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Project #5 Android app

Project #5 (120 points)

Submit a single zipped file to Canvas. To ensure you have all the files needed for the grader to grade your
Project 5. You can zip the project folder, which should include the AndroidManifest.xml, *.java, the
gradle files, and all the resource files *.xml. When you submit the zip file, write a comment on Canvas to
identify the API level of the app and the AVD you use to run your app.
• The zipped file MUST include the following grading items.
(1) All files needed to run your project [115 points]
o Java files (Activity files and Fragment files if you have any)
o Layout files, i.e., *.xml files.
o Other resource files under the res folder, e.g., drawable/image files, values/string.xml,
values/color.xml, etc.
o AndroidManifest.xml and Gradle files.
(2) Javadoc folder. [5 points]
• The submission button on Canvas will disappear after December 8, 11:59pm. It is your responsibility to ensure
your Internet connection is good for the submission. You get 0 points if you do not have a submission on
Canvas. Submitting the project through the email will not be accepted.
Project Description
You will port the software developed in Project 4 to the Android system. That is, your team will develop an Android
app based on the functional requirements in Project 4.
Project Requirement
1. You MUST follow the Coding Standard and Ground Rules posted on Canvas under Week #1 in the “Modules”.
You will lose points if you are not following the rules.
2. You are responsible for following the Academic Integrity Policy. See the Additional Note #13 in the syllabus.
3. You must meet the 10 functional requirements stated in Project 4 under the Project Description, EXCEPT the
Export store orders. You will lose 5 points for each requirement not met.
4. All methods should not exceed 40 lines, or -2 points for each violation, maximum 5 points off.
5. Each Java class must go in a separate file. -2 points if you put more than one Java class into a file.
6. You can use any Android Views to design your GUIs. However, you MUST use the following Views or Java
classes, or -5 points for each violation.
a) Toast
b) AlertDialog
c) ImageView
d) Spinner
e) ListView
f) RecyclerView for all the pizza options
7. At least 2 Android Activities (* and their associated layout files (*.xml), or you will lose 10 points.
a) If you need to share data between the Android activities, you can use public static to define the variables.
b) If you are using Fragment, then you can have a single Activity with multiple Fragments. Fragment is
optional for this project.
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8. You must remove ALL “hardcoded text” warnings. In other words, you must define all the texts to be displayed
on the GUIs in the string.xml resource file. -1 point for each violation, with a maximum of 5 points off. You
will not lose points on other warnings, however, try your best to fix all the warnings.
9. You MUST define the launcher icon for your app, or -5 points.
10. You are required to generate the Javadoc after you properly comment your code. Your Javadoc must include
the comments for the constructors, private and public methods. You must include class comments with @author
tags for all .java files. Generate the Javadoc in a single folder and include it in your project folder to be submitted
to Canvas. You will lose 5 points for not including the Javadoc, OR, the grader cannot navigate your Javadoc
through the “index.html”.
System Testing
1. Test design document is not required for this project. However, you are responsible to thoroughly test your
software and ensure your software is meeting the requirements listed under Project Requirement and in Project
4 project description. You will lose 2 points for each incorrect implementation, incorrect amount, incorrect
information shown on the GUIs, or each buggy behavior of your app.
2. Your software must always run in a sane state and should not crash in any circumstances. You must catch all
Java Exceptions. Your program shall continue to run until the user stops the program execution or closes the
window. You will lose 2 points for each exception not caught.

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