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Project 2:User-level Thread Library and Scheduler

CS416 Project2:User-levelThreadLibraryandScheduler
(100 points)
In Project 1, you learned how to use pThread library for multi-threaded programming. In Project 2, you will get a
chance to exploit the logic inside a thread library. In this assignment, you are required to implement a pure userlevel thread library that has a similar interface compared to the pThread Library. Since you will be providing a
multi-thread environment, you will also need to implement pthread mutexes which are used to guarantee exclusive
access in critical section. This assignment is intended to illustrate the mechanics and difficulties of scheduling
tasks within an operating system.
Code Structure
You are given a code skeleton structured as follows:
rpthread.h: contains thread library function prototypes and definition of important data structures
rpthread.c: contains the skeleton of thread library. All your implementation goes here.
Makefile: used to compile your library. Generates a static library (rpthread.a).
Benchmark: includes benchmarks and a Makefile for the benchmarks to verify your implementation and
do performance a study. There is also a test file that you can modify to test the functionalities of your
library as you implement them.
You need to implement all of the API functions listed below in Part 1, the corresponding scheduler function in Part
2, and any auxiliary functions you feel you may need.
To help you towards the implementation of the entire pthread library, we have provided logical steps in each
function. It is your responsibility to convert and extend them into a working code.
Part 1. Thread Library (50 points)
1.1 Thread creation (10 points)
The first API to implement is thread creation. You will implement the following API to create a thread that executes
function. You could ignore attr for this project.
int rpthread_create(rpthread * thread, pthread_attr_t * attr,
void *(*function)(void*), void * arg);
Thread creation involves three parts.
Thread Control Block: First, every thread has a thread control block (TCB), which is similar to a process control
block that we discussed in the class. The thread control block is represented using the threadControlBlock
structure (see rpthread.h). Add all necessary information to the the TCB. You might also need a thread ID (a
unique ID) to identify each thread. You could use the rpthread_t inside TCB structure to set this during thread
Thread Context: Every thread has a context, needed by Linux for running the thread on a CPU. The context is
also a part of TCB. So, once a TCB structure is set and allocated, the next step is to create a thread context. Linux
provides APIs to create a user-level context and switch contexts. During thread creation (pthread_create),
makecontext() will be used. Before the use of makecontext, you will need update the context structure. You can
read more about a context here:
Runqueue: Finally, once the thread context is set, you might need to add the thread to a scheduler runqueue. The
runqueue has active threads ready to run and waiting for the CPU. Feel free to use a linked list or any other data
structure to back your scheduler queues. Note that in the second part of the project, you will need a multi-level
scheduler queue. So, we suggest to keep your code modular for enqueuing or dequeuing threads from the
scheduler queue.
1.2 Thread Yield (10 points)
void rpthread_yield();
The rpthread_yield function (API) enables the current thread to voluntarily give up the CPU resource to other
threads. That is to say, the thread context will be swapped out (read about Linux swapcontext()), and the
scheduler context will be swapped in so that the scheduler thread could put the current thread back to runqueue
and choose the next thread to run. You can read about swapping a context here:
1.3 Thread Exit (10 points)
void rpthread_exit(void *value_ptr);
This rpthread_exit function is an explicit call to the rpthread_exit library to end the pthread that called it. If the
value_ptr isn't NULL, any return value from the thread will be saved. Think about what things you should clean up
or change in the thread state and scheduler state when a thread is exiting.
1.4 Thread Join (10 points)
int rpthread_join(rpthread thread, void **value_ptr);
The rpthread_join ensures that calling thread will not continue execution until the one it references exits. If
value_ptr is not null, the return value of the exiting thread will be passed back.
1.5 Thread Synchronization (10 points)
Only creating threads is insufficient. Access to data across threads must be synchronized. Recollect that in
Project 1, you were a consumer of Linux pthread library's mutex operation. In Project 2, you will be designing
rpthread_mutex. Mutex serializes access to a function or function states by synchronizing access across threads.
The first step is to fill the rpthread_mutex_t structure defined in rpthread.h (currently empty). While you are
allowed to add any necessary structure variables you see fit, you might need a mutex initialization variable,
information on the thread (or thread's TCB) holding the mutex, as well as any other information.
1.5.1 Thread Mutex Initialization
int rpthread_mutex_init(rpthread_mutex_t *mutex, const pthread_mutexattr_t
This function initializes a rpthread_mutex_t created by the calling thread. The 'mutexattr' can be ignored for the
purpose of this project.
1.5.2 Thread Mutex Lock and Unlock
int rpthread_mutex_lock(rpthread_mutex_t *mutex);
This function sets the lock for the given mutex and other threads attempting to access this mutex will not be able
run until the mutex is released (recollect pthread_mutex use).
int rpthread_mutex_unlock(rpthread_mutex_t *mutex);
This function unlocks a given mutex. Once a mutex is released, other threads might be able to lock this mutex
1.5.3 Thread Mutex Destroy
int rpthread_mutex_destroy(rpthread_mutex_t *mutex);
Finally, this function destroys a given mutex. Make sure to release the mutex before destroying the mutex.
Part 2: Scheduler (40 points)
Since your thread library is managed totally in user-space, you also need to have a scheduler and policies in your
thread library to determine which thread to run next. In the second part of the assignment, you are required to
implement the following two scheduling policies:
2.1 Pre-emptive SJF (PSJF) (20 points)
For the first scheduling algorithm, you are required to implement a pre-emptive SJF, which is also known as STCF.
