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Project #3 – GUI (graphical user interface) with JavaFX

CS 213 2022 Project #3 – 100 points 

(1) Submit a single zipped file to Canvas. The zipped file MUST include the following grading items.
(a) Source folder src, which contains the Java packages you developed. [80 points]
• The source folder must include all Java files from Project #2, EXCEPT
• 3 JavaFX related files, which replace the in Project #2
o The Java file that contains the public static void main(), which has only one method
launch(); you should use the file name, or -2 points.
o The controller Java file; ONE controller file ONLY; you should use the file name, or -2 points.
o The view file; this is the fxml file; ONE fxml file ONLY; you should use the file name
GymManagerView.fxml, or -2 points.
• MUST use the @author tag in the comment block on top of all Java classes, or you will lose 2
(b) Test Design Document. [15 points]
(c) Javadoc folder. [5 points]
(2) The submission button on Canvas will disappear after November 7, 11:59pm. It is your responsibility to
ensure your Internet connection is good for the submission. You get 0 points if you do not have a submission
on Canvas. Submitting the project through the email will not be accepted.
Project Description
You will revamp the user interface for the software you developed in Project 2, to develop a GUI (graphical user
interface) with JavaFX. The GUI shall replace the GymManager class in Project 2 and provides the same
functionalities developed in Project 2. Project 3 must meet ALL the functional requirements stated in Project 2.
Project Requirement
1. You MUST follow the Coding Standard and Ground Rules posted on Canvas under Week #1 in the “Modules”.
You will lose points if you are not following the rules.
2. You are responsible for following the Academic Integrity Policy. See the Additional Note #13 in the syllabus.
3. You must preserve all the functionalities developed in Project 2 to pass the test cases.
4. Each Java class must go in a separate file. -2 points if you put more than one Java class into a file.
5. You MUST include all the Java classes from Project 2 and use them in this project, EXCEPT the GymManager
class and RunProject2 class. You will lose 5 points for each class not used. You will lose 10 points if you use NOTE, if you lose points in Project 2, you must fix the problems, or you will lose points
again for the same cause!
6. You MUST follow all the project requirements listed in Project 2.
7. This project uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. You must use only ONE JavaFX fxml file
for the “view”, ONE Controller class for the “control”, and ALL the classes from Project 2 for the “model”. In
addition, there will be ONE Java file contains the main() method to “launch” the GUI. You will get 0 points if
you don’t follow the MVC pattern.
CS 213 Fall 2022 Project #3 – 100 points Dr. Lily Chang
8. You can design your own GUI; however, your GUI must include the following JavaFX components.
• Use at least 4 different Layout Panes, such as BorderPane, GridPane, VBox, Hbox, etc., or -5 points.
• Use a TextArea to display messages or output data, or you will lose 5 points. All output MUST be
“appended” to the TextArea. That is, if the output is more than the visible part of the TextArea, the user can
scroll up and down to see the history of output.
• Use RadioButton group for single-select items, or -2 points, for example, membership types.
9. You MUST set the title of the primaryStage (title for the window.) or -2 points.
10. You are NOT ALLOWED to use System.out (write to console) or (read from console) ANYWHERE
in ALL CLASSES, or you will lose 3 points for each violation, with a maximum of losing 10 points. This
means you MUST modify all the print() methods in the MemberDatabase class to return a string, or define a
toString() method in the MemberDatabase class. All read and write must be done through the GUI.
11. File input performed for loading members and loading fitness classes using the Scanner class should be done in
the MemberDatabase class and ClassSchedule class, respectively, -3 points for each violation.
12. You are required to generate the Javadoc after you properly commented your code. Your Javadoc must
include the documentations for the constructors, private methods and public methods of all Java classes (*.java
files.) You must comment the and and include them
in the Javadoc. DO NOT include the *.fxml file, which is NOT a java file. Generate the Javadoc in a single
folder and include it in your project folder to be submitted to Canvas. You are responsible to double check
your Javadoc after you generated them. The grader will navigate the Javadoc with the “index.html”. You will
lose 5 points for not including the Javadoc, OR, the grader cannot navigate your Javadoc through the
System Testing
1. You MUST create a test document and design the test cases for testing Project 3. The test document is worth 15
points. Use the test cases provided in Project 2 (Project2_testCases.txt) as a reference to design your test cases.
2. You MUST use the table in the Coding Standard and Ground Rules to organize the test cases, or you will get 0
3. Use your test cases to manually test your GUI. All invalid data should be rejected by the GUI. Proper error
messages must be displayed in the TextArea. You will lose 2 points for each invalid condition not rejected, or
error message not properly displayed in the TextArea.
4. You are responsible to thoroughly test your software with the test cases you designed. Your software must always
run in a sane state and should not crash in any circumstances. The grader, as a user of your software, will try
to produce exceptions while running your GUI. You must handle all exceptions. Your software shall continue to
run until the grader stops the execution or closes the GUI window. You will lose 2 points for each exception not

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