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Project #3 Robotics Realization Lab’s map

Project #3
Project #3
Map: Robotics Realization Lab’s map (2D map has been uploaded into Canvas)
Search Algorithm: A*
Vehicle: Deferential drive robot with two wheels
The diameter of the robot: 400mm (just like turtlebot2)
Software: V-rep or Gazebo
• Two source codes ( A* for project # 2 and A* for project # 3)
• Simulation results
• Text file including the velocity, (𝑥𝑥̇,𝑦𝑦̇,𝑧𝑧̇,𝛼𝛼̇, 𝛽𝛽̇ ,γ̇), information of the robot with respect to time as instructed by sample text file (2 Hz: two samples per second)
• Readme file
• Due date: April 15
1- Implementing A* for project 2 (source code) : 2 points
2- Implementing A* for differential drive vehicle (source code with proper commenting): 5 points
3- Left wheel’s and right wheel’s rotational velocity in a txt file: 3 Points
4- Readme.txt file with instruction : 1 point
5- Implementation on real robot (Turtlebot): 4 points
Note: Students who prefer to implement project 4 on real robot (Baxter) can
ignore step 5

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