Unfortunately, you may have noticed that our scheduler DOES NOT know how long a thread will run for completion
of job. Hence, in our scheduler, we could book-keep the time quantum each thread has to run; this is on the
assumption that the more time quantum a thread has run, the longer this job will run to finish. Therefore,
you might need a generic "QUANTUM" value defined possibly in rpthread.h, which denotes the minimum window
of time after which a thread can be context switched out of the CPU. Let's assume each quantum is 5ms;
depending on your scheduler logic, one could context switch out a thread after one quantum or more than one
quantum. To implement a mechanism like this, you might also need to keep track of how many quantums each
thread has ran for.
Here are some hints to implement this particular scheduler:
1) In the TCB of each thread, maintain an "elapsed" counter, which indicates how my time quantum has expired
since the time thread was scheduled. After the first time quantum finishes, increment the counter for the running
thread by one.
2) Because we do not know the actual runtime of a job, to schedule the shortest job, you will have to find the
thread that currently has the minimum counter value, remove the thread from the runqueue, and context switch
the thread to CPU.
2.2 Multi-level Feedback Queue (20 points)
The second scheduling algorithm you need to implement is MLFQ. In this algorithm, you have to maintain a queue
structure with multiple levels. Remember, the higher the priority, the shorter time slice its corresponding level of
runqueue will be. More description and logic of MLFQ is clearly stated in Chapter 8 of the textbook. Here are the
hints to implement:
1) Instead of a single runqueue, you need multiple levels of run queue. It could be a 4-level or 8-level queue as you
2) When a thread has finished one "time quantum," move it to the next level of runqueue. Your scheduler should
always pick a thread at the top-level of runqueue.
Invoking the Scheduler Periodically
For both of the two scheduling algorithms, you will have to set a timer interrupt for some time quantum (say t ms)
so that after every t ms your scheduler will preempt the current running thread. Fortunately, there are two useful
Linux library functions that will help you do just that:
int setitimer(int which, const struct itimerval *new_value,
struct itimerval *old_value);
int sigaction(int signum, const struct sigaction *act,
struct sigaction *oldact);
More details can be found here:
3. Other Hints
schedule() The schedule function is the heart of the scheduler. Every time the thread library decides to pick a
new job for scheduling, the schedule() function is called, which then calls the scheduling policy (PSJF or MLFQ) to
pick a new job.
Think about conditions when the schedule() method must be called.
Thread States As discussed in the class, threads must be in one of the following states. These states help you to
classify thread that is currently running on the CPU vs. threads waiting in the queue vs. threads blocked for I/O. So
you could define these three states in your code and set update the thread states.
#define READY 0
#define SCHEDULED 1
#define BLOCKED 2
e.g., thread-status = READY;
If needed, feel free to add more states as required.
4. Compilation
As you may find in the code and Makefile, your thread library is compiled with PSJF as the default scheduler. To
change the scheduling policy when compiling your thread library, pass variables with make:
5. Benchmark Code
The code skeleton also includes a benchmark that helps you to verify your implementation and study the
performance of your thread library. There are three programs in the benchmark folder (parallelCal and
vectorMultiply are CPU-bound, and externalCal is IO-bound). To run the benchmark programs, please see
README in the benchmark folder.
Here is an example of running the benchmark program with the number of threads to run as an argument:
./parallelCal 4
The above example would create and run 4 user-level threads for parallelCal benchmark. You could change this
parameter to test how thread numbers affect performance.
To understand how the benchmarks work with the default Linux pthread, you could comment the following
MACRO in rpthread.h and the code would start using the default Linux pthread. To use your thread library to run
the benchmarks, please uncomment the following MACRO in rpthread.h and recompile your thread library and
#define USE_RTHREAD 1
To help you while you are implementing the user-level thread library and scheduler, there is also a program called
test.c which is a blank file which you can use to play around with and call rpthread library functions to check if
they work as you intended. Compiling the test program is done in the same way the other benchmarks are
6. Report (10 points)
Besides the thread library, you also need to write a report for your work. The report must include the following
. Detailed logic of how you implemented each API functions and scheduler
. Benchmark results of your thread library with different configurations of thread number.
. A short analysis of the benchmark results and comparison of your thread library with pthread library.
7. Suggested Steps
Step 1. Designing important data structures for your thread library. For example, TCB, Context, and Runqueue.
Step 2. Finishing rpthread_create, rpthread_yield, rpthread_exit, rpthread_join, and scheduler functions (with a
simple FCFS policy).
Step 3. Implementation of rpthread mutex.
Step 4. Extending your scheduler function with preemptive SJF and MLFQ scheduling policy.
8. Submission
Submit the following files to Sakai, as is (Do not compress them):
. rpthread.h
. rpthread.c
. A report in .pdf format, completed, and with both partners names and netids on the report
. Any other support source files and Makefiles you created or modified
I repeat, do not compress these files. If you did not create any new source files or modify the Makefiles, there is
no need to submit any of the makefiles or benchmark source files as we already have them.
9. Tips and Resources
A POSIX thread library tutorial:
Another POSIX thread library tutorial:
Some notes on implementing thread libraries in Linux:

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