ECE 241: Data Structures and Algorithms
Project 4: FunWithGraph (DFS,BFS,MST using
Due Date: Deadline: see website
The goal of this project is to operate a Graph data structure and implement various graph
algorithms such as depth-first search (DFS), breadth-first search (BFS), minimum spanning tree Prim’s algorithm for weighted (non-directed) graphs (MSTW). The graphs are
defined using a rectangular grid and contain vertices that are defined by (integer) Cartesian
coordinates (x,y), and edges that connect those vertices with a given (integer) weight.
How to start
The project includes multiple ’source’ files:
1. App1.py to App3.py: three application files (provided).
2. Queue.py, Stack.py, Heap.py files containing the object class Queue, Stack and Heap
3. Graph.py file containing the class objects: Graph, Edges, and Vertex (to complete).
4. grid4x3.txt, grid9x9.txt, grid7x5.txt: coordinate graph files for testing.
All the functionality of the application files (presented in details below) should be successfully implemented to obtain full credit. You need to proceed step-by-step, application
by application. A list of methods to implement is described at the end of each section.
The code creates a regular grid where all first neighbors are connected. The size of the grid
is set by the user. The weights are uniformly equal to 1 for all edges. The code returns some
information about the graph (such as connecting edges, total weight and adjacency matrix
for small systems).
Figure 1 provides a complete example of a 3x3 grid graph with matrix representation.
Example of code execution:
Figure 1: Grid-Graph, local and global coordinates, matrix representation.
Welcome to Graph App 1
Enter Total Grid Size Nx and Ny: 3 3
List of edges + weights:
(0,0) <==> (1,0) 1
(0,0) <==> (0,1) 1
(1,0) <==> (2,0) 1
(1,0) <==> (1,1) 1
(2,0) <==> (2,1) 1
(0,1) <==> (1,1) 1
(0,1) <==> (0,2) 1
(1,1) <==> (2,1) 1
(1,1) <==> (1,2) 1
(2,1) <==> (2,2) 1
(0,2) <==> (1,2) 1
(1,2) <==> (2,2) 1
Total weight: 12
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
At this stage a grid-graph (similar to the one in Figure 2) is plotted in color GRAY.
Figure 2: 3x3 grid.
What is needed in Graph.py:
1. Create the class Vertex using two attributes i,j as inputs that represents the coordinate system. Do not forget to include the visited attribute (set to False) and a
str method.
2. A constructor for the class Graph that instantiate a rectangular grid graph. Create
the list of vertices and initialize the adjacency matrix of size nx∗ny to 0.
3. Implement form2DGrid method that sets the adjacency matrix by adding edges to the
Graph to form the 2D grid (all with a weight of 1). Hint: only the first neighbors
of each vertex are connected, you may need to know how to map local and global
coordinates, you also need to define the method addEdge.
4. The displayInfoGraph method, provides information about the graph. Your output
should be similar to the example above. The method returns also the total weight of
the graph.
5. The displayAdjMatrix method, provides the matrix. Your output should be similar
to the example above. You also need to implement the simple getnVertex method
used to return the value of nVertex in the main code.
6. Implement the plot method using Tkinter. Multiple Tips:
Start your plot method by root=Tk().
You will consider a white canvas of size w=80*nx and h=80*ny.
To migrate from your real math coordinate system to the Tkinter coordinate
system, you can use the provided static method toTkinter. For example, if you
want to know the i,j pixel Tkinter coordinates of the grid point (2,3) you could
do the following :
Vertices are represented by circle (oval) of radius 10 pixels (and user input color)
Edges are represented by line of width 3 times the weight of the connection (so
3*1=3 here).
End your plot method by root.mainloop()
The first part is similar to App1, but you can continue the execution of the code by selecting
a search algorithms (DFS or BFS) and a starting global node for performing the search.
As a result, a new MST graph will be created.
Remark: Depending on the starting point, the MST is not unique since all the weights
are the same. You will display the information about the new graph as well (edges connections, total weights, and matrix for small systems).
