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Project #4 RU Café sells donuts and coffee

Project #4 (55 points)

• You must include both team members’ names in the comment block on top of EVERY Java file.
• Your project folder must include the following subfolders/files for grading.
o Source folder [50 points]
§ All the .java files
§ All the .fxml files
o Javadoc folder [5 points]
Project Description
RU Café sells donuts and coffee. Your team will develop a software for the Café to manage the orders. Your team
must use JavaFX to develop the GUIs for taking the orders, placing the orders and cancelling an order. The user can
take one order at a time. The menu items include
• 3 types of donuts: yeast donut, cake donut and donut holes. Regardless of the flavors, a yeast donut is $1.39, a
cake donut is $1.59, and a donut hole is $0.33.
• Brewed coffee, with the choices of different add-ins: cream, syrup, milk, caramel, and whipped cream; and, with
the choices of different sizes: Short, Tall, Grande and Venti. The price for a Short black coffee is $1.99. Each
add-in costs $0.20. The price increase for the next size is $0.50. For example, the price increase for a Grande is
$1.00, therefore a Grande black coffee is $2.99, and a Grande coffee with cream and syrup would be $3.39.
Your software must provide 5 GUIs below. -5 points for each GUI missing. The user can navigate between the
GUIs to add/remove menu items to/from an order, review/place the order, check all orders and cancel an order.
(1) Main Menu, which shall include the options of ordering donuts, ordering coffee, show the current order, and
show all the orders placed by the user.
(2) Ordering Donuts, which allows the users to add or remove the donuts to the order. The GUI shall provide the
options of 3 donut types: yeast donut, cake donuts and donut holes. Each donut type provides at least 3 different
donut flavors. Upon selection of the donut type and the specific donut flavor, the user can also select the quantity
of the donut selected. While adding or removing the donuts, the GUI shall display the sub-total of the selected
donuts dynamically, with 2 decimal places.
(3) Ordering Coffee, which allows the user to add the coffee to the order. The GUI shall provide the options of the
sizes: Short, Tall, Grande and Venti, and the options of the add-ins: cream, syrup, milk, caramel, and whipped
cream. While adding or removing the add-ins or changing the sizes, the GUI shall display the sub-total of the
coffee dynamically, with 2 decimal places.
(4) Current order detail, which includes all the menu items added to the order. Each item in the order shall include
the details of the item name, quantity, add-ins (for coffee only) and size (for coffee only.) The user can review
the order, remove a selected item and place the order. The GUI shall display the sub-total, sales tax and total
amount of the order dynamically. The New Jersey Sales and Use Tax Rate is 6.625%. All dollar amounts must
be displayed with 2 decimal places.
(5) Store orders page, which lists all the orders placed by the user. The GUI shall list the detail of each order and
display the total amount of each order, with 2 decimal places. The user can select an order and cancel the order.
The GUI shall display the remaining orders after the cancellation. The user can also save/export the store orders
to a text file, which shall include the details of every order, consistent with the details displayed on the GUI.
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Project Requirements
1. This is a group assignment. You must work with your designated partner in order to get the credit for this project.
2. You MUST follow the software development ground rules, or you will lose points for not having a good
programming style.
3. Each Java class must go in a separate file. -2 points if you put more than one Java class into a file.
4. For each GUI, you must create a .fxml and its associated controller class. That is, you will have 5 .fxml files and
5 files. -5 points if this is not done properly.
5. When the user is navigating between the GUIs, the primary stage (main menu) must remain visible, or -5 points.
6. You can use any JavaFX UI controls to design your GUIs. However, you MUST include the following JavaFX
UI controls, or -3 points for each violation.
(a) ComboBox
(b) ImageView
(c) ListView
(d) CheckBox
7. You are NOT ALLOWED to use System.out in ALL CLASSES, or you will lose 10 points. Use either a
TextArea or Alert pop-ups to display any messages.
8. You can use any Java library classes. However, you must include the following classes. -5 points for each class
missing OR not used.
(a) include the following Java interface to your project
public interface Customizable {
 boolean add(Object obj);
 boolean remove(Object obj);
(b) MenuItem class. This is the superclass of all menu items, such as donuts and coffee. Any class defined for
a menu item must extend this class. All the subclasses must include a “itemPrice” method for calculating the
price of the menu item. -2 points for each violation.
(c) Coffee class. An instance of this class is a menu item in an order. This class must extend MenuItem class
and implement the Customizable interface above, or -2 points.
(d) Order class. An instance of this class has a unique order number and keeps the list of menu items added by
the user. This class must implement the Customizable interface above, or -2 points.
(e) StoreOrders class. An instance of this class keeps the list of orders placed by the user. This class must
implement the Customizable interface above, or -2 points.
9. You are required to generate the Javadoc after you properly commented your code. Your Javadoc must include
the documentations for the constructors, private methods and public methods of all Java classes (*.java files.)
You must comment the and All controller classes and include them in the Javadoc. DO NOT
include the *.fxml file, which is NOT a java file. Generate the Javadoc in a single folder and include it in your
project folder to be submitted to Canvas. You are responsible to double check your Javadoc after you generated
them. The grader will navigate the Javadoc with the “index.html”. You will lose 5 points for not including the
Javadoc, OR, the grader cannot navigate your Javadoc through the “index.html”.
System Testing
1. You are responsible to thoroughly test your software and ensure your software is meeting the requirements listed
above. You will lose 2 pointsfor each incorrect implementation, incorrect amount or incorrect information shown
on the GUIs.
2. Your software must always run in a sane state and should not crash in any circumstances. You must catch all
Java Exceptions. Your program shall continue to run until the user stops the program execution or closes the
window. You will lose 2 points for each exception not caught.

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