CS585: Big Data Management
Project 3
Total Points: 130
Teams: Project to be done in teams of two.
Short Description
In this project, you will write Scala/SparkSQL code for executing jobs over Spark infrastructure.
You can either work on a Cluster Mode (where files are read/written over HDFS), or Local Mode (where
files are read/written over local file system). This should not affect your code design, i.e., in either case
your code should be designed with the highest degree of parallelization possible.
Spark Virtual Machine
You can either build your own VM or work with the one provided to you (See below).
Problem 1 SparkSQL (Transaction Data Processing) [30 points]
Use the Transaction dataset T that you created in Project 1 and create a Spark workflow to do
the following. [Use SparkSQL to write this workflow.]
Start with T as a dataframe.
1) T1: Filter out (drop) the transactions from T whose total amount is less than $200
2) T2: Over T1, group the transactions by the Number of Items it has, and for each group
calculate the sum of total amounts, the average of total amounts, the min and the max of
the total amounts.
3) Report back T2 to the client side
4) T3: Over T1, group the transactions by customer ID, and for each group report the
customer ID, and the transactions’ count.
5) T4: Filter out (drop) the transactions from T whose total amount is less than $600
6) T5: Over T4, group the transactions by customer ID, and for each group report the
customer ID, and the transactions’ count.
7) T6: Select the customer IDs whose T5.count * 5 < T3.count
8) Report back T6 to the client side
Problem 2 Spark-RDDs (Grid Cells of High Relative-Density Index) [70 points]
Assume a two-dimensional space that extends from 1…10,000 in each dimension as shown in Figure 1.
There are points scattered all around the space. The space is divided into pre-defined grid-cells, each of
size 20x20. That is, there is 500x500= 250,000 grid cell in the space. Each cell has a unique ID as
indicated in the Figure. Given an ID of a grid cell, you can calculate the row and the column it belongs to
using a simple mathematical equation.
Neighbor Definition: For a given grid cell X, N(X) is the set of all neighbor cells of X, which are the cells
with which X has a common edge or corner. The Figure illustrates different examples of neighbors. Each
non-boundary grid cell has 8 neighbors. However, boundary cells will have less number of neighbors (See
the figure). Since the grid cell size is fixed, the IDs of the neighbor cells of a given cell can be computed
using a formula (mathematical equations) in a short procedure.
Example: N(Cell 1) = {Cell 2, Cell 501, Cell 502}
N(Cell 1002) = {Cell 501, Cell 502, Cell 503, Cell 1001, Cell 1003, Cell 1501, Cell 1502, Cell 1503}
Relative-Density Index: For a given grid cell X, I(X) is a decimal number that indicates the relative
density of cell X compared to its neighbors. It is calculated as follows.
I(X) = X.count / Average (Y1.count, Y2.count, …Yn.count)
Where “X.count” means the count of points inside grid cell X, and {Y1, Y2, …, Yn} are the neighbors of X.
That is N(X) = {Y1, Y2, …, Yn}
Step 1 (Create the Datasets)[10 Points] //You can re-use your code from Project 2
• Your task in this step is to create one dataset P (set of 2D points). Assume the space extends from
1…10,000 in the both the X and Y axis. Each line in the file should contain one point in the format (a,
b), where a is the value in the X axis, and b is the value in the Y axis.
• Scale the dataset to be at least 100MB.
• Choose the appropriate random function (of your choice) to create the points.
• Upload and store the file into HDFS
Step 2 (Report the TOP 50 grid cells w.r.t Relative-Density Index)[40 Points]
In this step, you will write Scala or Java code (it is your choice) to manipulate the file and report the top
50 grid cells (the grid cell IDs not the points inside) that have the highest I index. Write the workflow that
reports the cell IDs along with their relative-density index.
Your code should be fully parallelizable (distributed) and scalable.
Step 3 (Report the Neighbors of the TOP 50 grid)[20 Points]
Continue over the results from Step 2, and for each of the reported top 50 grid cells, report the IDs and
the relative-density indexes of its neighbor cells.
Problem 3 Spark (PageRank Algorithm) [30 Points]
PageRank is a well-known algorithm that is described in class multiple times. Your task in this
problem is to implement this algorithm using Spark (either RDDs or DataFrames is your choice).
Dataset: The dataset is provided to you on Canvas system (under Project 3 directory). The file
name is “soc-LiveJournal1.txt”. It contains two columns the first column is the “source” and the
second column is the “destination”. Some values in “destination” do not appear in the “source”
column, which means they do not have outgoing edges. Your code should handle such case.
Your Starting Point: your code should read the file and that will be the static “Linkage” table. You should
extract all DISTINCT values from the 1st and 2nd columns, and assign to each a rank of “1”. This will be
your Rank table (R0).
Stopping Criteria: Do the iterative algorithm 50 times. Do not check the output from one iteration to the
next iteration. Just keep iterating until you do 50 iterations.
Final Output: After finishing the 50 iterations, report from the final rank table (Say R50) the top 100
nodes along with their final rank.
What to Submit
You will submit a single zip file containing the code needed to answer the problems above. Also include a
.doc or .pdf report file containing any required documentation.
How to Submit
Use Canvas system to submit your files.