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Project One: Match Puzzle

ECE 2035 Project One: Match Puzzle
This project addresses efficient manipulation of data structures and pattern matching. The task is
a classic IQ test where one is asked to match an eight color pattern to a copy that may be flipped
(mirrored) and rotated. The reference puzzle is the square in the center of the board. The eight
candidate puzzles wrap around the edge of the board clockwise beginning in the upper left hand
corner. The color codes are as follows (0 = red, 1 = yellow, 2 = green, and 3 = blue). The
reference pattern in the example below (the center 3 x 3 pattern) is yellow, blue, red, yellow,
blue, red, yellow, red. The matched candidate is the pattern mark with an “X” to the left of the
reference (pattern 7). Note that it is flipped and rotated. Exactly one of the eight candidates will
match the reference pattern; it may be flipped (horizontally or vertically), rotated, or both. The
reference and candidate color codes are each packed into the lower 16-bits of an unsigned integer
(2 bits per element). The Reference and Candidates arrays shown below show the 2 bit values of
each element, and the table shows the values of the corresponding packed unsigned int.
Reference [1, 3, 0, 1, 3, 0, 1, 0]
Candidates [[2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1],
[3, 0, 2, 0, 3, 1, 2, 1],
[2, 0, 3, 2, 0, 2, 0, 3],
[2, 0, 3, 2, 1, 3, 0, 1],
[3, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, 2, 1],
[3, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2],
[2, 0, 3, 1, 3, 0, 3, 1],
[0, 3, 1, 0, 1, 0, 3, 1]]
packed reference and candidate values
reference cand. 0 cand. 1 cand. 2 cand. 3 cand. 4 cand. 5 cand. 6 cand. 7
4941 31214 26403 51378 19890 25203 33863 29554 28956
P1-1: In this part, you must write a C program to locate the matching puzzle in the grid. Use the
shell code P1-1-shell.c as a starting point. Two testfiles (test1.txt and test3.txt) containing
sample puzzles are included. You may create additional puzzles using the dump command in
In order for your solution to be properly received and graded, there are a few requirements.
1. The file must be named P1-1.c.
2. The program should report the answer using the following print statement:
printf(“The matching pattern is at position [0-7] %d\n”, Position);
3. Your solution must be properly uploaded to Canvas before the scheduled due date.
P1-2: In this part, a performance implementation of the Match Puzzle program will be
implemented in MIPS assembly language. Use the shell code P1-2-shell.asm as a starting
In this version, correct operation and efficient performance are evaluated. The code size,
dynamic execution length, and operand storage requirements are scored empirically, relative to a
baseline solution. The baseline numbers for this project are static code size: 30 instructions,
dynamic instruction length: 180 instructions (avg.), storage required: 6 words (not including the
ECE 2035 Project One: Match Puzzle
reference word and 8 candidate words in memory and dedicated registers $0, $31). The dynamic
instruction length metric is the maximum of the baseline metric and the average dynamic
instruction length of the five fastest student submissions.
Your score will be determined through the following equation:
PercentCredit=2− MetricYour Pr ogram
MetricBaselinePr ogram
Percent Credit is then used to determine the number of points for the corresponding points
category. Important note: while the total score for each part can exceed 100%, especially bad
performance can earn negative credit. The sum of the combined performance metrics scores
(code size, execution length, and storage) will not be less than zero points. Finally, the
performance scores will be reduced by 10% for each incorrect trial (out of 100 trials). You
cannot earn performance credit if your implementation fails ten or more of the 100 trials.
Library Routines: There are two library routines (accessible via the swi instruction).
SWI 582: Create Board: This routine creates a puzzle board, storing the packed reference
pattern in the memory address contained in $1 and storing the packed candidates in the eight
words in memory beginning at the word immediately following the reference pattern. (In the
shell code, the reference pattern is stored at the address labeled Reference and the eight
candidates are stored in the eight words beginning at the address labeled Candidates.)
INPUTS: $1 should contain the address of the word allocated for the reference pattern in
memory. OUTPUTS: memory starting at the address in $1 contains the packed reference
pattern, followed by the eight packed candidates.
SWI 583: Highlight Candidate: This routine highlights the selected candidate referenced by the
offset stored in $3 (0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, or 28). The selected candidate is highlighted in the
display and marked for grading. INPUTS: $3 should contain the matching candidate offset as a
multiple of 4 (not base address). OUTPUTS: $6 contains the correct answer which you can check
against what you reported in $3 to test and validate your program.
In order for your solution to be properly received and graded, there are a few requirements.
1. The file must be named P1-2.asm.
2. Your program must correctly highlight the matching candidate to the reference pattern.
3. Your program must return to the operating system via the jr $31 instruction. Programs
that include infinite loops or produce simulator warnings or errors will receive zero
4. Your solution must be properly uploaded to Canvas before the scheduled due date.
Implementation Evaluation:
In this project, the functional implementation of P1-1 will be evaluated on whether the correct
answer is computed. Although proper coding technique (e.g., using the proper data types, operations, control mechanisms, etc.) will be evaluated, parametric performance will not be considered.
ECE 2035 Project One: Match Puzzle
The performance implementation of the P1-2 program in MIPS assembly will be evaluated both
in terms of correctness and performance. The correctness evaluation employs the same criterion
described for the functional implementation. The performance criteria include static code size (#
of instructions), dynamic instruction length (# executed instructions), and storage requirements
(total number of words in registers or memory, including stack memory). All of these metrics are
used to determine the quality of the overall implementation.
Once a candidate algorithm is selected, an implementation is created, debugged, tested, and
tuned. In MIPS assembly language, small changes to the implementation can have a large impact
on overall execution performance. Often trade-offs arise between static code size, dynamic execution length, and operand storage requirements. Creative approaches and a thorough understanding of the algorithm and programming mechanisms will often yield impressive results.
One final note on design strategy: while optimizing MIPS assembly language might, at times,
seem like a job best left to automated processes (i.e., compilers), it underscores a key element of
engineering. Almost all engineering problems require multidimensional evaluation of alternative
design approaches. Knowledge and creativity are critical to effective problem solving.
Project Grading: The project grade will be determined as follows:
part description percent
P1-1 Functional C program 25
P1-2 Assembly program
correct operation, proper technique and style 25
static code size 15
dynamic execution length 25
operand storage requirements (# registers) 10
total 100
Honor Policy: In all programming assignments, you should design, implement, and test
your own code. Any submitted assignment containing non-shell code that is not fully
created and debugged by the student constitutes academic misconduct. You should not
share code, debug code, or discuss its performance with anyone. Once you begin
implementing your solution, you must work alone.
Good luck and happy coding!

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