A Stack Machine to Evaluate Expressions
Purpose: Implement and use a Stack ADT to convert infix mathematical expressions to
postfix, and then evaluate the postfix expressions. Input will be from a text file, and output
will be written to a file.
Stack ADT (stack.py)
You will implement a Stack ADT (class Stack) that supports the following operations:
• push(item): push an item onto the stack. Size increases by 1.
• pop(): remove the top item from the stack and return it. Raise an IndexError if the
stack is empty.
• top(): return the item on top of the stack without removing it. Raise an IndexError if
the stack is empty.
• size(): return the number of items on the stack.
• clear(): empty the stack.
Pseudocode For Main Program (main.py)
Pseudocode for main program:
1. open file data.txt
2. read an infix expression from the file
3. display the infix expression
4. call function in2post(expr) which you write in2post() takes an infix expression as an
input and returns an equivalent postfix expression as a string. If the expression is not
valid, raise a SyntaxError. If the parameter expr is not a string, raise a ValueError.
5. display the postfix expression
6. call function eval_postfix(expr) which you write eval_postfix() takes a postfix string as
input and returns a number. If the expression is not valid, raise a SyntaxError.
7. display the result of eval_postfix()
Output must match the format shown in Figure 1 below.
Program Output
Figure 1. Example Program Output
A great explanation video for these following two algorithms is found at:
This has a C++ flavor, but can be very helpful to Python students as well.
Evaluate a Postfix Expression
1. Initialize a stack
2. if next input is a number:
Read the next input and push it onto the stack
Read the next character, which is an operator symbol
Use top and pop to get the two numbers off the top of the stack
Combine these two numbers with the operation
Push the result onto the stack
3. goto #2 while there is more of the expression to read
4. there should be one element on the stack, which is the result. Return
Infix to Postfix Pseudocode
• 1. initialize stack to hold operation symbols and parenthesis
2. if the next input is a left parenthesis:
Read the left parenthesis and push it onto the stack
else if the next input is a number or operand:
Read the operand (or number) and write it to the output
else if the next input is an operator:
while (stack is not empty AND
stack's top is not left parenthesis AND
stack's top is an operation with equal or higher
than the next input symbol):
Print the stack's top
Pop the stack's top
Push the next operation symbol onto the stack
Read and discard the next input symbol (should be a right
Print the top operation and pop it
while stack's top is not a left parenthesis:
Print next symbol on stack and pop stack
Pop and discard the last left parenthesis
3. Goto #2 while there is more of the expression to read
4. Print and pop any remaining operations on the stack
There should be no remaining left parentheses
Test Cases
Following is the set of assertion-based test cases that your code must pass, and on which
your grade for the project will be based. You will be given the pytest unit test code to run
against your code as you develop it. This allows you to learn how test are written, and to know
what your score is going to be when the code is graded before you submit it.
Test Empty Stack
Create an empty Stack
assert size is 0 assert pop raises IndexError
Test Nominal Stack
Create an empty Stack
push 3 items onto the stack assert size is 3. test that pop returns the last item pushed but
does not alter size. Verify that the data pushed is still on the stack and accessible with top
and pop. verify that top and pop will both raise an IndexError when done on an empty
push 100 item onto stack and the use clear. Verify that the size after clear is zero.
Test eval_postfix (expr)
14 different postfix expressions will be fed into eval_postfix() and the proper result will be
eval_postfix() will be fed an invalid post fix string and it must raise a SyntaxError.
eval_postfix() will be fed a non-string as its parameter and it must raise a ValueError
Test in2post (expr)
test 14 different in-fix equation and verify that the proper post fix
an invalid infix expression is passed into in2post() and it should raise a SyntaxError
a non-string will be passed into in2post() and it should raise a ValueError
Test program output
Test that output if main() matches output as shown in Figure 1
Test Code Quality
PyLint of both main.py and stack.py must have a value of 8.5 or greater.
Grading (100 points)
The scores are a result of the Unit Tests
• Test Stack 15
• Test in2post() 25
• Test eval_postfix() 25
• Test output 15
• Test Code Quality 20
Files to turn in through Canvas
• stack.py
• main.py