CS 251
Project #5 (50 points)
• Submit the zipped project folder to Canvas.
oWrite a comment on Canvas identifying the API level and the AVD you used to run your app.
o It is your responsibility to make sure the submitted zipped file includes all the files required to run
your Android app. You will get 0 points if your app does not run.
Project Description
Develop an Android version of your Project 4. There is no restriction on how you design the GUIs, however,
you must include the same functionalities described in Project 4, or -2 points for each improper
implementation. You can remove the donut types and just have a list of donuts for selection, with $1.39 for
each donut. You can modify the classes from Project 4 as needed. The export of store orders is not required.
Project Requirement
1. This is a group assignment. You MUST work in pair in order to get the credit for this program.
2. You MUST follow the software development ground rules, or you will lose points for not having a
good programming style.
3. The comment block on top of each Java file must include the names of all team members.
4. You are NOT required to generate the Javadoc, however, you MUST comment ALL Java classes and
methods, except the onCreate() methods.
5. You must include the following Android “activities” (*Activity.java) and their associated layout files
(*.xml files), or you will lose 5 points for each activity missing.
• Main menu – this is the MainActivity.
• Ordering donuts – add/remove donuts with quantity and running subtotal.
• Ordering coffee – add/remove add-ins and select sizes with running subtotal.
• Order details – show the list of menu items added to the order, including the details for each item, and
the subtotal, sales tax and total for the order; user can remove a selected item and place the order.
• Store orders – show the list of orders with the details of every order; user can cancel an order.
6. You must use Toast to show any messages displayed on the device, or -2 points.
7. Your app must NOT have any “hardcoded text” warnings. In other words, you must define all texts in
the string.xml resource file. -1 point for each violation, with a maximum of 5 points off.
8. You MUST define the launcher icon for your app, or -2 points.
9. You MUST define the activity titles displayed on top of the activities, -1 point for each violation.
10. You Must define the parent activity for each activity in the manifest file, or -1 point for each violation.
Program Testing
Your program must meet all the requirements and always run in a sane state. Your program must not crash
under any circumstances. You are responsible to thoroughly test your Android app. You will lose 2 points
for each exception not caught or malfunction, with a maximum of 10 points off.