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Project 4: Implementing Virtual Memory

CS 3013 - Operating Systems
Project 4 (100 points)

Project 4: Implementing Virtual Memory
Hard Drive
Swap Out
Swap In
Virtual memory is a powerful construction that allows programs to believe
they have access to a larger amount of memory resources than is present
in the physical RAM on a computer. In this project, we will emulate a
virtual memory system for our users that uses RAM, SSD, and traditional
spinning hard drives.
Storage Media
We will create three classes of storage: main memory (RAM), SSD, and
magnetic hard disks. Each tier in the hierarchy will have different capacities and access times (or latencies). The RAM will be limited to
25 integers, the SSD will hold 100 integers, and the hard disk will have
the capacity for 1000 integers. When a user accesses a memory region
(henceforth, a “page”) that is stored in RAM, the request will be serviced
immediately. If the page is on SSD, the request will be delayed by 0.25
seconds using the usleep() function. If the page is on magnetic disk,
the request will be delayed by 2.50 seconds (again using the usleep()
function). The same delays occur when values are written to these media as well.
The system is limited to 1000 virtual memory pages. Requests exceeding this
limit must be denied.
User API
While we could create our virtual memory system in the Linux kernel, we will perform our emulation in user
space to make the project practical given the time constraints. However, in doing so, we will not be using
standard memory libraries (e.g., malloc and free) and we will need to be more explicit about how the user
will access memory. In particular, the user will make the use of the following functions:
• vAddr allocateNewInt(); – This function reserves a new memory location, which is sizeof(int)
in size. This memory block must be created in the emulated RAM, pushing other pages out of the
emulated RAM into lower layers of the hierarchy, if needed. Returns -1 if no memory is available.
• int * accessIntPtr(vAddr address); – This function obtains the indicated memory page from
lower levels of the hierarchy, if needed, and returns an integer pointer to the location in emulated
RAM. The page is locked in memory and is immediately considered “dirty.” Returns NULL if the
pointer cannot be provided (e.g., a page must be brought into RAM, but all of RAM is locked).
• void unlockMemory(vAddr address); – When the user is done using the indicated memory page for
a while, they must unlock it, indicating that it can be swapped out to disk, if needed. Once a user
calls unlockMemory, any previous pointers they had to the memory are considered invalid and must
not be used.
• void freeMemory(vAddr address); – When the user is finally done with the memory page that has
been allocated, the user can free it. This not only frees the page in memory, but it deletes any swapped
out copies of the page as well.
The type vAddr is actually a typedef for an signed short. It is distinguished to make it clear that it
represents a page number and not data.
As an example, consider the following function a user could write:
void memoryMaxer() {
vAddr indexes[1000];
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
indexes[i] = allocateNewInt();
int *value = accessIntPtr(indexes[i]);
*value = (i * 3);
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
This function allows the user to create, access, update, and free memory. After the first 10 iterations
of the loop, the memory system must swap old values to SSD. After the first 25 iterations, the SSD is full
and SSD values must be swapped to the hard drive to make room for the memory to swap to the SSD.
Accordingly, the first 10 iterations go quickly, the next 15 iterations are slower, and the final 75 iterations
take FOREVER (#define FOREVER “187.5 seconds”).
Paging Infrastructure
To make all this happen, you must create the following memory components:
• Page Fault Handler: When the requested page is not in RAM, you must retrieve it from the
appropriate backing store. If it is on the hard disk, you must put it onto SSD. You must then transfer
it from the SSD into main memory. The page fault handler must evict pages to make room when
swapping in. The page fault handler is responsible for inserting the appropriate delays based on the
memory type.
• Page Eviction Algorithms: When a page fault occurs, but there is no place to store the faulted
page, you must evict a page to make room. However, you cannot evict a locked page. But, which of
the unlocked pages do you evict? You must create two different algorithms to evict pages, at least one
of which must use some notion of history.
• Page Table: How can you tell if a page is locked or not? Is the page allocated? Is the page in RAM,
on disk, or in memory? How can you tell when the page was last accessed? All of this information must
be stored in the page table, which is an array of size 1000 of structs. Each struct contains information
about the page.
Multiple users may wish to access memory at the same time. Select a synchronization primitive that will
ensure mutual exclusion for the relevant memory regions. Importantly, note that you may not lock all of the
memory in RAM, on SSD, or on disk while performing a page fault. Instead, you must lock the minimal
entries possible while avoiding deadlock.
Stress Testing
Once you have implemented your virtual memory system, write a few different user functions, like the
memoryMaxer function above, that make use of memory. Then, create a threaded program that uses these
functions simultaneously. Your program and functions must thoroughly test each of the requirements of the
system. If your stress tests pass, you should be assured that you have implemented the project correctly.
You should also include some timing metrics, like those you created in Project 1, to confirm the delays across
the different storage media are implemented correctly.
As part of the submission process, provide a text file testing methodology.txt, that describes your
testing functions and why you selected them. Indicate how you ensured your tests are thorough and why a
user should have confidence in your system. If you have statistical results, those should be presented as well.
Checkpoint Contributions
Students must submit work that demonstrates substantial progress towards completing the project on the
checkpoint date. Substantial progress is judged at the discretion of the grader to allow students flexibility in
prioritizing their efforts. However, as an example, code that is comparable to a basic page fault handler with
a simple eviction algorithm will be considered sufficient for a checkpoint. Projects that fail to submit
a checkpoint demonstrating significant progress will incur a 10% penalty during final project
Deliverables and Grading
When submitting your project, please include the following:
• Your source code files for the test functions and the virtual memory routines,
• a text file testing methology.txt (as described previously),
• a Makefile that compiles your code
• Output from your tests.
• A document called README.txt explaining your project and anything that you feel the instructor
should know when grading the project. Only plaintext write-ups are accepted.
Please compress all the files together as a single .zip archive for submission. As with all projects, please
only standard zip files for compression; .rar, .7z, and other custom file formats will not be accepted.
The project programming is only a portion of the project. Students should use the following checklist in
turning in their projects to avoid forgetting any deliverables:
1. Sign up for a project partner or have one assigned (URL:
2. Submit the project code and documentation via InstructAssist (URL:
3. Complete your Partner Evaluation (URL:, and
4. Schedule your Project Demonstration (URL:, which
may be posted slightly after the submission deadline.
A grading rubric has been provided at the end of this specification to give you a guide for how the project
will be graded. No points can be earned for a task that has a prerequisite unless that prerequisite is working
well enough to support the dependent task. Students will receive a scanned markup of this rubric as part of
their project grading feedback.
Groups must schedule an appointment to demonstrate their project to the teaching assistants. Groups
that fail to demonstrate their project will not receive credit for the project. If a group member fails to attend
his or her scheduled demonstration time slot, he or she will receive a 10 point reduction on his or her project
During the demonstrations, the TAs will be evaluating the contributions of group members. We will use
this evaluation, along with partner evaluations, to determine contributions. If contributions are not equal,
under-contributing students may be penalized.

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