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Project 3 – MIPS CPU Design and Implementation (Pipeline)

ECE 485 – Computer Organization and Design

Project 3 – MIPS CPU Design and Implementation (Pipeline)
Report Due: Sunday, December 4th 2022, 11:59PM
IMPORTANT: You must sign and date below acknowledgment statement on the title
page of your report.
 Failing to do so, or any violation of this rule will result in an automatic
failure for this course.

I. Introduction
The purpose of Project 3 is to design and implement your own custom 32-bit RISC processor, a
stripped-down MIPS processor. The goal of this project is to provide you a more practical, handson approach to computer architecture design problems. For this project, you can either work on
your own, or work in groups of two.
The processor you are required to design is a 32-bit version of the MIPS processor with a minimal
instruction set from the MIPS ISA. You should implement the pipeline datapath version of the
processor utilizing the VHDL hardware descriptive language. You may use any construct within
the VHDL language; however, the design must be of your own. Copying of any form from any
source is illegal and will not be accepted under any circumstances.
Your customized processor is required to support three instruction types: R-type, I-type and Jtype as described in the textbook and lecture slides. Table I summarizes a minimum set of
instructions for your required ISA. Your memories should be word-aligned/word-addressed
where each word is 32 bits.
ECE 485 – Computer Organization and Design
Fall 2022
II. Implementation Details
The best way to accomplish this is to implement the datapath first without the memory and
control interface, along with your design’s ability to process 5-stage MIPS pipeline where each
stage will be separated in equal amount of clock cycle time. 5-stage MIPS pipeline will have the
following steps per stage:
1. IF: Instruction fetch from memory
2. ID: Instruction decode & register read
3. EX: Execute operation or calculate address
4. MEM: Access memory operand
5. WB: Write result back to register
You may choose your own clock cycle time per stage, but they need to be equally assigned per
stage. If you work with abstraction in mind by initially testing each lower-level part completely,
it will eliminate potential errors within your design later.
Table I shows the minimum subset of the ISA that your processor should support and execute
successfully. You are responsible for designing the datapath and control logic
additions/modifications for the instructions in pipeline shown in Table I. Your code should
execute the codes in “Operation” column of Table I.
Table I. Required MIPS Instruction Set
Function Field
[5:0] Instruction Operation
1 000000 100010 sub sub $s2, $s1, $s3
2 000000 100100 and and $t2, $s2, $t5
3 000000 100101 or or $t2, $s0, $t2
4 000000 100000 add1 (RCA) add1 $s3, $t1, $t0
5 100011 - lw lw $t3, 100($s2)
6 001000 - addi addi $s4, $t3, 200
7 101011 - sw sw $t1, 100($t2)
8 000000 100111 nor nor $t1, $s1, $t0
9 000000 101010 slt slt $t1, $s2, $s2
10 000010 - j j $2500
ALU implementation can be achieved in similar method as Project 2. Start with a 1-bit ALU cell
and construct a 32-bit ALU unit. Note that you may have to modify the existing 1-bit ALU cell
design to provide more functions due to the extended ISA in your CPU design. For your feature
of the ALU, you must add extra control signal(s) to use your Ripple Carry Adder (add1) from
Project 2.
ECE 485 – Computer Organization and Design
Fall 2022
Next you should implement the control logic. It is recommended that the control be assembled
next using an FSM (Finite State Machine). Using/adding/modifying the control unit shown in
Figure 1, develop an adequate control implementation using an FSM. In summary, your processor
must support basic MIPS code.
Figure 1. Finite State Machine for Control Logic
ECE 485 – Computer Organization and Design
Fall 2022
The following guidelines will help you achieve your goal.
• Each datapath element must be designed from scratch. That is, modifying the multicycle MIPS should be done utilizing your groups code only. Intellectual Property (IP) or
other publicly-available code for the datapath and control cannot be used for this
• You are not required to get area and delay numbers for your project. However, you should
be able to determine the critical path for the cycle time by making some assumptions.
This should be noted in your project report.
• You are required to show all 10 instructions complete executions in the simulation result.
Your instructions should execute codes under “Operation” column in Table I. This means,
