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Project, Part 2 – Client‐side, dynamic

CS 4WW3/6WW3 – Web Systems and Web Computing
Project, Part 2 – Client‐side, dynamic
Worth: 20% (4WW3), 10% (6WW3)

This part of the project will require you to use Javascript to add dynamic aspects to the client side of
the site, focusing on form validation and maps; in part 3, you will implement the full dynamic server‐
side functionality. In part 2, your main tasks will be to add client‐side form validation using JavaScript
and HTML5/CSS3, and to add a dynamic map to your website.
You will also set up a web server on any server, such as a dedicated, shared, or virtual server on the
Amazon Web Services Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) platform, and configure SSL/TLS encryption for
your website.
(1) You must upload a ZIP file containing all your files to Avenue by the deadline; see details on
project specification for the contents of your ZIP file.
(2) You should also have your files copied to your web server and set up so that they appear as
a live webpage.
(3) The README file in your ZIP file will include a:
a. link to your live server and
b. git repository (add as a contributor).
(4) Submit on Avenue.
Core Programming Tasks
You will extend part 1 of you project as follows.
Pages in your website
In part 1 of the project, you created the following pages. Indicated below are the changes or
additional functionality you must incorporate.
 A search form that allows users to search for objects by name (entered into a text box) or
rating (selected from a drop‐down box).
o For part 2 of the project, you should add a button allowing the user to search based
on their location, which uses the HTML5 Geolocation API to retrieve the user’s
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 A sample results page showing the results of a search (a) on a map, and (b) in a tabular
format. From the results table, users should be able to link to a more detailed screen for
individual objects.
o For part 2 of the project, you should embed a live map using Javascript. You can use
any mapping API; see below for some links. Your map should show markers with the
search results on the map. When the user clicks the marker, a label should appear
with some information about the result, including a link to the individual item page.
o For part 2 of the project, since you will not be implementing the database and
dynamic server‐side components, your sample results page (including the map
markers) may be hard‐coded into your HTML source file.
 A sample individual object page, with details about the object itself, its location on a map, as
well as a list of all reviews and ratings that have been entered by users.
o For part 2 of the project, you should embed a live map using Javascript. Your map
should show the location of the individual object.
o For part 2 of the project, since you will not be implementing the database and
dynamic server‐side components, you only need to create 1 sample individual object
page, and it should include a few sample reviews and ratings hard‐coded into your
HTML source file.
 An object submission page, containing a form with which users could submit a new object.
The form should have fields for the name of the object, a description of the object, and its
location as a pair of latitude‐longitude coordinates. The form should also allow users to
upload an image for the object.
o For part 2 of the project, you should add client‐side form validation using HTML5/CSS.
You should allow the user to set the location of the object using the Geolocation API.
o For part 2 of the project, your form does not have to submit the results anywhere,
since you don’t have a server side yet.
 A user registration page, containing a form in which users are asked to enter the information
required to sign up for an account.
o For part 2 of the project, you should add client‐side form validation using Javascript.
o For part 2 of the project, your form does not have to submit the results anywhere,
since you don’t have a server side yet.
Your will need to write Javascript to implement your functionality for part 2. You may also need to
modify some HTML or CSS code. Some requirements for your implementation are as follows.
 All requirements on your HTML and CSS code from project part 1 specification remain in place.
 Most of your Javascript should be contained in external .js files. You may use a small amount
of Javascript inside an HTML page for page‐specific functionality, such as attaching Javascript
code to the onload/onsubmit/… events of HTML elements.
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 A larger than normal amount of comments are required to be included in your Javascript
code to demonstrate to your tutor (assignment marker) that you thoroughly understand the
meaning of everything that you are using.
Server deployment
You will need to deploy your project on a live website. In particular, you will need to:
 Set up an account on Amazon Web Services.
 Set up an Amazon EC2 virtual server running Linux. I recommend a “t2.micro” instance, which
should be powerful enough for what you need, and which is included in the AWS Free Tier
(see below).
 Install web server software and database software on your virtual server. I recommend
Apache (with mod_php installed) and MySQL.
 Enable SSL/TLS on your web server. I recommend using Let’s Encrypt to get your certificate
and automatically set up SSL/TLS.
We will provide some instruction sheets to help you with most of the above tasks.
The services required are all part of Amazon’s “AWS Free Tier”: new AWS customers receive a variety
of services for free for the first 12 months, so if you have never been an AWS customer before, you
should be able to obtain these services for free. However, if you are already an AWS customer and
have used up your free tier services, you may need to purchase these services yourself. I estimate the
cost to be approximately $30 or less. If this expense will cause you to face financial difficulties, please
contact the instructor to make alternate arrangements.
If you use Github or some other public repository for storing your source code, it is very important
that you do not put a copy of your AWS password or access keys in your Github repository: there are
automated scripts that malicious parties use to scrape Github repositories for AWS credentials, and
students in this course in the past have had their account broken into and had charges run up because
of this.
Add‐on Programming Tasks
There are no add‐on programming tasks for part 2.
You may not use any client‐side technologies that require plugins, such as Java applets, Flash, or
See the FAQ at the end of this document for information about which external frameworks you are
allowed to use.
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Getting Help
To achieve top marks in this assignment, you will need to supplement what you have learned in
lectures and tutorials with details from textbooks or online resources. Fortunately, there are many
resources available on the Internet for web development. On Avenue, I have posted links to useful
sites about Javascript.
