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Project 3: Bayesian Networks

CS360 Project 3
Part 1: Bayesian Networks
From download the AIspace ‘Belief and Decision
Networks’ Java applet. You might need to add to the
‘Exception Site List’ available in the ‘Security’ tab of the ‘Java Control
Panel’ to get the applet to run. Read the documentation available at the download site and try it out. Do this well before the deadline to ensure that it works on
your computer.
Figure 1: AIspace “Belief and Decision Networks” Java Applet
Problem 1
Using the Java applet, enter the Bayesian network depicted in Figure 14.23 from
the textbook. Save your Bayesian network (using ‘File’ → ‘Save program’) and
include a screenshot of your network in your answer. Use the Java applet to calculate
the probability that someone goes to jail given that they broke the law, have been
indicted, and face a politically motivated prosecutor.
Problem 2
Suppose we want to add the variable P = PresidentialPardon to the network. Extend
your network from the previous question with this new variable and briefly explain
any links you add. Save the extended Bayesian Network and include a screenshot of
it in your answer.
Problem 3
Using the Java applet, develop a Bayesian network that can be used to predict whether
Donald Trump will be elected president. Random variables could include information
about who will be the democratic candidate and anything else that you think might
be relevant. We expect your Bayesian network to have 10 or more nodes (that is,
random variables) and a non-trivial structure. For example, you do not want to have
9 nodes that are all directly connected to the 10th node or 10 nodes that all form
a line. Save your Bayesian network and include a screenshot of it in your answer.
Create two interesting nontrivial scenarios where the values of some nodes are known.
Show the predictions of your Bayesian network for these scenarios and explain why
they make sense.
Part 2: Naive Bayesian Learning
In this problem, you will implement a naive Bayesian classifier for classifying newsgroup messages. Given a message, your goal is to classify it as belonging to one of
four different newsgroups,, talk.politics.mideast, or
We provide a dataset which contains newsgroup messages which are labeled as either,, talk.politics.mideast, or
The directory contains two folders, one for the training set and the other one for
the test set. The training set is a set of examples used for learning, namely to obtain
all probabilities of the naive Bayesian classifier. The test set is a set of examples
used only to assess the performance of the classifier which is learned from the training
The newsgroup messages are divided into separate folders in both the training
and the test sets. For your convenience, we have created two files, training list
and test list that, respectively, list the locations of all message files in the training
and test sets. Each line in these files contains the location of a message file, followed
by an integer that specifies the class the message file belongs to (0 =,
1 =, 2 = talk.politics.mideast, 3 =
Each message file contains a header, followed by the message itself. In this project,
we are only interested in the message and disregard the header (which actually lists
the newsgroup that the message belongs to). We identify the beginning of a message
by finding the first occurrence of an empty line.
We also provide you with a dictionary of words that can be used to distinguish
messages in different newsgroups (dictionary). For each word that appears in the
dictionary, our classifier will have a Boolean feature that will be true if and only if
the word appears in the message that we are trying to classify.
Algorithm Framework
Since the intermediate probabilities can be quite small, we use the summation of log
probabilities instead of the multiplication of probabilities in order to avoid underflow
errors. In other words, instead of calculating Q
i Pi
, you will calculate P
log Pi since
i Pi = exp{
log Pi}. This implies that you will store log Pi
instead of Pi
for all of
the following probabilities.
To learn the naive Bayesian classifier, you should do all the following steps only
for the training set.
• Read all message files from the training set and identify which words from the
dictionary appear in each file. Typically, classifiers use word counts rather than
word presences but, for this project, we will be using word presences. As we have
mentioned before, we are not concerned with words appearing in the headers
of the messages. So, you should first parse the message file until you read an
empty line (indicating the end of the header). Then, you should read the rest
of the file word by word, strip the word of any punctuation marks and convert
all letters that appear in the word to lower case. Note that the resulting string
will be empty if the word only contained punctuation marks. You can modify
and use the functions ParseFile and ProcessWord which can be found in the
main.cpp file in the archive that we provide.
