentizing data, but so far the value for self.snd.wnd was TX_MAX_DATA, which
is not correct. Every time a packet is received, the sender advertises the maximum window size it wants
the other side to use for sending.
1. Correctly assign the send window in update_window() to the value the segment advertises. On a full
implementation of TCP, this would be set to the min of the advertised window and the congestion
control window, but since we won’t be implementing congestion control, you should ignore this fact.
6.6 Passive Close
We now turn to connection teardown. Broadly speaking, in TCP there are two graceful shutdown procedures:
active close and passive close. The difference lies in who initiates the close—the side that initiates it is
defined as the active closer, and the side that responds to the close, the passive closer.
In passive close, a FIN packet is received by our client, and we must respond with an ACK for the FIN and
enter CLOSE_WAIT. When an application calls close() in our client, we send a FIN. At this point we enter
LAST_ACK, where we stay until our FIN is ACKed.
1. When a FIN arrives, handle_accepted_seg() will call handle_accepted_fin(). Modify handle_accepted_fin()
to update the next sequence number expected in our receive sequence space. We also set a pending
ACK for the FIN. Then we need to update our state, move to the appropriate state if the current
state is ESTABLISHED. Now the protocol will wait until the application in our host calls close()
2. In close(), do the following if the state is the one you moved to in the previous step. You need to set
a pending FIN, and we provide code for you to do that—use FinControl. The function you’ll use also
receives a parameter to move to the next appropriate state when the FIN is actually sent, so be sure
to fill that out.
3. Finally, once we get the ACK for our FIN, we can close the connection without further waiting. In
check_ack(), add the following code if the state is the one you moved to in the previous step. Check
if the ACK we are just received acks the FIN we sent (again, see FinControl). If so, we close the
socket by calling _delete_tcb().
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6.7 Active Close
On active close, our host is the one that calls close() first, so we send initial FIN packet. Depending on
whether we get an ACK followed by a FIN, a FIN-ACK, or a FIN followed by an ACK, there are three paths
our state transition can follow. The end result of all three paths is to transition into TIME_WAIT, where
we wait for a unique amount of time (30 seconds in the project, see TIMER_TIMEWAIT) in case our last
ACK gets lost. Afterwards, the socket closes and transitions into CLOSED.
The state all the paths in active close want to reach is TIME_WAIT. Every time you want to transition
to this state, simply call start_timer_timewait(). This will start the TIME WAIT timer, and will move the
state to TIME_WAIT too, so you don’t have to do it manually.
1. The first step is to react accordingly when an application calls close(). Therefore, in close() change
the state to FIN_WAIT_1, and set a pending FIN if the current state is ESTABLISHED.
2. In handle_accepted_fin(), do the following if the state is FIN_WAIT_1:
(a) If the ACK received acks our FIN, it means that the FIN we just received was a FIN-ACK, so we
can transition directly to TIME_WAIT.
(b) If the FIN received does not ack our FIN, then we should transition to CLOSING. This is the
simultaneous close, when we receive the other side’s FIN before getting the ACK for our FIN.
3. In check_ack(), transition from FIN_WAIT_1 to FIN_WAIT_2 if the ACK we received acks the FIN
we sent. This path in the diagram is if we receive the ACK before the other side’s FIN.
4. In check_ack(), transition from CLOSING to TIME_WAIT if the ACK we received acks the FIN we
sent. This path completes the transition for simultaneous close.
5. We are almost done! In handle_accepted_fin(), the only transition we are missing is from FIN_WAIT_2
to TIME_WAIT, which happens if we receive a FIN while in FIN_WAIT_2. Implement it and you
are done with connection teardown!
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6.8 Send retransmission
In stage 4 we implemented simple in-order send of segments. However, we didn’t handle the case where
sent packets are lost. In this stage, we’ll handle sent drop packets by retransmitting them. Instead of an
actual timer with an interrupt, retransmits in this project work by tagging every packet with a timestamp
of the time at which they are originally transmitted. Before each packet is transmitted for the first time, it
is added to a retrasmit queue (see retx_queue and RetxQueue). Packets are removed from the retransmit
queue when they are ACKed. Every 100 milliseconds, the earliest packet (oldest) in the retransmit queue is
inspected to see if it has expired and if so, it is retransmitted. Only SYNs, FINs and segments with payload
are retransmitted–we don’t need to retransmit ACKs.
