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NCSU ECE 460/560 Embedded System Architectures Version 1.0 
For this project you will modify a program to recover CPU idle time in two ways. The program reads data from and writes
data to a µSD card using the SPI interface. The CPU is fast enough that at times it waits for a SPI byte transfer to complete,
and at other times it waits for the µSD card’s controller to complete an operation. You will modify the base program to
create two different versions: in Part A you will use a non‐preemptive, non‐prioritized scheduler (a while(1) loop which calls
task functions) while in Part B you will use a preemptive, prioritized scheduler (the RTX5 real‐time kernel).
The base program uses the open source SD card interface code ulibSD (available on github) by Nelson Lombardo based on
work by Chan. The program does the following:
 Initializes card controller
 Repeats these steps, starting with the first sector and then advancing.
o Reads the next 100 sectors (blocks) of data (each 512 bytes long) from the µSD card.
o Writes test data to the next sector and reads it back to verify correct operation.
 Also does make‐work (approximating π) which represents other processing/threads in the program.
You will need a working µSD flash memory card to complete this project. The code will erase and rewrite sectors, so be sure
to copy any critical information off the card before using it for this project. The card can be of any size; 1 GB is more than
You will use your logic analyzer extensively to examine the system’s behavior by probing the SPI communication signals as
well as debug signals (twiddle bits) which you’ll add to the code.
The µSD card communication approach is described in detail in the SD Specifications listed in “Further Information” below.
Here is a quick summary. An SD or µSD card contains a flash memory array (for data storage), a controller and multiple
communication interfaces (one generic single‐bit SPI interface and faster, proprietary multi‐bit interfaces). The MCU will
use the SPI interface to talk with the SD card controller. The MCU operates as the master and initiates all communications;
the card controller is the slave and can only respond. After power‐up (or card insertion), the MCU must initialize the card
controller and select SPI communications.
SPI communications are bit‐serial, byte‐oriented and full‐duplex (there are two data lines, MOSI and MISO). A SPI data
transfer simultaneously transfers a byte from the master to the slave (via MOSI) and another from the slave to the master
(via MISO). Refer to Chapter 8 of Embedded Systems Fundamentals and the SPI chapter of the KL25Z Subfamily Reference
Manual for SPI details.
The master must ensure the card controller is ready before sending a command. The master does this by polling the card
controller for its status, repeating until the status is correct. The master can then send a command. The master must poll
the controller to determine if the command has been processed and completed. SD commands available with the SPI
interface are listed in Chapter 7 of the SD Specifications: Physical Layer Simplified Specification.
NCSU ECE 460/560 Embedded System Architectures Version 1.0
 The SPI interface communicates with the µSD controller.
 The supplied code uses a timer (LPTMR0) to measure time for delays.
 You will use GPIO peripherals for outputs to indicate current system activity by asserting debug signals on Port B.
 Embedded Systems Fundamentals, Chapters 3 and 8 (especially introduction and SPI).
 FRDM‐KL25Z Subfamily Reference Manual.
 SD Specifications: Part 1 Physical Layer Simplified Specification, Version 6.00, April 10, 2017, SD Card Association
Technical Committee. Located in project’s Documents folder.
 How to use MMC/SDC, http://elm‐
 RTX v5:
 Source code for uLibSD, Do not use this code for this project, as it lacks necessary
modifications. Instead use the code from the class NCSU github repository.
This version of the SD card program uses round‐robin, non‐preemptive task scheduling, provided by the function Scheduler
in main.c. It calls three tasks repeatedly:
 Task_Makework is an arbitrary task representing other work in the system which could continue executing during
idle time in the SD card accesses. Recovering idle time from the SD and SPI operations will let this task run more
often and finish sooner. This task slowly approximates π using double‐precision floating point math.
 Task_Test_SD initializes the SD card and then repeatedly scans through the card with this sequence: reading 100
sectors and then writing one sector (verifying the data was written correctly). This task does not access the SD card
directly, but instead sends commands to Task_SD_Server which processes them. See Figure 1. This is a common
design architecture for non‐preemptively‐scheduled systems which must be responsive despite slow or potentially
blocking operations.
 Task_SD_Server carries out commands to initialize the card, read a sector or write a sector. You are encouraged to
examine the inter‐task (Task_Test_SD <‐ Task_SD_Server) communication mechanism, but it is not a requirement
for this project.
Figure 1. Communication between SD tasks and µSD card
NCSU ECE 460/560 Embedded System Architectures Version 1.0
Figure 2. Finite state machine for Task_Test_SD Figure 3. Finite state machine for Task_SD_Server
All three of these tasks are implemented as finite state machines in order to improve responsiveness. The FSMs for the two
latter tasks are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. Task_Makework operates iteratively and the function body is one state.
