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Project 3: TinyKayak: XML and XQuery

CSE 460 Project 3: TinyKayak: XML and XQuery

Problem 1: XML Database Design
You are asked to design an XML database for TinyKayak, which is a travel booking
website. TinyKayak has three types of data to manage: customer data, airline information
and flight ticket booking data. Specifically, you are given the following list of requirements:
• TinyKayak creates a record for each customer, and each record consists of:
1. A passport number, the passport number is also the key for the customer records.
2. A legal name.
3. A date of birth (DOB).
4. At least one address, each address consists of street, city, state, and zipcode.
5. A list of flight ticket orders that belong to the customer. (The requirements of
order data will be given soon).
• TinyKayak creates a record for each airline, and each record consists of:
1. An airline code, which is also a key.
2. An airline name.
• TinyKayak also creates a record for each flight ticket order, and each record consists
1. An order number, the order number is also the key for the flight ticket order
2. At least one airline code, airline codes indicate which airline companies the order
associates to.
3. A payment type, which indicates if the order is paid by a credit card, a check, or
a debit card, note only these three types are valid types for payment type.
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Course Name July 23, 2019
Write a DTD to model the above requirements. Use any xml validation tool to
validate your DTD with your test data, e.g., an XML Validation tool can be seen at For this problem, your solution should include your
DTD and your test data that is valid against your DTD (note: test data shouldnt be
empty, and your test data should be able to show all the modeling components of your
Problem 2: XQuery
Given the following DTD describes the information of the buildings of a university: department indicates the departments that are using the buildings, name is the name of the
building, type indicates how the building is used, e.g., teaching means that the building
is used for teaching purpose, year is the year the building was built. Assume you have a
xml database called buildings.xml that is valid against the given DTD, write the following
queries in your solution file, use XQuery comments to separate your answers, e.g., (: answer for 2.1 :). Use eXistDB to test and verify your answers, the file path of buildings.xml
should be /db/buildings.xml. Note: Your solution should include only your queries,
please do not include the given DTD or any test data.
<! DOCTYPE buildings [
<! ELEMENT buildings (building∗)
<! ELEMENT building (department+, name, type+, year)
<! ATTLIST building id ID #REQUIRED
<! ELEMENT department (#PCDATA)
• Find all the buildings which are used only as a library, i.e., the type is “library”.
• Find all the buildings which are used by both CSE department and EE department.
• For every department, find the department name and the total number of buildings
built in 2000 the department is using, you can ignore those departments that are
not using any building built in 2000, the result should be sorted in lexicographical
order by the department name.
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