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Project 3: Adversarial Search

School of Computing
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Project 3: Adversarial Search

In this project, you will implement an adversarial search algorithm to find valid and good moves
for a minichess game. Specifically, you are tasked to:
1. Implement the Alpha-Beta Pruning algorithm to play a game of minichess.
This project is worth 10% of your module grade.
General Project Requirements
The general project requirements are as follows:
• Individual project
• Python Version: 3.7
• Submission deadline: 6 November 2022 (Wednesday) 11:59pm
• Submission folder: LumiNUS > CS3243 > Projects > Project 3 Submission folder
• Submission format: One standard (non-encrypted) zip file1
containing only the necessary
project files. In particular, it should unzip to give one folder with one .py file:
More information is given in the Submission Details section below.
As to the specific project requirements, you must complete and submit the following:
• Task 1 (Alpha-Beta): Implement your Alpha-Beta Pruning algorithm in
Note that you are tasked to implement your own board, chess pieces and states for the game. You
are strongly encouraged to reuse your implementation from Project 1/2.
1Note that it is the responsibility of the students to ensure that this file may be accessed by conventional means.
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
Academic Integrity and Late Submissions
Note that any material that does not originate from you (e.g., is taken from another source), should
not be used directly. You should do up the solutions on your own. Failure to do so constitutes
plagiarism. Sharing of materials between individuals is also strictly not allowed. Students found
plagiarising or sharing their code will be dealt with seriously. Additionally, sharing of code on any
public repository is strictly not allowed and any students found sharing will be dealt with seriously.
For late submissions, there will be a 20% penalty for submissions received within 24 hours after the deadline, 50% penalty for submissions received between 24-48 hours after the deadline,
and 100% penalty for submissions received after 48 hours after the deadline. For example, if you
submit the project 30 hours after the deadline and obtain a score of 92%, a 50% penalty applies
and you will only be awarded 46%.
Background: Gardner’s Minichess
A board needs to be five squares wide to contain all kinds of chess pieces (except the pawn) on the
first row. In 1969, Martin Gardner2
suggested a chess variant on a 5×5 board3
. However, in this
project, we will be playing a game of minichess on a customised 7x7 chess board that includes
the fairy pieces from previous projects.
You will implement the Alpha-Beta Pruning algorithm to beat various AI agents at the game of
minichess. That is, to perform a checkmate on the opposing player’s King. The rules of the game
are defined in the next section.
Rules of the Minichess Game
Board Set-up
In this game, the chess pieces are divided into two different colored sets, namely White and Black.
Each set consists of 14 pieces: one King, one Queen, one Rook, one Bishop, one Knight, one
Empress, one Princess, two Ferz and five Pawns.
The game is played on a square board of 7 rows and 7 columns. The rows start from row 0 at the
top to row 6 at the bottom and the columns start from column ’a’ as the leftmost column to column
’e’ as the rightmost column. The White pieces are placed at rows 0 and 1 while the Black pieces
are placed at rows 5 and 6. The initial configuration and position of the pieces on the board can be
seen below:
2 Gardner
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
Figure 1: The starting configuration of a 7x7 minichess board with rows and columns labelled.