Here is what happens if we continue the execution using DFS with Vertex 0:
Welcome to Graph App 2
Enter Total Grid Size Nx and Ny: 3 3
List of edges + weights:
(0,0) <==> (1,0) 1
(0,0) <==> (0,1) 1
(1,0) <==> (2,0) 1
(1,0) <==> (1,1) 1
(2,0) <==> (2,1) 1
(0,1) <==> (1,1) 1
(0,1) <==> (0,2) 1
(1,1) <==> (2,1) 1
(1,1) <==> (1,2) 1
(2,1) <==> (2,2) 1
(0,2) <==> (1,2) 1
(1,2) <==> (2,2) 1
Total weight: 12
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
Perform: 1-DFS or 2-BFS? 1
Choose the starting node number: 0
List of edges + weights:
(0,0) <==> (1,0) 1
(1,0) <==> (2,0) 1
(2,0) <==> (2,1) 1
(0,1) <==> (1,1) 1
(0,1) <==> (0,2) 1
(1,1) <==> (2,1) 1
(0,2) <==> (1,2) 1
(1,2) <==> (2,2) 1
Total weight: 8
Now using the BFS search algorithm starting from Vertex 0, we get:
Welcome to Graph App 2
Enter Total Grid Size Nx and Ny: 3 3
List of edges + weights:
(0,0) <==> (1,0) 1
(0,0) <==> (0,1) 1
(1,0) <==> (2,0) 1
(1,0) <==> (1,1) 1
(2,0) <==> (2,1) 1
(0,1) <==> (1,1) 1
(0,1) <==> (0,2) 1
(1,1) <==> (2,1) 1
(1,1) <==> (1,2) 1
(2,1) <==> (2,2) 1
(0,2) <==> (1,2) 1
(1,2) <==> (2,2) 1
Total weight: 12
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
Perform: 1-DFS or 2-BFS? 2
Choose the starting node number: 0
List of edges + weights:
(0,0) <==> (1,0) 1
(0,0) <==> (0,1) 1
(1,0) <==> (2,0) 1
(1,0) <==> (1,1) 1
(2,0) <==> (2,1) 1
(0,1) <==> (0,2) 1
(1,1) <==> (1,2) 1
(2,1) <==> (2,2) 1
Total weight: 8
The resulting MST are shown in Figure 3:
Figure 3: MST result to the 3x3 grid using DFS (left) and BFS (right).
What is needed in Graph.py:
1. The dfs method to perform the depth first search and return a new MST graph. Your
output should be similar to the example above. You need the class Stack, provided
here. You need to implement the getAdjUnvisitedNode method.
2. You need to implement the bfs method to perform the breadth first search. Your
output should be similar to the example above. You need the class Queue, provided
We are now considering a weighted graph that you are going to read from a file. For example
let us look at the file grid3x4.txt
1 0 1
2 1 3
3 0 1
4 1 2
4 3 4
5 2 1
5 4 1
6 3 3
7 4 1
7 6 1
8 5 4
8 7 3
9 6 1
10 7 2
10 9 1
11 8 3
11 10 1
The file contains the list of edges making the connections between two vertices (in global
coordinates) associated with a given weight.
Here is the execution output:
Welcome to Graph App 3
Enter Total Grid Size Nx and Ny: 3 4
List of edges + weights:
(0,0) <==> (1,0) 1
(0,0) <==> (0,1) 1
(1,0) <==> (2,0) 3
(1,0) <==> (1,1) 2
(2,0) <==> (2,1) 1
(0,1) <==> (1,1) 4
(0,1) <==> (0,2) 3
(1,1) <==> (2,1) 1
(1,1) <==> (1,2) 1
(2,1) <==> (2,2) 4
(0,2) <==> (1,2) 1
(0,2) <==> (0,3) 1
(1,2) <==> (2,2) 3
(1,2) <==> (1,3) 2
(2,2) <==> (2,3) 3
(0,3) <==> (1,3) 1
(1,3) <==> (2,3) 1
Total weight: 33
The resulting grid-graph is shown in Figure 4. We note that the method plot (provided)
uses different thickness to draw the connections between all the nodes (corresponding to the
weights). Reminder (x3): a weight of 1 will have a thickness of 3, a weight of 2 will have a
thickness of 6, etc.
Figure 4: Grid-graph grid1 3x4 with given weights.
From here, after closing the graph, we can continue the execution with different options
that are possible. The user can select the options to perform a DFS or BFS like in App2 (the
unweighted graph will be considered for the search) and return a corresponding weighted
graph from a given starting Vertex.
