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Project 625.661 Statistical Models and Regression

Course Project
625.661 Statistical Models and Regression
After you complete Modules 1-10, you have learned the major methods for regression modelbuilding process depicted in Figure 1.8, page 10 of the textbook. Regression model-building is
a process that requires a lot of careful thoughts and evaluations during the building process. In
this course project, you are requested to find the “best” regression model for model fitting and
model prediction for a dataset you select from the list provided below.
After completion of this project, you will be able to:
 Draw out a plan and process for statistical model building.
 Develop statistical methods for regression model analysis following statistical principle.
 Perform statistical modeling, model diagnostics and validation.
 Identify and apply appropriate analysis methods with statistical modeling to real-world
Project Tasks
First, you either select one dataset from the following two tables in the Textbook:
 Table B.9 (page 561-562)
 Table B.4 (page 557)
or you use your own data from your work. If you choose your own data, please make
sure to describe in detail your own project.
All the variables listed in your selected table need to be considered in your regression modelbuilding. Your final model may eliminate some of the regressors with proper justification. You
can check out the source information regarding the dataset from literature, if any, to familiarize
yourself with the background of the problem and the dataset.
In the next steps, you need to follow the bullet points drawn out in the objectives section
Finally, you need to write a report that describes how you build the final models in detail and
how to assess the ability of your model for prediction. The details should include your thought
process, analysis results, and conclusions.
Your project report will be due by the end of Day 5 in Module 14. The report paper should be
submitted in Blackboard as a Word or PDF document.
Plagiarism is defined as taking the words, ideas or thoughts of another and representing them
as one's own. If you use the ideas of another, provide a complete citation in the source work; if
you use the words of another, present the words in the correct quotation notation (indentation
or enclosed in quotation marks, as appropriate) and include a complete citation to the source. 

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