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Project 3: Virtual Memory Simulator1

CS/COE 1550 – Introduction to Operating Systems
Project 3: Virtual Memory Simulator1

Table of Contents
PROJECT OVERVIEW.........................................................................................................................................2
PROJECT DETAILS .............................................................................................................................................2
IMPLEMENTATION .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
NOTES.......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
WRITE UP..................................................................................................................................................................... 3
FILE BACKUPS ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
REQUIREMENTS AND SUBMISSION...................................................................................................................4
GRADING SHEET/RUBRIC..................................................................................................................................4

1 Based upon Project 3 of Dr. Misurda's CS 1550 course.

CS/COE 1550 – Introduction to Operating Systems
Project Overview
In class, we have been discussing various page replacement algorithms that an Operating System
implementer may choose to use. In this project, you will compare the results of four different algorithms
on traces of memory references. While simulating an algorithm, you will collect statistics about its
performance such as the number of page faults that occur and the number of dirty frames that had to
be written back to disk. When you are done with your program, you will write up your results and
provide a graph that compares the performance of the various algorithms.
The four algorithms for this project are:
Opt – Simulate what the optimal page replacement algorithm would choose if it had perfect
Clock – Use the better implementation of the second-chance algorithm
FIFO – Implement first-in, first-out
NRU – Pick a not recently used page using the R and D bits.
You may write your program in C/C++, Java, Perl, or Python as long as it runs on
Implement a page table for a 32-bit address space. All pages will be 4KB in size. The number of frames
will be a parameter to the execution of your program.
Project Details
You will write a program called vmsim that takes the following command line:
./vmsim –n <numframes -a <opt|clock|fifo|nru [-r <refresh] <tracefile
The program will then run through the memory references of the file and display the action taken for
each address (hit, page fault – no eviction, page fault – evict clean, page fault – evict dirty).
When the trace is over, print out summary statistics in the following format:
Algorithm: Clock
Number of frames: 8
Total memory accesses: 1000000
Total page faults: 181856
Total writes to disk: 29401
We are providing three sample memory traces. The traces are available at /u/OSLab/original/ in the
files bzip.trace.gz, swim.trace.gz, and gcc.trace.gz

CS/COE 1550 – Introduction to Operating Systems
Each trace is gzip compressed, so you will have to copy each trace to your directory under
/u/OSLab/username and then decompress it like:
gunzip bzip.trace.gz
In the resulting trace file is a sequence of lines, each having a memory address in hexadecimal followed
by a R or W character to indicate if that access was a read or a write. For example, gcc.trace starts like
0041f7a0 R
13f5e2c0 R
If you are writing in C, you may parse each line with the following code:
unsigned int address;
char mode;
fscanf(file, "%x %c", &addr, &mode);
Implementing OPT in a naïve fashion will lead to unacceptable performance. It should not take more
than 5 minutes to run your program.
Write Up
For NRU, you have a refresh parameter to set. Try to find a good refresh period that works well. You do
not need to find the absolute minimum, just approximately how long to wait. Plot your results in a graph
and discuss why your choice of refresh seemed to be the best.
For each of your four algorithms (with NRU using the proper refresh you determined), describe in a
document the resulting page fault statistics for 8, 16, 32, and 64 frames. Use this information to
determine which algorithm you think might be most appropriate for use in an actual operating system.
Use OPT as the baseline for your comparisons.
For FIFO, with the three traces and varying the total number of frames from 2 to 100, determine if there
are any instances of Belady’s anomaly. Discuss in your writeup.
File Backups
One of the major contributions the university provides for the AFS filesystem is nightly backups.
However, the /u/OSLab/ partition on thoth is not part of AFS space. Thus, any files you modify under
your personal directory in /u/OSLab/ are not backed up. If there is a catastrophic disk failure, all of your
work will be irrecoverably lost. As such, it is my recommendation that you:

CS/COE 1550 – Introduction to Operating Systems
Backup all the files you change under /u/OSLab or QEMU to your ~/private/ directory
Loss of work not backed up is not grounds for an extension.
Requirements and Submission
You need to submit:
• Your well-commented program’s source
• A document (.DOC or .PDF) detailing the results of your simulation as described above
• DO NOT submit the trace files!
Make a tar.gz file named USERNAME-project3.tar.gz and upload it to CourseWeb by the deadline.
Grading Sheet/Rubric
Item Grade
vmsim program main skeleton 10%
OPT implementation 15%
CLOCK implementation 15%
FIFO implementation 15%
NRU implementation 15%
Writeup (Determining the optimal value of the refresh parameter) 10%
Writeup (The graph plotting the number of page faults versus the
number of frames and your conclusions on which algorithm would be
best to use in a real OS)
Writeup (FIFO Analysis) 10%

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