Add code to create and control the software‐generated debug signals as shown in the table below. These will be used in
timing analysis, debugging, generating screenshots for your report, and grading. Refer to the appendix for an example of
the signals in action.

Signal Name Shield Signal Logic Analyzer
HW or SW
SPI DO (MISO) DO 1 HW MISO (master in, slave out)
SPI DI (MOSI) DI 2 HW MOSI (master out, slave in)
SPI CS CS 3 HW SPI Chip Select (active low)
SD_Read Debug 2 5 SW
Set to 1 immediately after entry to this function, clear to 0
immediately before returning from this function.
SD_Write Debug 3 6 SW
SD_Init Debug 4 7 SW
Task_SD_Server Debug 5 8 SW
Task_Test_SD Debug 6 9 SW
Task_Makework Debug 7 10 SW
NCSU ECE 460/560 Embedded System Architectures Version 1.0
Task_SD_Server calls three functions (SD_Init, SD_Read and SD_Write) directly. These functions take a long time to
complete, increasing the maximum state time for Task_SD_Server. You will convert the three functions SD_Init, SD_Read
and SD_Write into finite state machines, where each state meets the timing budget shown below. Use the approach
described in the lecture Converting C Tasks to FSMs.
Table 1. Timing budgets (maximum state times)
Function ECE 460 ECE 560
Full Credit 10% Extra Credit Full Credit 10% Extra Credit
SD_Init 1 ms 500 µs 250 µs 100 µs
SD_Read 1 ms 500 µs 200 µs 75 µs
SD_Write 1 ms 500 µs 200 µs 75 µs
You will also need to convert Task_SD_Server where it calls your new FSM versions of these three functions. Because the
FSM function may return before completing, the calling function will need to determine if the FSM completed before it can
test the result.
The general case of generating FSMs which cross function call boundaries (i.e. splitting an FSM state within a called
function) is complex. However, this program’s calling structure simplifies the FSM generation process.
 First, only one function (Task_SD_Server) calls SD_Init, SD_Read or SD_Write.
 Second, these three functions are never called in an interleaved way: a new function is never started until the
previously called function has completed (returned an idle status, indicating completion).
With these two limitations we do not need to consider the possibility of multiple callers or interleaved accesses, so
Task_SD_Server can safely call the FSM versions without significant modifications.
You are recommended to follow this procedure for each function (Task_SD_Server, SD_Read, SD_Write, SD_Init). Note that
the report template identifies the diagrams and analysis required.
1. Use a logic analyzer to determine the SPI communication rate for the starter code.
2. Raise the SPI bit rate by modifying the function SPI_Freq_High in spi_io.c. The faster you can run the SPI link, the
fewer states you’ll need in your FSMs. Refer to Chapter 8 of the textbook and the SPI chapter of the KL25
Subfamily Reference Manual for details.
3. Add twiddle output bits to understand the timing of the three SD functions. Some debug outputs and macros have
been defined for you already in debug.h, but you’ll need to add code in your SD functions to set, clear or toggle the
bits (see next item).
4. Use a logic analyzer to determine function timing information. Trigger the logic analyzer on the rising edge of the
function’s twiddle bit. You may need use single run (capture) mode to trigger only on the first rising edge. See the
example timeline screenshot in the appendix. You can determine how long the function takes to reach a given
NCSU ECE 460/560 Embedded System Architectures Version 1.0
internal point by inserting a call to DEBUG_TOGGLE(channel number) there. Use these signals to identify when the
a. starts (sets the bit)
b. finishes (clears the bit)
c. is blocking in a waiting loop (toggles the bit twice)
5. Mark the diagram to identify the types of time segments for each function:
a. Compute: Depends only on computation time.
b. I/O‐SD: Delay mainly due to waiting for SD card controller. Making SPI infinitely fast would not reduce this
segment significantly.
c. I/O‐SPI: Delay mainly due to waiting for SPI data transfer rate. Making the SD card controller infinitely fast
would not reduce this segment significantly.
d. Other/None of the above
6. Obtain or create a CFG for each of the three functions which will be turned into FSMs. The CFGs for SD_Init and
SD_Write have been provided for you as PDFs in the project’s Documents directory. They were created using a
commercial code analysis tool (CrystalFLOW for C, by SGV Software Automation Research Corp.). You will need to
draw a CFG for SD_Read.
7. Examine the CFG and mark the loops with unknown or long durations.
8. The CFG can be thought of as an FSM with all the code contained in a single state. Split this state into multiple
states which meet the timing goals (e.g. no more than X ms in any state).
9. Convert the function’s code to implement the FSM you designed above. Modify the input and output data
mechanisms (function parameters and return value) as described in the C to FSM lecture notes and as discussed in
class. Note that you will need to modify the calling function to repeatedly call an FSM function until its return
status is idle.