Here is the example of execution if you choose DFS and Vertex 0:
Perform: 1-DFS, 2-BFS or 3-MSTW? 1
Choose the starting node number: 0
List of edges + weights:
(0,0) <==> (1,0) 1
(1,0) <==> (2,0) 3
(2,0) <==> (2,1) 1
(0,1) <==> (1,1) 4
(0,1) <==> (0,2) 3
(1,1) <==> (2,1) 1
(0,2) <==> (1,2) 1
(1,2) <==> (2,2) 3
(2,2) <==> (2,3) 3
(0,3) <==> (1,3) 1
(1,3) <==> (2,3) 1
Total weight: 22
Here is the example of execution if you choose BFS and Vertex 0:
Perform: 1-DFS, 2-BFS or 3-MSTW? 2
Choose the starting node number: 0
List of edges + weights:
(0,0) <==> (1,0) 1
(0,0) <==> (0,1) 1
(1,0) <==> (2,0) 3
(1,0) <==> (1,1) 2
(2,0) <==> (2,1) 1
(0,1) <==> (0,2) 3
(1,1) <==> (1,2) 1
(2,1) <==> (2,2) 4
(0,2) <==> (0,3) 1
(1,2) <==> (1,3) 2
(2,2) <==> (2,3) 3
Total weight: 22
The resulting graph obtained with DFS and BFS is shown in Figure 5:
The user can also select to compute the MSTW and return the new optimal weighted
graph. The code computes then the MSTW of the original graph (this is also a graph data
structure). The number of vertices is the same than the original graph but the number of
edges is nVertex-1 (11 in the example). Once the new graph is obtained, the code returns
the new info containing the optimized connections with weights as well as the total minimum
weight, and the new plot.
Here is the example of execution using MSTW
Figure 5: MST result fo the 3x3 weighted grid using DFS (left) and BFS (right).
Perform: 1-DFS, 2-BFS or 3-MSTW? 3
Choose the starting node number: 0
List of edges + weights:
(0,0) <==> (1,0) 1
(0,0) <==> (0,1) 1
(1,0) <==> (1,1) 2
(2,0) <==> (2,1) 1
(1,1) <==> (2,1) 1
(1,1) <==> (1,2) 1
(0,2) <==> (1,2) 1
(0,2) <==> (0,3) 1
(2,2) <==> (2,3) 3
(0,3) <==> (1,3) 1
(1,3) <==> (2,3) 1
Total weight: 14
We note that the resulting weight is now the smallest. The resulting MSTW is shown in
Figure 6:
Remark: If the weight in the input file are randomly generated, using MSTW you are
creating a random Maze Generator! (a maze along the blue lines). It is easier to see this
using a larger database, Figure 7 shows the MSTW for the grid9x9.txt file (total weight
of MSTW is 127).
What is needed:
1. The method load2Dgrid that reads the edge info from the file and initialize the matrix
with weights. If a file does not exist, the code should stop executing without bug (while
displaying some info saying the file does not exist).
Figure 6: result MSTW on grid1, 3x4 Maze.
Figure 7: result MSTW on grid3, 9x9 Maze.
2. The method mstw that implement the Prim’s algorithm for computing the MSTW
(that is returned as a new grid-graph). You will use a Heap to implement the priority
queue. You need first to implement a new Edge class with a constructor that accepts
three input arguments: the source node number, the destination node number, and
the weight. This way, you will be able to insert or remove object of type Edge in the
3. The provided class Heap already considers the smallest “item” as priority item. The
Heap is checking the items with symbol < and > when you trickledown or up. Here
you want to overload these operator in the class Edge where you could just compare
the relative weight of the edges.
Bonus (5pts)
Finally, if you apply App3 to the Christmas tree graph grid7x5.txt (that does not include
all vertices from the grid.. see Figure 8), the code may consider that the graph is not
connected and will not work. For full credit, you would need to modify bst, dfs, mstw to
make the code works fine in this situation as well. For starting node, you will use “3”. Hint:
you may need to modify your plot method as well, so you do not plot the vertices that are
not connected. The MSTW graph is shown in Figure 9.
Figure 8: Christmas-Tree graph grid7x5.txt.
Submit a single file Graph.py on moodle by the due date. Only one submission by group of
two. Write your names on top of the file.
Grading Proposal
This project will be graded out of 100 points:
1. Your program should implement all basic functionality and run correctly. (90 points).
Figure 9: Christmas-Tree MSTW graph grid7x5.txt.
2. Overall programming style: source code should have proper identification, and comments. (5 points)
Another Extra Credit - 10pt (no help from TA or instructor)
You can implement App4 applied to the MSTW of grid9x9.txt that computes the shortest path (Dijkstra’s algorithm) from the bottom left point (0,0) to the upper right corner
(nVertex-1,nVertex-1) point. You will consider that all the weights (between 1 and 4) are
now equal to 1 (to obtain a real maze situation). You will display the path, compute/return
the cost (sum of weights) and plot (in GREEN) the path (on top of the BLUE MST graph).
Send you App4 to the TAs by email at the time of submission.