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Project 8- Weighted Graphs

Weighted Graphs
Weighted graphs show up as a way to represent information in many applications, such as
communication networks, water, power and energy systems, mazes, games and any
problem where there is a measurable relationship between two or more things. It is
therefore important to know how to represent graphs, and to understand important
operations and algorithms associated with graphs. For this project, you will implement a
directed, weighted graph and associated operations along with breadth-first search and
Dijkstra's Shortest Path algorithms.
There are a number of nice Python modules for representing, displaying and operating on
graphs. You are not allowed to use any of them for this project. Write your own.
Graph ADT
Your Graph ADT will support the following operations:
• add_vertex(label): add a vertex with the specified label. Return the graph. label must
be a string or raise ValueError
• add_edge(src, dest, w): add an edge from vertex src to vertex dest with weight w.
Return the graph. validate src, dest, and w: raise ValueError if not valid.
• float get_weight(src, dest) : Return the weight on edge src-dest (math.inf if no path
exists, raise ValueError if src or dest not added to graph).
• dfs(starting_vertex): Return a generator for traversing the graph in depth-first order
starting from the specified vertex. Raise a ValueError if the vertex does not exist.
• bfs(starting_vertex): Return a generator for traversing the graph in breadth-first order
starting from the specified vertex. Raise a ValueError if the vertex does not exist.
• list dijkstra_shortest_path(src, dest): Return a tuple (path length , the list of vertices on
the path from dest back to src). If no path exists, return the tuple (math.inf, empty
• dict dijkstra_shortest_path(src): Return a dictionary of the shortest weighted path
between src and all other vertices using Dijkstra's Shortest Path algorithm. In the
dictionary, the key is the vertex label, the value is a tuple (path length , the list of
vertices on the path from key back to src).
• __str__: Produce a string representation of the graph that can be used with print().
A good explanation of a python generator is found at
Displaying Output of Graph Operations on an Example Graph G
Suppose we create a graph G.
The output of print(G) might look like Figure 1:
Figure 1. Example of graph printed to console.
If this code were run:
 print("starting BFS with vertex A")
 for vertex in G.bfs("A"):
 print("\t", vertex)
the output would look like:
Figure 2. Example of Breadth-First Traversal on example graph G.
If this code were run:
 print("starting DFS with vertex A")
 for vertex in G.dfs("A"):
 print("\t", vertex)
the output would look like:
Figure 3. Printing the output of Depth-First Traversal on example graph G.
Unit Testing
Test Graph Creation
• create graph
• add vertex, assert ValueError
• add vertex “A”, add vertex “B”, assert returned value is instance of Graph
• add edge from “A” to “cat”, assert ValueError
• add edge from “A” to “B” of weight “cat”, assert ValueError
• add edge from “A” to “B” of weight 10.0, assert returned value is instance of Graph
• assert weight from “A” to “B” is 10.0
• assert weight from “B” to “A” is math.inf
TestGraph Traversals
• create a graph with vertices “A” – “F”
• add some edges
• assert that a generator is returned from bfs()
• assert that data created from generator is correct
• assert that a generator is returned from dfs()
• assert that data created from generator is correct
Test __str__
• create a graph (G) with vertices and edges
• call str(G) and validate the returned string
Test Shortest Paths
• create a graph with size vertices and nine edges
• assert dijkstra_shortest_path() from “A” to every other vertex (path will exit)
• assert dijkstra_shortest_path() from “D” to ‘A’ has distance of math.inf and an empty
path list
• assert assert dijkstra_shortest_path() from “A” returns the proper dictionary
• assert dijkstra_shortest_path() from “D” returns the proper dictionary
Test Code Quality
• assert pylint on is 8.5 or higher
Grading (100 points)
• test graph creation 5
• test __str__ 5
• test Traversals 20
• test Shortest paths 60
• test Code Quality 10

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