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Project 6- Balanced Binary Tree and Generators

Balanced Binary Tree and Generators
It is possible over time for a binary tree to become unbalanced as nodes are inserted and
deleted from the tree. Several algorithms exist for balancing trees, including such classics
as AVL-tree, red-black tree and others. Many algorithms immediately balance a tree during
insertion and deletion, or rebalance if one subtree differs in height by more than 1 from its
sibling subtree. Some more modern algorithms amortize the cost of balancing a tree by
checking only periodically and rebalancing if needed, instead of after every insert.
You must add the following function to your BinarySearchTree class of the previous
• inorder : performs an in-order traversal of the tree. Returns either a list or a
generator. Can be recursive or iterative (hint: recursive is easier).
• rebalance_tree : use the method described below to re-balance the current tree
• So that this re-balance method always words, you will have to modify the add()
method so that it WILL NOT add duplicate elements to the tree.
If you need extra “helper” methods to properly implement the two extra required methods,
that is just fine.
No “driver” (i.e. is required for this project. However, you are encouraged to build
one to help you test your new functionality.
For this project, you will modify the BST you created in a previous project to include
periodic rebalancing or rebalance when some imbalance condition is true: such as one side
is x amount higher than the other side. The rebalancing algorithm you will implement is as
1. do an inorder traversal of the tree and write the node values out to a list. If you wish
you can use a generator to easily create this list.
2. take the middle value as root
3. split the list in left and right halves, excluding the middle value
4. recursively rebuild the tree, using steps 2 and 3 until done.
When finished, the tree will be balanced.
Test Cases
Test inorder
create an empty tree
add 125 random integers
call the inorder() method
assert that the result of inorder() is in ascending order
Test Tree Height
create an empty tree
assert that the height of the empty tree is -1
add 510 integers, all increasing by one (range(511)) (all nodes should be “right-chidren” of
their parent)
assert that the height of the tree is 510
rebalance the tree
assert that the height is 8
Test Tree Rebalance
create an empty tree
add 126 random, but sorted integers
assert the tree has a correct height
Test Code Quality
PyLint will be run on It must have at least an 8.5 PyLint score.
Grading (100 points)
• Passes Inorder Test 20
• Passed Test Tree Height 30
• Passed Tree Rebalance 30
• passed Coding Standards 20
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