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Project 4 (RSA Cryptosystem)

Project 4 (RSA Cryptosystem)
Exercise 1. (Palindrome) Implement the function _isPalindrome() in that returns True if the argument s is a
palindrome (ie, reads the same forwards and backwards), and False otherwise. You may assume that s is all lower case and
doesn’t contain any whitespace characters.
& ~/workspace/project4
$ python3 palindrome . py bolton
$ python3 palindrome . py amanaplanacanalpanama
Exercise 2. (Sine Function) Implement the function _sin() in that calculates the sine of the argument x in radians,
using the formula
sin(x) = x −
3! +
5! −
7! + · · · .
Note: to test for convergence, use the condition similar to the one in the _cdf() function from the library we discussed
in class.
& ~/workspace/project4
$ python3 sin . py 60
Exercise 3. (Euclidean Distance) Implement the function _distance() in that returns the Euclidean distance between
the vectors x and y represented as one-dimensional lists of floats. The Euclidean distance is calculated as the square root of
the sums of the squares of the differences between the corresponding entries. You may assume that x and y have the same
& ~/workspace/project4
$ python3 distance . py
-9 1 10 -1 1
-5 9 6 7 4
Exercise 4. (Reverse) Implement the function _reverse() in that reverses the one-dimensional list a in place, ie,
without creating a new list.
& ~/workspace/project4
$ python3 reverse . py
to be or not to be that is the question
<ctrl -d >
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Exercise 5. (Transpose) Implement the function _transpose() in that creates and returns a new matrix that is the
transpose of the matrix represented by the argument a. Note that a need not have the same number rows and columns.
Recall that the transpose of an m-by-n matrix A is an n-by-m matrix B such that Bij = Aji, where 0 ≤ i < n and 0 ≤ j < m.
& ~/workspace/project4
$ python3 transpose . py
2 3
1 2 3
4 5 6
1.0 4.0
2.0 5.0
3.0 6.0
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Project 4 (RSA Cryptosystem)
Goal The purpose of this project is to implement the RSA public-key cryptosystem.
The RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) cryptosystem is widely used for secure communication in browsers, bank ATM machines,
credit card machines, mobile phones, smart cards, and operating systems. It works by manipulating integers. To thwart
eavesdroppers, the RSA cryptosystem must manipulate huge integers (hundreds of digits), which is naturally supported by
the int data type in Python. Your task is to implement a library that supports core functions needed for developing the RSA
cryptosystem, and implement programs for encrypting and decrypting messages using RSA.
The RSA Cryptosystem The RSA public-key cryptosystem involves three integers n, e, and d that satisfy certain mathematical properties. The public key (n, e) is made public on the Internet, while the private key (n, d) is only known to Bob.
If Alice wants to send Bob a message x ∈ [0, n), she encrypts it using the function
E(x) = x
e mod n,
where n = pq for two distinct large prime numbers p and q chosen at random, and e is a random prime number less than
m = (p − 1)(q − 1) such that e does not divide m.
For example, suppose p = 47 and q = 79. Then n = 3713 and m = 3588. Further suppose e = 7. If Alice wants to send the
message x = 2020 to Bob, she encrypts it as
E(2020) = 20207 mod 3713 = 516.
When Bob receives the encrypted message y = E(x), he decrypts it using the function
D(y) = y
d mod n,
where d ∈ [1, m) is the multiplicative inverse of e mod m, ie, d is an integer that satisfies the equation ed mod m = 1.
Continuing the example above, if d = 2563, then when Bob receives the encrypted message y = 516 from Alice, he decrypts
it to recover the original message as
D(516) = 5162563 mod 3713 = 2020.
Problem 1. (RSA Library) Implement a library called that provides functions needed for developing the RSA cryptosystem. The library must support the following API:
² rsa
keygen(lo, hi) generates and returns the public/private keys as a tuple (n, e, d), picking prime numbers p and q needed
to generate the keys from the interval [lo, hi)
encrypt(x, n, e) encrypts x (int) using the public key (n, e) and returns the encrypted value
decrypt(y, n, d) decrypts y (int) using the private key (n, d) and returns the decrypted value
bitLength(n) returns the least number of bits needed to represent n
dec2bin(n, width) returns the binary representation of n expressed in decimal, having the given width and padded with
leading zeros
bin2dec(n) returns the decimal representation of n expressed in binary
& ~/workspace/project4
$ python3 rsa . py S
encrypt (S) = 1743
decrypt (1743) = S
bitLength (83) = 7
dec2bin (83) = 1010011
bin2dec (1010011) = 83
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Project 4 (RSA Cryptosystem)
ˆ keygen(lo, hi)
– Get a list of primes from the interval [lo, hi).
