Binary Search Tree
This project will give you experience with Binary Search Trees. The next project builds of
this one project, so be sure you document your code well and understand well how it
Implement the two classes defined in the following UML diagrams
Binary Search Tree ADT (binarysearchtree.py)
You will implement a BST that supports the following operations:
• is_empty: Return True if empty, False otherwise.
• __len__: Return the number of items in the tree.
• height: Return the height of the tree
• __str__: Return a string that shows the shape of the tree when printed
• add(item): Add item to its proper place in the tree
• remove(item): Remove item from the tree.
• find(item): Return the matched item. If item is not in the tree, return None.
• inorder: Return an iterator that performs an inorder traversal of the tree
• height: returns the height of the tree (height of the root node)
The following operations must be implemented recursively:
• add
• find
• remove
• preorder
• __str__
• __len__
These functions should all use a “helper” function to do the actual recursion and work. So
that the UnitTest can verify that recursion was properly used, at the beginning of every
“helper” function, you must add the following line:
''' recursrion helper. DO NOT CALL DIRECTLY '''
And at the beginning of the module you will have to add:
from recursioncounter import RecursionCounter # place at the beginning of the mod
Main Program (main.py)
You must implement a main function that does the following:
1. Insert the following numbers into the tree in this order:
2. Print a preorder traversal of the tree
3. Print the tree
4. Remove the following data from the tree: 21,9,4,18,15,7
5. Print the tree
The output should look similar to Figure 1.
Figure 1. Example output showing preorder traversal and printing the tree.
Test Cases
Following is the set of assertion-based test cases that your program must pass, and by
which your code will be graded. You will be given the pytest unit test code to run against
your code as you develop it. This allows you to learn how test are written, and to know what
your score is going to be when the code is graded before you submit it
Test Empty BST
Create an empty BST
assert size == 0 assert is_empty is True
Test Size
Create an empty tree
seed random number generator with 0
Insert 123 random integers in range 1, 400 into the tree assert size == 123
Test Height
Create an empty tree Insert value 123 into the tree
assert height == 0
Insert 12 and 2 into the tree
assert height == 1
Test Insert and Find
Create an empty tree
seed random number generator with 0
Generate a list of 123 random integers in range 1, 400
Insert each integer into the list in the order they appear in the list above
assert find(first item in list) == first item in list
assert find(401) == None
Test Remove
Create an empty tree
seed random number generator with 0
Generate a list of 10 random integers in range 1, 100
Insert each integer into the list in the order they appear in the list above
remove(first item in list)
assert find(first item in list) == None
Test Preorder Traversal
Create an empty tree
seed random number generator with 0
Generate a list of 123 random integers in range 1, 400
Insert them in the list in the order they appear in the list above
assert returned value is a list of length 123
do preorder traversal assert that the first element of the random integers is the first
element of the returned list
Test String
Implement scenario given in Figure 1 and implemented in the main program, but as a test
Test Recursion
the following functions will be tested to verify that they use recursion to do their work
• add
• find
• remove
• preorder
• __str__
• __len__
(remember to have the line RecursionCounter() at the beginning of every recursive helper
Test Code Quality
PyLint will be run on main.py and binarysearchtree.py. Both must have at least an 8.5
PyLint score.
Grading (100 points)
• Passes TestNode 10
• Passed TestBinarySearchTree 35
• Passed RecursionTests 30
• passed Coding Standards 25
Turn in to Canvas:
• main.py
• binarysearchtree.py