The Retransmit Timeout (RTO) is how long we should wait before a packet times out and needs to be
retransmitted, and is given by rto. On this stage, the RTO is fixed to 1 second.
1. In tx(), tag every IP packet that is being transmitted for the first time with the current simulation
time stamp. Do this by setting the tx_ts attribute of the IP packet. The current time is defined by
the attribute
2. Further, we tag each IP packet that has been retransmitted at least once with the retxed attribute
set to True. So, we add a packet to the retransmit queue only if it is the first time that is being
3. Now let’s fill out check_timer_retx() that checks the retransmit queue. If there are packets in the
queue, peek the earliest, or ol packet from the queue. Compute how long that packet has been in
the queue by using the time when it was added to the retransmit queue, and the current time. If the
packet has been in the queue longer than or equal to rto, then retransmit this packet. Retransmit
one packet at most every time check_timer_retx() is called.
4. Now we have to remove packets from the retransmission queue when they are ACKed. Implement
this in handle_accepted_ack(). Hint: RetxQueue has a pop_upto method.
6.9 RTO Update & RTT Estimation
In the previous stage, we assumed the RTO was fixed at 1 second. As we saw in class, we need to actually
update this value frequently to avoid sending duplicate packets on a high latency link. The RTT (Round
Trip Time) is defined as the difference between the time a packet was sent and the time at which its
ACK was received. We can compute this number by using the tx_ts attribute you set when transmitting a
packet in the previous stage. The RTT is used to properly determine the RTO and must be estimated by
measuring how long it took for a packet to be ACKed.
1. To begin, the RTO should be doubled every time there is a retransmitted packet. Implement this in
check_timer_retx() when the packet is retransmitted. The RTO should never exceed MAX_RTO,
so cap RTO to it.
2. We want to update the RTO whenever we get a new packet ACKed, but only if that packet is a clean
sample. For every packet ACKed by a new received ACK, check if that packet has been retransmitted.
If it is a clean sample, call update_rto() on the packet.
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3. update_rto() is called by handle_accepted_ack(), and takes an acked packet and updates self.rto
by re-estimating the RTT. The following attributes are already declared for you, and you must only
modify rto, srtt and rttvar; do not modify the others.
self.rto = 1 # retransmission timeout
self.srtt = 0 # smoothed round-trip time (estimated RTT)
self.rttvar = 0 # round-trip time variation (estimated Deviation)
self.alpha = 1.0/8
self.beta = 1.0/4
self.K = 4
self.G = 0 # clock granularity
The following sections from RFC 6298 will also be very helpful:
(2.2) When the first RTT measurement R is made, the host MUST set
RTO <- SRTT + max (G, K*RTTVAR)
(2.3) When a subsequent RTT measurement R' is made, a host MUST set
RTTVAR <- (1 - beta) * RTTVAR + beta * |SRTT - R'|
SRTT <- (1 - alpha) * SRTT + alpha * R'
The value of SRTT used in the update to RTTVAR is its value
before updating SRTT itself using the second assignment. That
is, updating RTTVAR and SRTT MUST be computed in the above
The above SHOULD be computed using alpha=1/8 and beta=1/4 (as
suggested in [JK88]).
After the computation, a host MUST update
RTO <- SRTT + max (G, K*RTTVAR)
Finally, clamp the new RTO to self.MAX_RTO and self.MIN_RTO.
6.10 Survey
Congrats on reaching the end! The last step is just to fill out the anonymous 2 minute survey for this
project, which is worth 1% of the project. At the end of the survey is a secret word. Fill in the secret_word
variable of the function proj2_survey to get this point.
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7 Grading
Submission instructions will be posted on Piazza before the deadline. Be sure to familiarize yourself with
the late policy outlined in the syllabus on the course website.
100% of your grade will come from the unit tests that we have provided to you. 99% of your grade is
split equally among the 9 stages (i.e., 11% for each stage). The last 1% comes from Stage 10, the survey.
Within each stage, all tests are weighted equally.
Any further details on grading will be posted on Piazza. To submit, upload your file
to Gradescope.
You must solve this project individually. You may not share your code or show your code with anyone,
including any custom test code that you may write. You may discuss the assignment requirements or your
solutions—away from a computer and without sharing code—but you should not discuss the detailed nature
of your solution. Also, don’t put your code in a public repository.