• Determine the prior probabilities for each class c ∈ {,,
talk.politics.mideast, }:
P(C = c) = #{Messages belonging to class c}
#{All messages}
Make sure that:
P(C = + P(C = + P(C = talk.politics.mideast)
+P(C = = 1
• For each word w in the dictionary and for each class c ∈ {,, talk.politics.mideast, }, determine P(w|C =
c), the probability that a message from class c contains the word w:
P(w|C = c) = #{Messages belonging to class c that contain w}
#{Messages belonging to class c}
Note that, if P(w|C = c) = 0 (if the word has never appeared in messages
belonging to class c in the training set), then, for any message in the test set
that contains w, our classifier will predict that the probability that the message
belongs to class c is 0 (you can find an example of this in Homework 8, Problem
6, where P(¬L|¬S, H, W) = 0, because P(H|¬L) = 0).
To address this issue, we can pretend that we have observed every outcome one
more than we actually did (called Laplace smoothing).
PL(w ≡ true|C = c) = #{Messages belonging to class c that contain w} + 1
#{Messages belonging to class c} + 2
PL(w ≡ f alse|C = c) = #{Messages belonging to class c that don’t contain w} + 1
#{Messages belonging to class c} + 2
Once you have trained your Naive Bayesian Classifier using the training set, you
need to evaluate its performance on the test set. For a message m and a word w,
let wm denote whether w appears in m (that is, wm = true if w appears in m and
f alse otherwise). A message is specified by the words that it contains, that is, m is
a shorthand for:
(w ≡ wm)
For each message m in the test set, compute the probabilities that it belongs to
each class c ∈ {,, talk.politics.mideast,
P(C = c|m) = P(m|C = c) · P(C = c)
w∈dictionary PL(w ≡ wm|C = c)) · P(C = c)
The message m is classified as belonging to class c with the highest P(C = c|m).
Notice that the term P(m) can be dropped from the calculations without changing
the resulting classification. Also notice that we are using Laplace smoothing, so
we are using PL(w ≡ wm|C = c) rather than P(w ≡ wm|C = c). Furthermore,
remember that, in order to avoid underflows, instead of multiplying probabilities, we
are adding their logarithms. Therefore, we classify message m as belonging to class c
that maximizes the following expression:
log PL(w = wm|C = c)) + log P(C = c)
In case there are ties (which should be very rare), classify the message as belonging to the class with the smallest id (0 =, 1 =, 2 =
talk.politics.mideast, 3 =
Your program should output three different files:
• network.txt This file should list the values of all conditional probabilities. For
each word w in the dictionary and for each class c, this file should contain a
line with the word, the id for the class (0 =, 1 =,
2 = talk.politics.mideast, 3 =, and the value of
PL(w|C = c), the probability that a message from class c contains word w (after
performing Laplace smoothing, before taking the logarithm of the probability),
separated by tabs.
• classification.txt This file should be similar to test list, but, at the end
of each line, should also list the prediction that your classifier makes for the
message (insert a tab before the prediction and use the id of the class for the
• classification-summary.txt This file should contain a 4 × 4 matrix of integers. The integer in row r and column c should be the number of messages in
the test set whose actual class’s id is r and whose the predicted class’s id is c.
We will upload sample solutions for the training and test sets that we provide.
You need to submit your solution of Part 1 as a PDF file named ‘Part1.pdf’. It should
contain the screenshots of the three different Bayesian networks you have developed
for Part 1. You also need to submit three xml files named ‘Part1a.xml’, ‘Part1b.xml’
and ‘Part1c.xml’, one for each Bayesian network (using ‘File’ → ‘Save program’
generates these xml files).
You need to submit your solution of Part 2 as a zip file that contains your source
code and a makefile (our sample code includes a makefile, but you might need to
modify it as you add new cpp files. You can check the makefiles in Projects 1 and 2
to give you an idea of how to do so). Make sure that, when we execute the command
make on, your source code compiles and produces an executable
named NewsgroupClassifier. When we run this executable, it should read the
dictionary, training list, and test list files (that we will put in the directory
that contains your makefile and the executable) and output the three files that we
mention in the Evaluation section of Part 2.
You should submit all your files through the blackboard system by Wednesday,
Nov. 18, 11:59pm. We have created a discussion board for this project on the
blackboard system. Please also feel free to ask the TA in case you have any questions
about the project.

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