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Project [7]: Pointers

Project [7]: Pointers

Project Goals
The goal of this project is to:
1. Get students familiar with the use of pointers
Important Notes:
1. Formatting: Make sure that you follow the precise recommendations for the output content and
formatting: for example, do not change the text of the problem from “Please type the real
component: ” to “Enter real part: ”. Your assignment will be auto-graded and any change in
formatting will result in a loss in the grade.
2. Comments: Header comments are required on all files, for each function, and recommended throughout
the rest of the program. Points will be deducted if no header/function comments are included.
3. Restriction: The use of goto statements anywhere within this program is prohibited. Points will be
deducted if goto is used.
Problem 1
Write a program that adds, subtracts, and multiplies complex numbers. This program will prompt the user for the
choice of operation, read in the complex numbers, perform the operation, and print the result. Your program must
use the six functions described below.
At the beginning, the program should output the following:
Complex Number Arithmetic Program:
At every iteration, your program should ask the user for an option as follows:
1) Add two complex numbers
2) Subtract two complex numbers
3) Multiply two complex numbers
4) Quit
Choose an option (1 - 4):
Each option should function as follows:
• Option 1: Read in two imaginary numbers, add them together, and print out the result.
• Option 2: Read in two imaginary numbers, subtract the second one from the first, and print the result.
• Option 3: Read in two imaginary numbers, multiply them together, and print the result.
• Option 4: Print the message below and end the program
o “Bye!”
Your program must use and implement the following functions:
• add: This function returns nothing and takes as parameters four floats (The real and imaginary parts of two
imaginary numbers). The function also takes as parameters two float pointers (pointers to the imaginary
and real portion of the result). This function adds the two imaginary numbers. This real part of the result is
pointed to by the first pointer and the imaginary part of the result if pointed to by the second pointer. The
function prototype is as follows:
o void add(float real_part_1, float imaginary_part_1, float real_part_2, float
imaginary_part_2, float* real_result, float* imaginary_result)
• subtract: This function returns nothing and takes as parameters four floats (The real and imaginary parts
of two imaginary numbers). The function also takes as parameters two float pointers (pointers to the
imaginary and real portion of the result). This function subtracts the second imaginary number from the
first. This real part of the result is pointed to by the first pointer and the imaginary part of the result is
pointed to by the second pointer. The function prototype is as follows:
o void subtract(float real_part_1, float imaginary_part_1, float real_part_2,
float imaginary_part_2, float* real_result, float* imaginary_result)
• multiply: This function returns nothing and takes as parameters four floats (The real and imaginary parts
of two imaginary numbers). The function also takes as parameters two float pointers (pointers to the
imaginary and real portion of the result). This function multiplies the two imaginary numbers. This real part
of the result is pointed to by the first pointer and the imaginary part of the result if pointed to by the second
pointer. The function prototype is as follows:
o void multiply(float real_part_1, float imaginary_part_1, float real_part_2,
float imaginary_part_2, float* real_result, float* imaginary_result)
• read_num: This function returns nothing and takes as parameters two float pointers (The first pointer to the
real part and the second pointer to the imaginary part of an imaginary number). This function begins by
“Please type in the real component: ”
The function then reads in the real component of the imaginary number and points the first pointer passed
to it to that number. Then the function prints:
“Please type the imaginary component: ”
The function then reads in the imaginary component of the imaginary number and points the second pointer
passed to it to that number. The function prototype is as follows:
o void read_num(float *real_part, float *imaginary_part)
• read_nums: This function returns nothing and takes as parameters four float pointers (a pointer to the real
part of the first imaginary number, a pointer to the imaginary part of the first imaginary number, a pointer
to the real part of the second imaginary number, a pointer to the imaginary part of the second imaginary
number). The function starts by printing:
“Reading the first imaginary number...”
Then the function calls the read_num function to read in the first imaginary number. Then the function
“Reading in the second imaginary number...”
The function then calls the read_num function to read in the second imaginary number. The function
prototype is as follows:
o void read_nums(float* real_part_1, float* imaginary_part_1, float* real_part_2,
float* imaginary_part_2)
• print_complex: This function returns nothing and takes as parameters two floats (one for the real part of