The starting positions of the chess pieces are shown below, where the first tuple represents the position the specific piece is at, while the second tuple represents the piece type and the piece colour:
(’a’, 1): (’Ferz’, ’White’), (’a’, 5): (’Ferz’, ’Black’), (’g’, 1):
(’Ferz’, ’White’), (’g’, 5): (’Ferz’, ’Black’), (’b’, 1): (’Pawn’,
’White’), (’b’, 5): (’Pawn’, ’Black’), (’c’, 1): (’Pawn’, ’White’),
(’c’, 5): (’Pawn’, ’Black’), (’d’, 1): (’Pawn’, ’White’), (’d’, 5):
(’Pawn’, ’Black’), (’e’, 1): (’Pawn’, ’White’), (’e’, 5): (’Pawn’,
’Black’), (’f’, 1): (’Pawn’, ’White’), (’f’, 5): (’Pawn’, ’Black’),
(’a’, 0): (’Knight’, ’White’), (’a’, 6): (’Knight’, ’Black’), (’b’,
0): (’Bishop’, ’White’), (’b’, 6): (’Bishop’, ’Black’), (’c’, 0):
(’Queen’, ’White’), (’c’, 6): (’Queen’, ’Black’), (’d’, 0): (’King’,
’White’), (’d’, 6): (’King’, ’Black’), (’e’, 0): (’Princess’, ’White’),
(’e’, 6): (’Princess’, ’Black’), (’f’, 0): (’Empress’, ’White’),
(’f’, 6): (’Empress’, ’Black’), (’g’, 0): (’Rook’, ’White’), (’g’,
6): (’Rook’, ’Black’)
Movement of Chess Pieces
As the chess pieces (except the Pawn) are the same as Project 1, you may refer to the Project
1 specifications PDF for the movement rules of each piece. Note that there are no obstacles in
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
this game in Project 3.
New piece in Project 3: Pawn
• A Pawn can move forward to the unoccupied square immediately in front of it on the same
column (black circle in the picture). Additionally, a Pawn can capture an opponent’s piece on
a square diagonally in front of it by moving to that square (X crosses in the picture below).
• Note that we do not consider special moves for Pawns in this game (i.e., no en passant
capture, no promotion, and no advancing of two squares along the same column on its first
Figure 2: Movement of Pawn.
• In the game in Project 3, the White Pawn can only move in the downwards direction (from
row 0 to row 6) while the black pawn can only move in the upwards direction (from row 6
to row 0).
Additionally, in Project 3, we only consider the basic movements for each piece and we do not
consider any special moves for any of the pieces. For example, there is no castling for Rook and
no special moves for Pawns as mentioned above.
When a King is under immediate attack (threatened by an opponent piece), it is said to be in
check. In the standard game of chess, a move in response to a check is legal only if it results in a
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
position where the King is no longer in check (i.e., the player cannot make any other move unless
its King is taken out of the check). This can involve capturing the checking piece; interposing a
piece between the checking piece and the King (which is possible only if the checking piece is a
Queen, Rook, or Bishop and there is a square between it and the King); or moving the King to a
square where it is not under attack.
In the standard game of chess, it is also illegal for a player to put its own King in check. However,
in this project, this rule is not enforced; i.e., you may play against some novice agents that may
make unintelligent moves that will place its own King in check, allowing you to capture the agent’s
King in the next turn. However, if you accidentally place your own King in check, a smarter agent
may also capture your King to win. (referred to as ”King Capture” in the next section)
Figure 3: Black King at d6 is checked by White Rook at d3.
Checkmate (Winning Conditions)
The objective of the game is to checkmate the opponent; in this variant, there are multiple ways to
checkmate an opponent.
1. Standard Checkmate: This occurs when the opponent’s King is in check, and there is no
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
legal way to get it out of check. Since it is illegal for a player to make a move that puts or
leaves its own King in check, if it is not possible to get its King out of check, then the player
cannot make any other moves and the King is considered checkmated (and the game is over).
Figure 4: White King at d0 checkmated by Black Queen at a0. The ’X’s marks the available
positions that the King can take. However, since any of these positions are threatened by both the
Black Queen at a0 and the black Rook at b1, the White King cannot escape check, resulting in
2. Out of Valid Moves: This occurs when the opponent cannot make any valid moves during
his turn, as any move made by the opponent will cause its King to be placed in check,
resulting in a self-checkmate in the next turn as we can capture his King piece.
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
Figure 5: Although White King at d0 is not checked now, White cannot make any more valid
moves as moving his King at d0 (the only White piece left) will cause his King to be checked by
the Black pieces (c0 threatened by Black Knight at b2; c1, d1 and e1 threatened by Black Rook at
b1; e0 threatened by Black Pawn at f1).