– Sample two distinct random primes p and q from that list.
– Set n and m to pq and (p − 1)(q − 1), respectively.
– Get a list primes from the interval [2, m).
– Choose a random prime e from the list such that e does not divide m (you will need a loop for this).
– Find a d ∈ [1, m) such that ed mod m = 1 (you will need a loop for this).
– Return the tuple1
(n, e, d).
ˆ encrypt(x, n, e)
– Implement the function E(x) = x
e mod n.
ˆ decrypt(y, n, d)
– Implement the function D(y) = y
d mod n.
ˆ _primes(lo, hi)
– Create an empty list.
– For each p ∈ [lo, hi), if p is a prime, add p to the list.
– Return the list.
ˆ _sample(a, k)
– Create a list b that is a copy (not an alias) of a.
– Shuffle the first k elements of b.
– Return a list containing the first k elements of b.
ˆ _choice(a)
– Get a random number r ∈ [0, l), where l is the number of elements in a.
– Return the element in a at the index r.
Problem 2. (Keygen Program) Write a program called that accepts lo (int) and hi (int) as command-line arguments,
generates public/private keys (n, e, d), and writes the keys to standard output, separated by a space. The interval [lo, hi)
specifies the interval from which prime numbers p and q needed to generate the keys are picked.
& ~/workspace/project4
$ python3 keygen . py 50 100
3599 1759 2839
ˆ Accept lo (int) and hi (int) as command-line arguments.
ˆ Get public/private keys as a tuple.
ˆ Write the three values in the tuple, separated by a space.
Problem 3. (Encryption Program) Write a program called that accepts the public-key n (int) and e (int) as
command-line arguments and a message to encrypt from standard input, encrypts each character in the message, and writes
its fixed-width binary representation to standard output.
1A tuple is like a list, but is immutable. You create a tuple by enclosing comma-separated values within matched parentheses, eg, a = (1, 2, 3).
If a is a tuple, a[i] is the ith element in it.
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Project 4 (RSA Cryptosystem)
& ~/workspace/project4
$ python3 encrypt . py 3599 1759
<ctrl -d >
ˆ Accept public-key n (int) and e (int) as command-line arguments.
ˆ Get the number of bits per character (call it width) needed for encryption, ie, number of bits needed to encode n.
ˆ Accept message to encrypt from standard input.
ˆ For each character c in message:
– Use the built-in function ord() to turn c into an integer x.
– Encrypt x.
– Write the encrypted value as a width-long binary string.
ˆ Write a newline character.
Problem 4. (Decryption Program) Write a program called that accepts the private-key n (int) and d (int) as
command-line arguments and a message to decrypt (produced by from standard input, decrypts each character
(represented as a fixed-width binary sequence) in the message, and writes the decrypted character to standard output.
& ~/workspace/project4
$ python3 decrypt . py 3599 2839
<ctrl -d >
$ python3 encrypt . py 3599 1759 | python3 decrypt . py 3599 2839
Python is the mother of all languages .
<ctrl -d >
Python is the mother of all languages .
ˆ Accept private-key n (int) and d (int) as command-line arguments.
ˆ Get the number of bits per character (call it width).
ˆ Accept message (binary string generated by from standard input.
ˆ Assuming l is the length of message, for i ∈ [0, l − 1) and in increments of width:
– Set s to substring of message from i to i + width (exclusive).
– Set y to decimal representation of the binary string s.
– Decrypt y.
– Write the character corresponding to the decrypted value, obtained using the built-in function chr().
Data Be sure to test your programs thoroughly using files provided under the data folder. For example:
& ~/workspace/project4
$ python3 keygen . py 50 100
5963 4447 367
$ python3 encrypt . py 5963 4447 < data / adams . txt | python3 decrypt . py 5963 367
The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong
is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible
to get at and repair .
Acknowledgements This project is an adaptation of the RSA Public-key Cryptosystem assignment developed at Princeton
University by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
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Project 4 (RSA Cryptosystem)
Files to Submit
10. report.txt
Before you submit your files, make sure:
ˆ You do not use concepts from sections beyond “Libraries and Applications”.
ˆ Your programs meet the style requirements by running the following command in the terminal.
& ~/workspace/project4
$ pycodestyle < program >
ˆ Your code is adequately commented, follows good programming principles, and meets any specific requirements
such as corner cases and running times.
ˆ You use the template file report.txt for your report.
ˆ Your report meets the prescribed guidelines.
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