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Project 6 (Markov Model)

Project 6 (Markov Model)
Exercise 1. (Spell Checker ) Write a program that accepts words from standard input; looks up each word in
the file data/misspellings.txt that maps misspelled words to their correct spellings; and if it exists (ie, is misspelled), writes the
word to standard output along with the correct spelling.
& ~/workspace/project6
$ python3 spell_checker . py
Try nto to become a man of sucess but rather try to become a man of value . ~ Albert Einstein
< enter >
nto -> not
sucess -> success
<ctrl -d >
L spell
from instream import InStream
from symboltable import SymbolTable
import stdio
# Entry point .
def main ():
# Set inStream to an input stream built from the file ’data / misspellings . txt ’.
# Set lines to the list of lines read from inStream .
# Set misspellings to a new symbol table object .
for ... in ...:
# For each line (of the form ’ misspelling correction ’) in lines ...
# Set tokens to the list obtained by splitting line using the split () method from str .
# Insert the pair tokens [0]/ tokens [1] into misspellings .
while ...:
# As long as standard input is not empty ...
# Set word to a string read from standard input .
# If word exists in misspellings , then it is misspelled . So write the word and the
# correction to standard output , separated by the string ’ ->’.
if __name__ == ’__main__ ’:
main ()
Exercise 2. (Word Occurrences) Write a program that accepts f ilename (str) as command-line argument
and words from standard input; and writes to standard output the word along with the indices (ie, locations) where it appears
in the file whose name is f ilename — writes “Word not found” if the word does not appear in the file.
& ~/workspace/project6
$ python3 word_occurrences . py data / Beatles . txt
< enter >
dead -> [3297 , 4118 , 4145 , 4197]
< enter >
Word not found
<ctrl -d >
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Project 6 (Markov Model)
L word
from instream import InStream
from symboltable import SymbolTable
import stdio
import sys
# Entry point .
def main ():
# Accept filename ( str ) as command - line argument .
# Set inStream to an input stream built from filename .
# Set words to the list of strings read from inStream .
# Set occurrences to a new symbol table object .
for i , word in enumerate (...):
# For each word ( having index i) in words ...
# If word does not exist in occurrences , insert it with an empty list as the value .
# Append i to the list corresponding to word in occurrences .
while ...:
# As long as standard input is not empty ...
# Set word to a string read from standard input .
# If word exists in occurrences , write the word and the corresponding list to standard
# output , separated by the string ’ ->’. Otherwise , write the message ’Word not found ’.
if ...:
else :
if __name__ == ’__main__ ’:
main ()
Goal The purpose of this project is to use a Markov chain to create a statistical model of a piece of English text and use
the model to generate stylized pseudo-random text and decode noisy messages.
Perspective In the 1948 landmark paper A Mathematical Theory of Communication, Claude Shannon founded the field of
information theory and revolutionized the telecommunications industry, laying the groundwork for today’s Information Age.
In this paper, Shannon proposed using a Markov chain to create a statistical model of the sequences of letters in a piece of
English text. Markov chains are now widely used in speech recognition, handwriting recognition, information retrieval, data
compression, and spam filtering. They also have many scientific computing applications including the genemark algorithm
for gene prediction, the Metropolis algorithm for measuring thermodynamical properties, and Google’s PageRank algorithm
for Web search. In this assignment, we consider two variants: generating stylized pseudo-random text and decoding noisy
Markov Model of Natural Language Shannon approximated the statistical structure of a piece of text using a simple
mathematical model known as a Markov model. A Markov model of order 0 predicts that each letter in the alphabet occurs
with a fixed probability. We can fit a Markov model of order 0 to a specific piece of text by counting the number of occurrences
of each letter in that text, and using these frequencies as probabilities. For example, if the input text is ’gagggagaggcgagaaa’,
the Markov model of order 0 predicts that each letter is ’a’ with probability 7/17, ’c’ with probability 1/17, and ’g’ with
probability 9/17 because these are the fraction of times each letter occurs. The following sequence of characters is a typical
example generated from this model:
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Project 6 (Markov Model)
gaggcgagaagagaagaaagagagagaaagagaag ...
A Markov model of order 0 assumes that each letter is chosen independently. This independence does not coincide with
statistical properties of English text because there a high correlation among successive characters in a word or sentence. For
example, ’w’ is more likely to be followed with ’e’ than with ’u’, while ’q’ is more likely to be followed with ’u’ than with ’e’.