the imaginary number and one for the imaginary part of the imaginary number). This function prints out the
imaginary number by printing:
“The operation yields <the real part of the number + <the imaginary part of the numberi”
Both the imaginary and real parts of the number should be printed with 6 spaces and three numbers after
the decimal point. The function prototype is as follows:
o void print_complex(float real_part, float imaginary_part)
Your program should function as follows (items underlined are to be entered by the user):
Complex Number Arithmetic Program:
1) Add two complex numbers
2) Subtract two complex numbers
3) Multiply two complex numbers
4) Quit
Choose an option (1 - 4): 1
Reading the first imaginary number...
Please type in the real component: 1.5
Please type in the imaginary component: 3.7
Reading the second imaginary number...
Please type in the real component: 5.4
Please type in the imaginary component: 2.3
The operation yields 6.900 + 6.000i
1) Add two complex numbers
2) Subtract two complex numbers
3) Multiply two complex numbers
4) Quit
Choose an option (1 - 4): 2
Reading the first imaginary number...
Please type in the real component: 6.
Please type in the imaginary component: 1.24
Reading the second imaginary number...
Please type in the real component: 8.23
Please type in the imaginary component: 6.754
The operation yields -1.930 + -5.514i
1) Add two complex numbers
2) Subtract two complex numbers
3) Multiply two complex numbers
4) Quit
Choose an option (1 - 4): 3
Reading the first imaginary number...
Please type in the real component: 2.65
Please type in the imaginary component: 3.7
Reading the second imaginary number...
Please type in the real component: 5.4
Please type in the imaginary component: 2.31
The operation yields 5.763 + 26.102i
1) Add two complex numbers
2) Subtract two complex numbers
3) Multiply two complex numbers
4) Quit
Choose an option (1 - 4): 5
Please input a valid menu option
1) Add two complex numbers
2) Subtract two complex numbers
3) Multiply two complex numbers
4) Quit
Choose an option (1 - 4): 4
• If the user enters an invalid menu option, the program should print the following error message:
“Please input a valid menu option”
• For each operation (add, subtract, multiply) you can assume the user will give valid input
Save your program as complex_calculator.c
Challenge for problem 1 (10 extra credit points):
Add a division operation to your calculator. The menu is as follows:
1) Add two complex numbers
2) Subtract two complex numbers
3) Multiply two complex numbers
4) Divide two complex numbers
5) Quit
Choose an option (1 - 5):
Each option must function as follows:
• Option 1-3: The same as before
• Option 4: Read in two imaginary numbers, divide the first by the second, and print the result.
• Option 5: Print the message below and end the program
▪ “Bye!”
Your program can use the previous functions and add the following function:
• divide: This function returns nothing and takes as parameters four floats (The real and imaginary parts of
two imaginary numbers). The function also takes as parameters two float pointers (pointers to the
imaginary and real portion of the result). This function divides the first imaginary number by the second.
This real part of the result is pointed to by the first pointer and the imaginary part of the result is pointed to
by the second pointer. The function prototype is as follows:
o void divide(float real_part_1, float imaginary_part_1, float real_part_2, float
imaginary_part_2, float* real_result, float* imaginary_result)
Your program should function as follows (items underlined are to be entered by the user):
Complex Number Arithmetic Program:
1) Add two complex numbers
2) Subtract two complex numbers
3) Multiply two complex numbers
4) Divide two complex numbers
5) Quit
Choose an option (1 - 5): 4
Reading the first imaginary number...
Please type in the real component: 2
Please type in the imaginary component: -1
Reading the second imaginary number...
Please type in the real component: -3
Please type in the imaginary component: 6
The operation yields -0.267 + -0.200i
1) Add two complex numbers
2) Subtract two complex numbers
3) Multiply two complex numbers
4) Divide two complex numbers
5) Quit
Choose an option (1 - 5): 6
Please input a valid menu option
1) Add two complex numbers
2) Subtract two complex numbers
3) Multiply two complex numbers
4) Divide two complex numbers
5) Quit
Choose an option (1 - 5): 5
Save your challenge separately as complex_calculator_c.c
Grading Rubric
Grading will be done for each problem as follows:
Correctly-named file 5%
Header comment 2%
Program compiles 5%
Correctly-reading data from terminal 28%
Correct result printed 60%
Submission details
To submit your project, you will have to use the submission script. You do this by either:
1. Working on an ECC machine
2. Working on the provided VMware
3. Secure Copying your files (See Mac Support for information)
To Submit your project:
• Have a directory called “project7”
• Save your *.c files in that directory
• To submit: (don’t type the ‘’ symbols)
cd project7
The submission script copies all files in the current directory to our directory. You may submit as many times as you
like before the deadline, we only keep the last submission.

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