you must show all clock cycle times of your simulation results from the first clock cycle
time of Code 1 to the last clock cycle time for Code 10. Your code does not need to handle
hazards nor need to have forwarding unit. (This task is left for a BONUS point section)
• The datapath handles 32-bit numbers.
• The base datapath is shown in Figure 2 for your reference. However, it is also available in
your textbook and lecture slides. You will modify this datapath in order to extend the
instruction subset.
• The control logic should probably be very similar to the multi-cycle control logic and FSM
described in Figure 1. However, you need to modify this state diagram for the additional
Figure 2. Datapath with Pipelined Control
ECE 485 – Computer Organization and Design
Fall 2022
III. Project Report
1. You are required to provide your original VHDL codes, as well as your testbench codes
that you have used to verify your VHDL codes. Both codes should contain your original
2. You are required to provide simulation results by capturing the screen of the simulation
output. Your simulation result must contain all 10 instructions from Table I in the code
sequence, along with input data used and corresponding output data. You must clearly
state in all captured figures which input data used and corresponding output data.
3. You must provide results, discussions, screenshots, source codes, testbench codes.
4. Your report should include the following sections:
a. Title Page with Acknowledgment and your Signature
b. Abstract of your report
c. Introduction (please remember, introduction and abstract aren’t the same)
d. System Design
i. Description of how you come up with your design
ii. Description of how you designed the datapath
iii. Description of how you designed the control logic
iv. Overview block diagram of your design (system flowchart)
v. Any other description that you’d need to describe your design
e. Simulation Results and discussion
i. Descriptions of your test/example cases to prove your design works
ii. Descriptions of each screenshot
iii. Discussion on any improvements or additional features made to your
iv. Discussion of how you tried to optimize your design
v. Discussion of any issues that you faced, any improvement could be made,
what and why does not work correctly in your design
f. Conclusion
g. List of references
i. Write one short paragraph about each of the references and its relevance
to completing your project
h. Appendix
i. Entire Source Code of your project with comments
ii. Entire Testbench Codes with comments that used to verify your design
ECE 485 – Computer Organization and Design
Fall 2022
IV. Project Requirements
1. You are required to design and implement this project individually or in a group of two.
Your group member must be registered to ECE 485.
2. Only one report is required per group. However, each member of the group must write
at maximum of 1 page of their contributions to the project. This must be signed by all
group members.
3. Both team members must contribute to the design and implementation.
4. Due date is Sunday, December 4th 2022 11:59PM. FIRM DEADLINE!!. You’ll need to
submit the following package in a single ZIP file to the Blackboard.
a. Your Project Report
b. Project Contribution Report (only required for groups of two)
i. Maximum of 1 page of their contributions to the project
ii. This report must be signed by both group members
c. Your VHDL Source Codes with your own comments
d. Your VHDL Testbench Codes with your own comments
5. Under no circumstances is copying of codes from anyone else outside of yours or your
group accepted, and will result automatic 0 grade for your project (including your partner
if working in groups). Thus, do not impact others with improper choices of your code.
6. It is strongly recommended designing your code as soon as possible since this project is
large and starting early is prudent.
V. Extra Points (Only applies if all requirements completed) +20 Points Max
Extra points work should be only attempted if all requirements defined in Section II are
completed and will not be graded if submitted without the completion of Section II
requirements. You can improve your processor (and your project grade) by:
• Implementation of Forward Unit and Hazard Detection Unit. In this case, you must
show how your implementation overcomes hazards with examples of MIPS codes –
Up to 10 additional points
• Implementation of Exceptions including realization of EPC and Cause registers, as well
as the control modification. For this implementation, you must provide examples of
codes to prove your implementation. – Up to 10 additional points

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