We obtain a more refined model by allowing the probability of choosing each successive letter to depend on the preceding
letter or letters. A Markov model of order k predicts that each letter occurs with a fixed probability, but that probability can
depend on the previous k consecutive characters. Let a k-gram mean any string of k characters. Then for example, if the text
has 100 occurrences of ’th’, with 60 occurrences of ’the’, 25 occurrences of ’thi’, 10 occurrences of ’tha’, and 5 occurrences of
’tho’, the Markov model of order 2 predicts that the next letter following the 2-gram ’th’ is ’e’ with probability 3/5, ’i’ with
probability 1/4, ’a’ with probability 1/10, and ’o’ with probability 1/20.
A Brute-Force Solution Claude Shannon proposed a brute-force scheme to generate text according to a Markov model of
order 1:
“To construct [a Markov model of order 1], for example, one opens a book at random and selects a letter at
random on the page. This letter is recorded. The book is then opened to another page and one reads until
this letter is encountered. The succeeding letter is then recorded. Turning to another page this second letter is
searched for and the succeeding letter recorded, etc. It would be interesting if further approximations could be
constructed, but the labor involved becomes enormous at the next stage.”
Your task in this project is to write a Python program to automate this laborious task in a more efficient way — Shannon’s
brute-force approach is prohibitively slow when the size of the input text is large.
Problem 1. (Markov Model Data Type) Define a data type called MarkovModel in to represent a Markov model
of order k from a given text string. The data type must support the following API:
² MarkovModel
MarkovModel(text, k) constructs a Markov model m of order k from text
m.order() returns the order of m
m.kgram_freq(kgram) returns the number of occurrences of kgram in m
m.char_freq(kgram, c) returns the number of times character c follows kgram in m
m.rand(kgram) using m, finds and returns a random character following kgram
m.gen(kgram, n) using m, builds and returns a string of length n, the first k characters of which is kgram
• Constructor To implement the data type, define two instance variables: an integer _k that stores the order of the
Markov model, and a symbol table _st whose keys are all the k-grams from the given text. The value corresponding
to each key (say kgram) in _st is a symbol table whose keys are the characters that follow kgram in the text, and the
corresponding values are their frequencies. You may assume that the input text is a sequence of characters over the
ASCII alphabet so that all values are between 0 and 127. The frequencies should be tallied as if the text were circular
(i.e., as if it repeated the first k characters at the end). For example, if the text is ’gagggagaggcgagaaa’ and k = 2, then the
symbol table _st should store the following information:
’aa ’: {’a ’: 1, ’g ’: 1} ,
’ag ’: {’a ’: 3, ’g ’: 2} ,
’cg ’: {’a ’: 1} ,
’ga ’: {’a ’: 1, ’g ’: 4} ,
’gc ’: {’g ’: 1} ,
’gg ’: {’a ’: 1, ’c ’: 1, ’g ’: 1}
If you are careful enough, the entire symbol table can be built in just one pass through the circular text. Note that
there is no reason to save the original text or the circular text as an attribute of the data type. That would be a grossly
inefficient waste of space. Your MarkovModel object does not need either of these strings after the symbol table is built.
• Order. Return the order k of the Markov Model.
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Project 6 (Markov Model)
• Frequency. There are two frequency methods.
– kgram_freq(kgram) returns the number of times kgram was found in the original text. Returns 0 when kgram is not
found. Raises an error if kgram is not of length k.
– char_freq(kgram, c) returns the number of times kgram was followed by the character c in the original text. Returns
0 when kgram or c is not found. Raises an error if kgram is not of length k.
• Randomly generate a character. Return a character. It must be a character that followed the kgram in the original
text. The character should be chosen randomly, but the results of calling rand(kgram) several times should mirror the
frequencies of characters that followed the kgram in the original text. Raise an error if kgram is not of length k or if
kgram is unknown.
• Generate pseudo-random text. Return a string of length n that is a randomly generated stream of characters whose first
k characters are the argument kgram. Starting with the argument kgram, repeatedly call rand() to generate the next
character. Successive k-grams should be formed by using the most recent k characters in the newly generated text.
To avoid dead ends, treat the input text as a circular string: the last character is considered to precede the first character.
For example, if k = 2 and the text is the 17-character string ’gagggagaggcgagaaa’, then the salient features of the Markov model
are captured in the table below:
frequency of probability that
next char next char is
kgram freq a c g a c g
aa 2 1 0 1 1/2 0 1/2
ag 5 3 0 2 3/5 0 2/5
cg 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
ga 5 1 0 4 1/5 0 4/5
gc 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
gg 3 1 1 1 1/3 1/3 1/3
17 7 1 9
Note that the frequency of ’ag’ is 5 (and not 4) because we are treating the string as circular.