During the workshops, your tutor will be able to provide guidance on the core programming tasks.
You should be prepared to explain what you are trying and why you are stuck, rather than just asking
“how do you do this?”.
You are welcome to ask questions of your peers either offline or on the Avenue discussion group. As a
last resort, you can email me ( with a question or to request a consultation
Submission Instructions
For part 2 of the project, you will upload a ZIP file containing your web site to Avenue.
Your ZIP file should contain the following:
 README.txt: A text file containing:
o Your name and student number.
o The URL of your live website.
o An explanation of any unusual choices, or things you feel we should know about your
 All HTML, CSS, and Javascript for your website. You may organize these additional files into
subfolders, as you like. Assuming you successfully set up your live server, you do not need to
include any images, videos, fonts, or third party scripts or APIs in your ZIP file, as we will not
be running any of the code from your ZIP file, only reading the source.
We will only mark the contents of the part 2 ZIP and your live website. We will not go back to your
part 1 ZIP.
You should limit your ZIP file to 30 MB.
If you are uploading a sample video, it only needs to be a few seconds long to demonstrate that it
works, so you should be able to keep it small.
Your website should work in any modern mainstream desktop browser: Chrome, Firefox, Internet
Explorer / Edge, Opera, or Safari; as well as Safari on iOS and Android Chrome.
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Note that the Geolocation API may not work correctly on Chrome‐based browsers when you are
loading pages from the file:// scheme.
We will test your website at least on the most recent version of Firefox on the desktop, but we may
also use another modern browser to check compatibility. For the mobile version, we will test your site
using the (desktop) Chrome Developer Tools mobile simulator at the “iPhone 7” size as indicated
above, but we may also test on an actual mobile phone or emulator to check compatibility.
Your website must follow the WCAG guidelines for accessibility.
Marks will be allocated as follows:
 15 marks for the core functionality
 5 marks for the quality of the Javascript code
 5 marks for deployment
Please see the separate assessment criteria sheet for the detailed marking criteria.
Mapping API
You may use any Javascript mapping API you wish. Three popular ones are:
 Google Maps:
Widely used, with lots of example code available.
 OpenStreetMaps:
An open‐source map. OSM doesn’t directly provide a Javascript API, but there are several
third‐party Javascript APIs for OSM:
o OpenLayers:
o Leaflet:‐start/
 Bing Maps:‐your‐bing‐maps‐API.aspx
Many mapping API providers require you as a developer to sign up for an account and obtain an API
key in order to use their API on your website. API keys typically have page view limits associated with
them, but your project will not exceed any of the providers’ free tiers. You should not need to provide
any billing information to any of the mapping providers above. It is your responsibility to comply with
the terms and conditions of any mapping service you use.
Academic Integrity and Copyright
Except where allowed below, the work you submit for this assignment must be your own.
A good way for beginners to learn about creating web pages is to examine the source of other high‐
quality pages available on the web and to learn how they do various things. It is unethical to plagiarise
such code verbatim, but it is quite OK to examine them, understand how they work and apply the
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same techniques and approaches in your web site. Different web pages can provide different things;
one web site might illustrate the use of a font or colour scheme that you find effective, while another
might use CSS to achieve a page layout that you like. Others still might use JavaScript to achieve
dynamic effects, such as drop down menus. Other web sites of the same genre might provide some
ideas regarding content and functionality.
It is generally acceptable to use small snippets of code you find on the Internet—not more than 5
lines—without attribution. You should not use larger pieces of other people’s code in this assignment.
You may not use any external frameworks, libraries, or templates in developing your website, except
as indicated in the FAQ below. You are permitted to use a CSS reset stylesheet if you want.
If you want to use other people’s images, fonts, or videos in your website, you may do provided you
abide by all copyright restrictions. For images, this means you should only use images that you make
yourself, or images that are either in the public domain or licensed under terms that allow reuse (e.g.,
certain Creative Commons licenses). For fonts, this means you should only use fonts that are licensed
for web embedding, or web‐font services such as Google Fonts. Note that when using properly
licensed images in building your own website, it is generally considered polite to locally host the image
to avoid placing bandwidth load on the original image provider.
We may use similarity‐detecting tools to help identify submissions that share code.
Extensions and Late Assignments
Late assignments will be penalized at 20% per day to a maximum of 5 days. Students with extenuating
circumstances should contact the instructor well in advance of the deadline. The McMaster Student
Absence Form (MSAF) can be applied to academic work worth less than 25% of the final grade, i.e., a
lab report. You must submit the MSAF online at I will automatically
grant a 3 calendar day extension upon submission of an MSAF.
Frequently Asked Questions
See the part 1 specification for FAQs about HTML and CSS.
1. Can I use AngularJS / YUI / Bootstrap / <insert favourite HTML/CSS/JavaScript framework
No. YES! While web development frameworks are a very dynamic area, and it is very likely
that the frameworks that are popular today will be abandoned or obsolete in just a couple of
years; frameworks as a concept will still remain. As noted above, it is important for you to
learn how to write your own code, and once you have those skills, you will be able to work
with appropriate frameworks when the need arises. (If you have a very good reason to use a
framework to do something super awesome in a way that doesn’t defeat the purpose of the
assignment, you can propose it to me and I will consider it.)
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2. Can I use jQuery?
Yes. However, you may only use the core jQuery API, and not any additional jQuery projects
such as jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile, or any jQuery plug‐ins/add‐ons. If you have used jQuery in
the past, you may be surprised to know how much Javascript has improved in the last few
years, and many things that jQuery was used for in the past can now be accomplished using
plain Javascript (http://vanilla‐
3. Which mapping APIs can I use?
See the section on mapping APIs above.

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