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Project 4A Recursive auto encoder (RAE)

CSE 250B Project 4A

The objective of this project is to understand the recursive auto encoder (RAE)
method of learning meanings for sentences. Specifically, the goal is to reproduce
experimental results from the paper Semi-Supervised Recursive Autoencoders for
Predicting Sentiment Distributions by Richard Socher et al. You should aim to duplicate the accuracy of 76.8% reported for RAEs with random word initialization
on the movie reviews (MR) dataset in Table 4 of the paper.
Each team should implement the semi-supervised RAE method, based on the
description in the paper. There are details of the method that are not explained in
the paper. In particular, the gradients that are needed for training are not stated
explicitly. Give all the equations for these in your report.
You can find the authors’ software and datasets at http://www.socher.
org. Read the code there to help fill in details that are not explained in the paper,
but do not copy that code, whether at a high level or at a low level. You can get
good results using vectors of length 20. Longer vectors can give slightly higher
accuracy. Training may require more iterations of BFGS for shorter vectors, possibly because these may cause more local optima to exist.
While developing your code, take steps to confirm that it is correct. In particular, compare the result of evaluating your function that computes partial derivatives with the result of numerical differentiation of the loss function. To reduce
error, use central differences for numerical derivatives. Make a plot of the difference between the numerical derivative and the backpropagation derivative as
a function of the ? value used to compute the numerical derivative. What is the
smallest value of ? that can be used in practice? Obviously, the difference should
tend to zero as ? tends to zero. At what rate should the difference tend to zero?
Suppose that the weight matrix W is in R
. Then the time needed to run
the neural network once is O(d
). It follows that the time needed to compute
the partial derivative numerically for each entry Wij of W is O(d
), which is
not feasible in practice. How can you verify that numerical and backpropagation
derivatives are equal in less than O(d
) time? Also explain in your report other
steps that you take to verify that your implementation is correct.
Investigate what the trained model has and has not learned. In particular:
1. Tabulate the ten most positive and ten most negative words.
2. Show the ten phrases predicted to be most positive and most negative in one
of the cross-validation test folds.
3. Pick some interesting words and phrases, and show the other words and
phrases whose meanings are most similar according to the trained model.
4. Pick some interesting sentences and show the tree structure that the greedy
algorithm finds for them.
Do experiments to investigate whether it is necessary to adjust the vector representing each word. Compare the following three alternatives: (i) the full method,
(ii) the full method without using derivatives to adjust the meaning vector for each
word, and (iii) a bag-of-words method that adjusts meaning vectors, but does not
attempt to represent the structure or meaning of sentences. For case (iii), discuss
how similar this model is to standard bag-of-words logistic regression.
Implement the method first without normalization of vectors, that is using the
pointwise transfer function tanh(a). After you succeed in doing the whole project
with the unnormalized transfer function, then try using the normalized transfer
function tanh(a)/||tanh(a)||, which is not pointwise. The symbolic derivative
of the normalized function is quite complicated; be sure that you work it out correctly. Do you need to use the full Jacobian of the normalized function?
Investigate experimentally whether normalization is beneficial. Look for trends
in the meaning vectors with and without normalization, and try to give a qualitative mathematical explanation of the experimental results with and without normalization. Hint: what happens when a sigmoid function is saturated?

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