10. Verify the FSM works properly.

NCSU ECE 460/560 Embedded System Architectures Version 1.0
The starter program for Part 2B is a bare‐bones version which lacks the SD server task and instead directly accesses the SD
card. Task_Test_SD does not use an FSM because it is not needed. Using a preemptive scheduler allows the program to be
structured in a more natural form and simplifies development. Start with Project_2B_Base (derived from ulibSD) and
modify it as needed to use RTX5 as described in the Procedure section below.
Add code to create and control the software‐generated debug signals as shown in the table below. These will be used in
timing analysis, debugging, generating screenshots for your report, and grading. Note that these signals are slightly
different from the Part A debug signals.
Signal Name Shield
Logic Analyzer
HW or SW
SPI DO (MISO) DO 1 HW MISO (master in, slave out)
SPI DI (MOSI) DI 2 HW MOSI (master out, slave in)
SPI CS CS 3 HW SPI Chip Select (active low)
SPI_RW Debug 1 4 SW
Set to 1 when function starts executing, toggle once per busy‐wait
loop, set to 1 after exiting busy‐wait loop, clear to 0 at end of
SD_Read Debug 2 5 SW
SD_Write Debug 3 6 SW
SD_Send_Cmd Debug 4 7 SW
SD_Init Debug 5 8 SW
SPI ISR Debug 6 9 SW Set to 1 when SPI1 ISR starts executing, clear to 0 at end of ISR
Idle Debug 7 10 SW Toggle once per iteration of osRtxIdleThread loop
Use the following procedure to develop your code. Where specified, take logic analyzer screenshots for your report.
1. Start with the starter code for Project 2B.
2. Add debug signals (twiddle bits) to understand the timing of the three SD functions. Some debug outputs have
been defined for you already in debug.h, but you’ll need to add code in the SD and SPI functions to set, clear or
toggle the bits.
You will change the code to execute on an RTOS.
3. Add CMSIS‐RTOS2 support as described in the lecture slides on Developing RTOS‐Based Applications.
a. Set the system tick frequency to 2 kHz (change from the default of 1 kHz).
b. Disable round‐robin thread switching.
c. Turn the functions Task_Makework and Task_Test_SD into threads.
d. Verify proper code operation and debug signal behavior.
NCSU ECE 460/560 Embedded System Architectures Version 1.0
4. Add code to the function osRtxIdleThread (in RTX_Config.c):
a. Toggle the idle debug signal once per loop iteration. Use this to view when the idle loop is executing.
b. Create a global uint32_t variable called idle_counter, initialized to 0. Increment idle_counter each time
through the idle loop.
5. Add code to determine the idle_counter value for one second of idle time. This code must read the idle_counter
before and after a one‐second call to osDelay() with no other threads active. The difference in readings indicates
the “100% idle for one second” reading of idle_counter. You will use this value later to determine how much idle
time is available in various functions.
a. What is the “100% idle for one second” value for idle_counter?
6. Idle loop analysis
a. How long is an average idle loop iteration (based on 100 iterations)? Include a screenshot.
b. How often does the scheduler tick run, and how long does it take each time? Determine this using the
gaps in the idle debug signal. What fraction of the processor’s time does the timer tick use? Include a
7. How long does each of the following functions take, and how long is each segment (computation, SPI comm. for
polling, other SPI comm.)? Include a screenshot marked to indicate the busy waiting time.
a. SD_Init
b. SD_Read
c. SD_Write
SD_Init has a mix of operations, including a time delay, SPI communications with time‐outs and polling the SD card.
8. Replace the 500 ms time delay operation in SD_Init with an osDelay call. If you wish to make your delays consistent
regardless of tick frequency, you need to use the function osKernelGetTickFreq(), which returns the tick frequency
in Hz.
9. Add code to read idle_counter before and after the SD_Init operation to determine available idle time.
10. Analysis
a. How long does SD_Init take to execute? How long is each segment now? Include a screenshot.
b. How much idle time is available now, based on idle_counter?
c. Do these values differ from the previous implementation? Why or why not?
The SD_Read function sends a “read block” command (CMD17) and uses a while loop to poll the SD card. The card returns a
token with a value of 0xFF until the read has completed.
11. Change this code to use an osDelay() call to reduce the polling frequency to once per timer tick.
12. Analysis
a. How long does the SD_Read function take to complete? How long is each segment now? Include a
b. How much idle time is available now, based on idle_counter?
c. Do the times differ from the previous implementation? Why or why not?
NCSU ECE 460/560 Embedded System Architectures Version 1.0
The SD_Write function sends a “write block” command (CMD24) and the data to be written, and then uses a while loop to
poll the SD card. The card returns a token with a value of 0xFF until the write has completed.
13. Change this code to use an osDelay() call to reduce the polling frequency to once per timer tick. Include a
screenshot from the logic analyzer.