We expect you all to uphold high academic integrity and pride in doing your own work. 23% of academic
misconduct cases at a certain junior university are in Computer Science.2 Let’s be better than this. If you get
stuck on the project, come to project office hours as early as possible. Assignments suspected of cheating
or forgery will be handled according to the Student Code of Conduct3
7.1 Test Details
On all tests, we are the client, the peer is the server. All tests for a given stage assumes the previous stage’s
functionality is correct (except in stage 1).
7.1.1 Stage 1
1. 3 way handshake
(a) Packet 1 comes from client, has SYN flags only
(b) Packet 2 comes from server, has SYNACK flags, correct ack num, client state is SYN_SENT
(c) Packet 3 comes from client, has SYNACK flags, correct ack num, client state is ESTABLISHED
2. Same as previous one but the server’s initial sequence number is set at wraparound boundary.
7.1.2 Stage 2
1. Receive 1 packet with payload from server. Check theres only 1 packet with payload. Check correct
number of packets. Check sequence numbers. Check that received data is correct.
2. Same as test 1 but 3 packets with payload.
3. Same as test 1 but 50 packets with payload.
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4. Same as test 1 but router drops the packet with payload once, client should request it (ack it) and
server should retransmit it.
5. Same as test 4 but receive 3 packets. Router will drop interleaved packets with payload (drop 1st,
let 2nd pass, drop 3rd, etc.) Each packet is dropped once tops so retransmissions are not dropped.
6. Same as test 5 but receive 15 packets.
7.1.3 Stage 3
1. Receive 1 packet with payload from server. Check data is correctly received. Drop the packet once
and then allow it to pass only once. So one successful transmission should be enough for client to
get the packet.
2. Same as 1 but receive 3 packets and allow them to pass in an interleaved fashion. Each packet is
allowed to pass once tops.
3. Same as 2 but receive 15 packets.
4. Same as 2 but set server’s initial sequence number close to wrap around boundary.
5. Same as 3 but set server’s initial sequence number close to wrap around boundary.
7.1.4 Stage 4
1. Client sends 1 packet to server, check the server receives all data correctly.
2. Same as 1, but send 3 packets.
3. Same as 1, but send 50 packet.
4. Same as 2, but set server’s initial sequence number close to wrap around boundary.
5. Same as 3, but set server’s initial sequence number close to wrap around boundary.
7.1.5 Stage 5
1. Set the server’s receive window to 1 byte. Client sends 300 bytes, must send 300 packets.
2. Set the server’s receive window to 199 bytes. Client sends 1990 bytes, must send 10 packets.
7.1.6 Stage 6
1. Test 3 way handshake. 4th packet is FIN+ACK from server. 5th packet ACK from client. 6th packet
FIN+ACK from client. 7th packet ACK from server. Client transitions correctly on passive close
2. Test 1 plus set server’s initial sequence number close to wrap around boundary.
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7.1.7 Stage 7
1. Active close, close connection from client side. Client must send FIN, receives FIN+ACK, sends ACK.
Their state transition is ESTABLISHED, FIN_WAIT_1, TIME_WAIT. The time-wait timer should
go off and they should end in CLOSE state.
2. close() after send(). While data is still in the transmit buffer, client calls close(). Should wait until
after all data is sent before sending the FIN.
7.1.8 Stage 8
1. Client sends data. Drop acks from server that correspond to the beginning of the payload, but allow
acks that correspond to the end of the payload to reach the client. Client should not retransmit
2. Client sends one packet. The packet is dropped once. Client should retransmit it after 1 second.
3. Client sends 10 packets of data. Drop interleaved packets but each one is dropped once tops. Client
should retransmit dropped packets.
7.1.9 Stage 9
1. Client sends 100 packets, one packet every 25 ms. R1-R2 link latency is set to 200ms. By the end,
SRTT should be within +-10% of the RTT. All data should reach server.
2. Test 1 but set link latency to 500ms. SRTT should be within +-5% of the RTT.
3. Test 1 but drop ≈4% of the packets going to server. By end, RTO must be less than 32, SRTT less
than 16, and RTTVAR more than 1.5.
7.1.10 Survey
1. Check that hash matches.

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