Project #3 (50 points)
• You must include both team members’ names in the comment block on top of EVERY Java file.
• Your project folder must include the following subfolders/files for grading.
o Source folder, including all Java files [35 points]
§ *.java from Project #2
§ 3 JavaFX GUI files – Main.java, *Controller*.java, *View*.fxml.
o Test design document [10 points]
o Javadoc [5 points]
Project Description
In this project, you will develop a GUI (graphical user interface) with JavaFX for the Payroll Processing System you
created for Project 2. The GUI shall replace the PayrollProcessing class (console user interface) in Project 2. In other
words, this project is a GUI version of Project 2. In addition, you must add the text file import and export functionality
to the GUI. The file import will load (read) the employee database from a text file to the array (instance of Company
class), and the file export will write the employee database from the array to a text file.
1. This is a group assignment. You MUST work in pair in order to get the credit for this project.
2. You MUST follow the software development ground rules, or you will lose points for not having a good
programming style.
3. Each Java class must go in a separate file. -2 points if you put more than one Java class into a file.
4. You MUST include all the classes from Project 2 and use them in this project, EXCEPT PayrollProcessing class
and RunProject2 class. -2 points for each class not used.
5. Project 3 uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. You must use ONE JavaFX fxml file for the
“view”, ONE Controller class for the “control”, and ALL the entity classes from Project 2 for the “model”. The
Main.java, fxml and controller files constitute the GUI version of Payroll Processing System. You will get 0
points if you don’t follow the MVC structure.
6. Your GUI must include the following JavaFX components.
(a) Use at least 3 different Layout Panes, such as BorderPane, GridPane, VBox, Hbox, ….., or -5 points.
(b) Use a TextArea to display output, or -5 points. All output MUST be appended to the TextArea. You are
NOT ALLOWED to use System.out in ALL CLASSES, or you will lose 10 points. This means you must
modify all the print() methods in the Company class to return a string, or define a toString() method for the
Company class.
(c) Use a RadioButton group for single-selection items, or -2 points; for example, employee types, admin roles,
or department, etc.
(d) You must disable not applicable items, -2 points for each violation; for example,
o Only a part-time has hours worked and hourly pay rate.
o Only a management has the role of either manager, department head, or director.
o Only a full-time and a management has annual salary.
(e) You MUST set the title of the primaryStage (title for the window.) or -2 points.
(f) Use the javafx.stage.FileChooser class to select the file you wanted to import/export. A text file
“database.txt” is provided for you to test your program. You must add an exportDatabase() method to the
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Company class for the file export. Exporting the database does not remove the employees from the array.
you will lose 10 points if import/export functionality is not implemented.
7. You are required to generate the Javadoc after you properly commented your code. Your Javadoc must include
the documentations for the constructors, private methods and public methods of all Java classes (*.java files.)
You must comment the Main.java and Controller class and include them in the Javadoc. DO NOT include
the *.fxml file, which is NOT a java file. Generate the Javadoc in a single folder and include it in your project
folder to be submitted to Canvas. You are responsible to double check your Javadoc after you generated them.
The grader will navigate the Javadoc with the “index.html”. You will lose 5 points for not including the Javadoc,
OR, the grader cannot navigate your Javadoc through the “index.html”.
System Testing
1. You MUST create a test document and design the test cases for testing Project 3. Use the test cases in Project 2
sample input as a reference to design your test cases. For example, adding and removing employees, computing
payments, set the hours worked by a part time, import and export database. In addition, you must design the test
cases to test all possible invalid/exception conditions. For example, type mismatch or not entering data on GUI,
etc. The test document is worth 10 points.
2. Use your test cases to manually test your GUI. All invalid data should be rejected by the GUI. Proper error
messages must be displayed in the TextArea. You will lose 2 points for each invalid condition not rejected, or
error message not properly displayed in the TextArea.
3. Your program must always run in a sane state and should not crash in any circumstances. The graders will try
to produce exceptions while running your GUI. You must catch all Java Exceptions. Your program shall continue
to run until the user stops the program execution or closes the window. You will lose 2 points for each exception
not caught.