14. Analysis
a. How long does the SD_Read function take to complete? How long is each segment now? Include a
b. How much idle time is available now, based on idle_counter?
c. Do the times differ from the previous implementation? Why or why not?
SPI_RW has two busy‐waiting loops. The first waits until the transmit buffer is empty, and the second waits until the receive
buffer is full. At low SPI bit rates (in SD_Init) these loops waste large amounts of time, but high rates they waste much less
time. You will modify the code to use the SPI interrupt, its ISR and an RTOS message queue to eliminate the second busy‐
waiting loop. You will change SPI_RW’s receive buffer wait to use either the original busy‐waiting loop or an OS wait
(specifically, a blocking call to osMessageQueueGet()).
15. Create a SPI message queue which can hold up to eight bytes (char) using osMessageQueueNew().
16. Add support for the two different waiting modes.
a. Create a variable in spi_io.c which determines which waiting mode to use.
b. The second loop in SPI_RW() waits until the receive buffer is full. Add another version which calls
osMessageQueueGet() in order to get the latest data byte received from SPI1. Select between the two
versions based on the waiting mode.
17. Add SPI1 interrupt support.
a. Create an interrupt service routine SPI1_IRQHandler() in SPI_IO.c to read the received data byte and put
in in the SPI message queue. This ISR must indicate its start (and end) of execution activity by setting (and
clearing) the ISR debug output signal.
b. Modify SPI_Freq_High() to disable the SPI1 interrupt and select the busy‐wait mode.
c. Modify SPI_Freq_Low() to enable the SPI1 interrupt and select the OS wait mode.
18. SPI Processing Analysis. Consider the operations occurring when executing SPI_RW() once (assuming
SPI_Freq_Low() has been called). Mark these events and times on a screenshot.
a. How long does SPI_RW() take to execute (DBG_SPI_RW rising edge to falling edge)?
b. How much of this time is used for SPI communications (observe SPI Clock)?
c. How much idle time is available during an execution of SPI_RW()?
d. What is the delay from SPI communication completion to the start of SPI1_IRQHandler()? How much of
this is the Cortex‐M0+ CPU’s delay in responding to an interrupt (see ESF chapter 4 and KL25 Reference
e. How long does SPI1_IRQHandler() take to execute?
f. What is the delay from the SPI1_IRQHandler() completing to SPI_RW() completing? How much of this is
the Cortex‐M0+ CPU’s delay in responding to an interrupt (see ESF chapter 4 and KL25 Reference
Manual)? What else causes this delay?

NCSU ECE 460/560 Embedded System Architectures Version 1.0
19. 560‐Only: Alternatives
a. Why are we using a message queue instead of simply inserting osDelay(1) calls in the SPI_RW() blocking
b. Why didn’t we change the first blocking loop in SPI_RW?
c. Estimate how long it would take for SPI_RW() to execute if we raised the SPI bit rate to 1 MHz.
20. Thread Analysis
a. How long does SD_Init take to execute? How long is each segment now? Include a screenshot.
b. How much idle time is available now, based on idle_counter?
c. Do these values differ from the previous implementation? Why or why not?
The original code uses a hardware timer (LPTMR0) to provide time‐outs on certain SD operations. The RTOS has similar
functionality using the SysTick timer and software. The osKernelGetTickCount() function returns the current kernel tick
count. The osKernelGetSysTimerCount() function returns the current value of the hardware timer (SysTick Timer), but you
probably don’t need such fine‐grain timing resolution.
21. Find all of the loops with time‐outs in the functions (SD_Read, SD_Write, SD_Init) and explain what each loop does
and what the timeout period is.
22. Change the code to free up LPTMR0 by using the RTOS timer tick support functions (described above) to provide
equivalent time‐outs instead.
 Zipped archives of project directories for Part A and Part B submitted via Moodle. Reduce the archive sizes by
cleaning the project targets in MDK‐ARM before zipping the directory (Project ‐ Clean Targets, or Shift‐F7).
 Project report. Use provided Project 2 template.
NCSU ECE 460/560 Embedded System Architectures Version 1.0
Figure 4. Example of logic analyzer output showing typical task and function debug signals when triggered by start of SD_Write.
Figure 5. Example of logic analyzer output showing typical SPI signals when triggered by start of SD_Read.

NCSU ECE 460/560 Embedded System Architectures Version 1.0
Figure 6. Details of SPI communication at start of reading block. Command h51 is 0x51 = 0x40 + CMD17. Note that the CMD numbers are listed in
decimal, so CMD17 = 1710 = 1116 = 0x11. See SD Spec. section 7.3 for details.
Figure 7. Details of SPI communication at start of writing block. Command h58 is 0x58 = 0x40 + CMD24. Note that the CMD numbers are listed in
decimal, so CMD24 = 2410 = 1816 = 0x18.

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