A Markov chain is a stochastic process where the state change depends on only the current state. For text generation, the
current state is a k-gram. The next character is selected at random, using the probabilities from the Markov model. For
example, if the current state is ’ga’ in the Markov model of order 2 discussed above, then the next character is ’a’ with
probability 1/5 and ’g’ with probability 4/5. The next state in the Markov chain is obtained by appending the new character
to the end of the k-gram and discarding the first character. A trajectory through the Markov chain is a sequence of such
states. Shown below is a possible trajectory consisting of 9 transitions.
trajectory : ga --> ag --> gg --> gc --> cg --> ga --> ag --> ga --> aa --> ag
probability for a: 1/5 3/5 1/3 0 1 1/5 3/5 1/5 1/2
probability for c: 0 0 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 0
probability for g: 4/5 2/5 1/3 1 0 4/5 2/5 4/5 1/2
Treating the input text as a circular string ensures that the Markov chain never gets stuck in a state with no next characters.
To generate random text from a Markov model of order k, set the initial state to k characters from the input text. Then,
simulate a trajectory through the Markov chain by performing n − k transitions, appending the random character selected
at each step. For example, if k = 2 and n = 11, the following is a possible trajectory leading to the output gaggcgagaag:
trajectory : ga --> ag --> gg --> gc --> cg --> ga --> ag --> ga --> aa --> ag
output : ga g g c g a g a a g
& ~/workspace/project6
$ python3 markov_model . py banana 2
an a
na b
na a
na -
<ctrl -d >
freq (an , a ) = 2
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Project 6 (Markov Model)
freq (na , b ) = 1
freq (na , a ) = 0
freq ( na ) = 2
$ python3 markov_model . py gagggagaggcgagaaa 2
aa a
ga g
gg c
ag -
cg -
gc -
<ctrl -d >
freq (aa , a ) = 1
freq (ga , g ) = 4
freq (gg , c ) = 1
freq ( ag ) = 5
freq ( cg ) = 1
freq ( gc ) = 1
• Instance variables
– Order of the Markov model, _k (int).
– A symbol table to keep track of character frequencies, _st (SymbolTable) — keys are all the k-grams from the given
text and the value corresponding to each key (say kgram) is a symbol table whose keys are the characters that
follow kgram in the text, and the corresponding values are their frequencies.
• MarkovModel(text, k)
– Initialize instance variables appropriately.
– Construct circular text circ_text from text by appending the first k characters to the end; for example, if
text = ’gagggagaggcgagaaa’ and k = 2, then circ_text = ’gagggagaggcgagaaaga’.
– For each kgram from circ_text, and the character next_char that immediately follows kgram, increment the frequency of
next_char in _st[kgram] by 1; for the above example, _st, at the end of this step, should store the following information:
’aa ’: {’a ’: 1, ’g ’: 1} ,
’ag ’: {’a ’: 3, ’g ’: 2} ,
’cg ’: {’a ’: 1} ,
’ga ’: {’a ’: 1, ’g ’: 4} ,
’gc ’: {’g ’: 1} ,
’gg ’: {’a ’: 1, ’c ’: 1, ’g ’: 1}
• m.order()
– Return the order of the Markov model.
• m.kgram_freq(kgram)
– Return the frequency of kgram, which is simply the sum of the values of _st[kgram].
• m.char_freq(kgram, c)
– Return the number of times c immediately follows kgram, which is simply the value of c in _st[kgram].
• m.rand(kgram)
– Use stdrandom.discrete() to randomly select and return a character that immediately follows kgram.
• m.gen(kgram, n)
– Initialize a variable text to kgram.
– Perform n - _k iterations, where each iteration involves appending to text a random character obtained using
self.rand() and updating kgram to the last _k characters of text.
– Return text.
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Project 6 (Markov Model)
Problem 2. (Random Text Generator ) Implement a program that accepts k (int) and n (int) as commandline arguments, reads the input text from standard input (for efficiency reasons, use to read the text) and
builds a Markov model of order k from the input text; then, starting with the k-gram consisting of the first k characters
of the input text, writes to standard output n characters generated by simulating a trajectory through the corresponding
Markov chain, followed by a new line. You may assume that the text has length at least k, and also that n ≥ k.
& ~/workspace/project6
$ python3 text_generator . py 2 50 < data / input17 . txt
• Accept command-line arguments k (int) and n (int).
• Initialize text to text read from standard input using
• Create a Markov model using text and k.
• Use the model to generate a random text of length n and starting with the first k characters of text.
• Write the random text to standard output.
Problem 3. (Noisy Message Decoder ) Imagine you receive a message where some of the characters have been corrupted
by noise. We represent unknown characters by the ~ symbol (we assume we don’t use ~ in our messages). Implement the
method model.replace_unknown() in the data type that decodes a noisy message corrupted by replacing each ~ in it
with the most likely character and returns the decoded message. You may assume that the unknown characters are at least
k characters apart and also appear at least k characters away from the start and end of the message.