3. King Capture: This occurs when the opponent makes a move that will cause his King to be
in check, or when his King is in check but he ignores it and makes a move that will cause his
King to remain in check.
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
Figure 6: Black King at d6 is checked by White Rook at d3. It is now Black’s turn to move (1/3).
However, Black ignores the checking White Rook and moves its King from d6 to d5, causing his
King to remain in check by White Rook at d3 (2/3). White Rook at d3 proceeds to capture Black
King at d5, leading to White winning the game (3/3).
In this game, we only consider the game to be a draw if White and Black have the same number
of pieces left after 50 consecutive moves. This means that there is no change in the number of
pieces in the board for 50 moves in a row, implying a Draw. Furthermore, this can only occur if
both Kings are still left on the board.
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
Additionally, we consider a game a draw if there are no more available moves for a player. For
this scenario to happen, the player’s pieces must not have any free moves it can make, regardless
of whether a move will place its King in check.
Figure 7: White cannot make any more moves as the King is trapped by 3 of its pawn and all of
the pawns are not able to move as well. This results in a draw.)
Getting Started
You are given one python file ( with the recommended empty functions/classes to be implemented. Specifically, the following are given to you:
1. studentAgent(gameboard): DO NOT REMOVE THIS FUNCTION. This function
takes in a parameter gameboard. When called, this function must return a valid Move. The
output will be used to make a move on the game. More details on the output will be given in
the later sections.
2. ab(): Implement the Alpha-Beta Pruning algorithm here. (You may change/remove this
function, as long as you keep the studentAgent(gameboard) function and return the
required value(s).)
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
3. setUpBoard(): Optional. This functions allow you to take in a config.txt file as an
argument to set up the gameboard. You may not have to use this function as the gameboard
will be given to you as a parameter in the studentAgent(gameboard) function.
4. State: A class storing information of the game state. (You may change/remove this function as desired, as long as you keep the studentAgent(gameboard) function and return the required value(s).)
5. Board: A class storing information of the board. (You may change/remove this function as
desired, as long as you keep the studentAgent(gameboard) function and return the
required value(s).)
6. Piece: A class storing information of a game piece. (You may change/remove this function
as desired, as long as you keep the studentAgent(gameboard) function and return the
required value(s).)
You are encouraged to write other helper functions to aid you in implementing the algorithms.
During testing, studentAgent(gameboard) from will be called by the autograder.
Winning a minichess game using Alpha-Beta Pruning
The objectives of this part of the project are:
1. To gain exposure in the implementation of algorithms taught in class.
2. To learn to apply Minimax in games.
3. To learn the efficiency and importance of using Alpha-Beta Pruning.
Project 3 Task 1
Many years have passed since the last invasion and the people of CS3243 kingdom are living
peacefully and happily. However, the council of CS3243 Kingdom detects an imminent threat
from our enemy Kingdom, CS9999 and are fearful that a war may break out soon. In order to
prepare for the war, the council seeks to recruit a strategic advisor. To assess the best candidate,
the council decides to organise a 7x7 minichess competition that anyone can join. The participants
will compete against AI agents of various difficulty levels and the participant that wins against
all the AI agents will be recruited as the strategic advisor. Being an avid minichess player in the
kingdom, you decide to join the competition to challenge yourself!
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
You are given the initial configuration of the minichess board. You are also assigned to be Player
WHITE (White chess pieces) and you are given the privilege of making the first move. You will
play against different AI agents and they are assigned as Player BLACK. The winning conditions
against the different AI agents are described below:
• Dummy Agent (Testcase 1): This agent chooses the first available move that it sees and
performs the action. It does not care if the move will cause its King to be checked.
• Random Agent (Testcase 2): This agent chooses a random move out of all the available
moves that it sees and performs the action. It does not care if the move will cause its King
to be checked.
