Project 8-1: Contact Manager with exception
Add exception handling to the contacts program that manages the primary email
address and phone number for a contact, from Module 7.
Could not find contacts file!
Starting new contacts file...
Contact Manager
list - Display all contacts
view - View a contact
add - Add a contact
del - Delete a contact
exit - Exit program
Command: list
There are no contacts in the list.
Command: add
Name: Bugsy Lapin
Email: blapin@bunnies.org
Phone: 352-555-2468
Bugsy Lapin was added.
Command: view
Number: 8
Invalid contact number.
Command: view
Number: B
Invalid integer.
Command: view
Number: 1
Name: Bugsy Lapin
Email: blapin@bunnies.org
Phone: 352-555-2468
When you start the program, it should read the contacts from a CSV file.
If the program can’t find the CSV file, it should display an appropriate message and create a new
CSV file that doesn’t contain any contact data.
For the view and del commands, display an appropriate error message if the user enters an invalid
integer or an invalid contact number.
When you add or delete a contact, the change should be saved to the CSV file immediately.
Save the file with the filename contacts2_XXX.py where XXX is either your initials or your last