This maximum-likelihood approach doesn’t always get it right, but it fixes most of the missing characters correctly. Here
are some details on what it means to find the most likely replacement for each ~. For each unknown character, you should
consider all possible replacement characters. You want the replacement character that makes sense not only at the unknown
position (given the previous characters) but also when the replacement is used in the context of the k subsequent known
characters. You can compute the probability of each possbile replacement character (aka hypothesis) by multiplying the
probabilities of generating each of the k + 1 characters in sequence: the missing one, and the k subsequent ones.
Implement a program that accepts k (int) s (str) as command-line arguments representing the model order
and corrupt message, reads the input text from standard input (for efficiency reasons, use to read the text),
and writes to standard output the most likely original string.
& ~/workspace/project6
$ python3 fix_corrupted . py 3 " it w~s th ~ bes ~ of tim ~s , i~ was ~ he wo ~ st of ~ times ." < data / bible . txt
it was the bese of times , it was the woest of times .
$ python3 fix_corrupted . py 4 " it w~s th ~ bes ~ of tim ~s , i~ was ~ he wo ~ st of ~ times ." < data / bible . txt
it was the best of times , it was the worst of times .
• Main idea behind m.replace_unknown(corrupted)
When we fix a corrupted message, we have to look at each missing letter in the context of what comes before it and
what comes after it. For example, let the corrupted message be ’it w~s th’, k = 4, and let the characters that follow the
4-gram ’it w’ be ’a’, ’b’, and ’c’. So we want to pick the best of three hypotheses (call them Ha, Hb, and Hc). Let’s
use the notation ’abcd’|’e’ to mean the probability of finding an ’e’ after the 4-gram ’abcd’. This probability is 0 if ’e’
does not follow ’abcd’ in the text.
The likelihood of Ha is the product of (k + 1) probabilities: ’it w’|’a’, ’t wa’|’s’, ’ was’|’ ’, ’was ’|’t’, and ’as t’|’h’.
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Project 6 (Markov Model)
The likelihood of Hb is the product of the following (k + 1) probabilities: ’it w’|’b’, ’t wb’|’s’, ’ wbs’|’ ’, ’wbs ’|’t’, and
’bs t’|’h’.
The likelihood of Hc is the product of the following (k + 1) probabilities: ’it w’|’c’, ’t wc’|’s’, ’ wcs’|’ ’, ’wcs ’|’t’, and
’cs t’|’h’.
Now, the character that we use to replace ~ with is the one with the maximum likelihood. So if max(Ha, Hb, Hc) = Ha,
then we would replace ~ by the character ’a’. We use the _argmax() helper function for this.
• Pseudocode for m.replace_unknown(corrupted)
if corrupted [i ] == ’~ ’:
kgram_before = kgram before ~
kgram_after = kgram after ~
probs = []
for each hypothesis from hypotheses (ie , characters that can replace ~):
context = kgram_before + hypothesis + kgram_after
p = 1.0
for i from 0 to _k + 1:
kgram = kgram from context starting at i
char = character from context that follows kgram
if kgram or char is non - existent , then set p to 0 and break
Otherwise , multiply p by probability of char following kgram
append p to probs
append to original the hypothesis that maximizes probs ( use _argmax ())
• Implement as follows:
– Accept k (int) and corrupted (str) as command-line arguments.
– Initialize text to text read from standard input using
– Create a Markov model using text and k.
– Use the model to decode corrupted.
– Write the decoded text to standard output.
Data Be sure to test your programs thoroughly using files provided under the data folder. For example
& ~/workspace/project6
$ python3 text_generator . py 5 50 < data / Beatles . txt
Words you . Baby you ’ ll all you , yeh . It too long I
$ python3 fix_corrupted . py 3 " she s~ lls sea s~ ells on th ~ sea s~ ore " < data / wiki_100k . txt
she sells sea spells on the sea store
Acknowledgements This project is an adaptation of the Markov Model of Natural Language assignment developed at
Princeton University by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
Files to Submit
6. report.txt
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Project 6 (Markov Model)
Before you submit your files, make sure:
• You do not use concepts from sections beyond “Stacks, Queues, and Symbol Tables”.
• Your programs meet the style requirements by running the following command in the terminal.
& ~/workspace/project6
$ pycodestyle < program >
• Your code is adequately commented, follows good programming principles, and meets any specific requirements
such as corner cases and running times.
• You use the template file report.txt for your report.
• Your report meets the prescribed guidelines.
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