• Greedy Agent (Testcase 3): This agent will choose a move based on a priority. Firstly, it
will choose a move that will checkmate your King if there exists such a move. If there is no
such move, it will then find and choose a move that will check your King. If there is no such
move, it will choose any available move at random that does not cause its own King to be
checked. If no such move exist, the Greedy Agent have lost by the condition of Out of Valid
• Smart Agent (Testcase 4): This agent will choose a move based on a utility value. It
will pick the move that gives the highest utility. In general, a move that checkmates its
opponent yields the highest utililty, followed by moves that checks its opponent’s King AND
capture another piece simultaneously, followed by moves that capture another piece ONLY
and lastly, moves that checks its opponent’s King ONLY. Capturing different types of piece
gives different utility value as well.1 Additionally, If there are no valid moves that will not
cause the Agent’s King to be checked, the Smart Agent have lost by the condition of Out of
Valid Moves.
• Minimax Agent (Testcase 5): This agent will choose a move based on the Minimax algorithm with alpha beta pruning with a depth of 4. Its evaluation function is similar to the
utility of the Smart Agent (Limited depth to improve runtime).
Task 1: Alpha-Beta Pruning Algorithm
Implement the Alpha-Beta pruning algorithm in to solve the problem stated above.
The function studentAgent() takes in a parameter gameboard that is a dictionary of positions (Key) to the tuple of piece type and its colour (Value). It represents the current pieces left on
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
the board. At your first turn, the gameboard will be a dictionary containing all the pieces on the
board as shown in page 3. Another example of the gameboard:

, 0) : (′Queen′
′ W hite′

, 10) : (′Knight′
′ Black′


, 25) : (′Rook′
′ W hite′
When the studentAgent() function is executed, your code should return a valid move in the
following format:
(pos1, pos2)
The values pos1 and pos2 represent a grid index tuple, (x, y), where x is the column index (i.e., a
string), and y is the row index (i.e., an integer), such that (x, y) corresponds to a specific grid cell
on the board that we wish to reference. The move specifies that you wish to move the piece at
pos1 to pos2.
An example of the function output is shown below:
Sample output (that represents moving your White Queen at a0 to b1):

, 0), (


, 1))
Configuration file input: Use sys.argv[1] to obtain the name of the configuration file and use
setUpBoard() to configure the start state of the gameboard. (Note that it is optional to read
this config file as it is fixed at all times. This means that you can hardcode the initial starting
positions and the board size of the game.)
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
Grading Rubrics (Total: 10 marks)
Requirements (Marks Allocated) Total
• Correct implementation of Minimax algorithm and Alpha-Beta pruning evaluated by winning or drawing against Dummy Agent consistently (100% of
the time) for full credit (1m).
• Correct implementation of Minimax algorithm and Alpha-Beta pruning evaluated by winning or drawing against Random Agent consistently (100% of
the time) for full credit (1m).
• Correct implementation of Minimax algorithm and Alpha-Beta pruning evaluated by winning or drawing against Greedy Agent (90% of the time) for
full credit (2m).
• Correct implementation of Minimax algorithm and Alpha-Beta pruning evaluated by winning or drawing against Smart Agent (90% of the time) for
full credit (3m).
• Correct implementation of Minimax algorithm and Alpha-Beta pruning evaluated by winning or drawing against Minimax Agent (80% of the time) for
full credit (3m).
CodePost (Platform for Running Autograder)
We will be using CodePost as our platform to run the autograder and test your code. You should
have already joined the Course’s group on CodePost from Project 1. If you need any assistance for
CodePost signups, please feel free to reach out and email any of the TAs.
Subsequent access:
1. Click on “Upload assignment”, and upload your python file (do NOT rename the
2. Note that you should not print any output in your Python files but only return the
required values as this may interfere with the Autograder.
3. After the submission has been processed, refresh the page and select “View feedback”.
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
4. If your implementation is within CodePost’s time limit of 30s, you will see this:
Figure 8: CodePost output for Testcase 1 - 5 in a sequential order. The score shown on the left of
the picture (Passed (5/5)) can be disregarded as we will look at the total wins/draws instead.
You may submit your files as many times as you like. Note that this platform is run by an external
organisation – we are not responsible for any downtime.
For this project, results/scoring on CodePost will not be counted as your actual grade. CodePost serves as a platform for you to test your code and check if your agent is winning against
our agents. Due to CodePost’s timeout limitation of 30s, it is impossible to conduct full testing on
it as 1 iteration of the game using two agents using Alpha-Beta Pruning takes around 15-25s. As
such, we are unable to execute the full test on CodePost as we are unable to perform batch testing.
For agents 1-5, we have provided 1 iterations of gameplay for you to test. You can choose to resubmit your code as many times on CodePost to see your agent’s expected winnings (Around 10
- 20 times with consistent results should suffice). Additionally, to reduce the chances of operation
timeout, you can try limiting your cut-off depth for AB-pruning to < 5.
Your code will be graded for technical correctness. Please do not change the name of the function
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
Testing of your code will be done locally. For each test case, the result of your agent will be
recorded and the time taken for the execution of your code will be measured as well. To ensure
that we can measure your agent’s performance fairly, your agent will play against each different agent for 50 iterations. Your agent should fulfil the winning conditions against the different
agents to receive full credit. Additionally, the time taken for your Alpha-Beta Pruning algorithm
will be compared to our solution’s benchmark. If the time taken for your code is above the time
limit, it will be considered a failure of the test case. As such, you are encouraged to use efficient
data structures when implementing your code (e.g., using a set/dictionary instead of a list). To
account for the execution of code on different systems, we have provided additional buffers for the
time limit.
There is one configuration file released to you via LumiNUS (together with the skeleton implementation file(s)). These files serve as a starting point for you to initialise the gameboard
and starting pieces. For this project, there will not be any public test cases since you will
be playing against another program. Nonetheless, we have provided sufficient information
of the agents that you will be playing against as shown above. To aid in your own debugging and testing, you may wish to create different agents as mentioned above and use them to
play against your own Minimax Agent. This will be extremely helpful as it removes the limitations of CodePost. You can refer to this link when designing your evaluation function: https:
In summary, to pass a test case, two conditions have to be fulfilled for your Alpha-Beta Pruning
algorithm implementation. They are:
1. Fulfilling the winning conditions for the different AI agents as shown above.
2. Time taken to run your algorithm is within the time limit.
Other details
Allowed Libraries:
To aid in your implementation, you are allowed to use these Python libraries:
• CLI arguments: sys
• Data structures: queue, collections, heapq, array, copy, enum, string
• Math: numbers, math, decimal, fractions, random
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AY2022/2023 Semester 1
• Functional: itertools, functools, operators
• Types: types, typing
Test Cases Debugging:
When submitting on CodePost, you should remove any print() functions, raising of exceptions
and std.out() functions. You should also rename any functions/variables/string that contain
those key words in your code to prevent the autograder from terminating. Commenting out
the functions may not guarantee that the autograder will pass the check.
Submission Details via LumiNUS
• For this project, you will need to submit 1 zip file containing 1 python file:
• Place the file in a folder, name the folder as studentNo and zip it as
An example will be:
• The format of submission is the same as Project 1 and Project 2.
• In summary, your submission file should be a zip file and when unzipped, it will contain
the 1 file in a folder: → unzip → A0123456Z folder → file. There
should not be any subfolders.
• Do not modify the file names.
• Make only one submission on LumiNUS.
• Please follow the instructions closely. If your files cannot be opened or if the autograder
cannot execute your code, it will be considered failing the test cases as your code cannot be
• Submission folder: LumiNUS > CS3243 > Projects > Project 3 Submission Folder

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