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Project Three On-Line Grocery

Project Three
On-Line Grocery

• No projects will be accepted after the cutoff date.
• Modify the on-line grocery database to include product ratings, delivery
satisfaction survey and tips to deliveries.
• Create reports
• Manage concurrency
• Manage security
Database requirements
Include all the On-Line Grocery database requirements from project two. In addition,
add the following:
• Customers can rate products offered by the grocery. Track the customer who
provides the rating, product rated, method of rating (number, stars, letter grade,
etc.), date of rating and rating comment. Customers can enter open ended
narrative text for each product sold by the grocery. For instance, “The Kellogg’s
Raisin Bran cereal is great, although it doesn’t include as many raisins as the
Post Raisin Bran cereal.” One customer can rate many products.
• Customers can complete a survey of the order/delivery. Track the customer who
completes the survey, date of survey, method of rating the survey (number, stars,
letter grade, etc.) and rating comments. A customer can only complete one survey
for each order.
• Customers can add an optional tip to the delivery.
• Security
o Staff are restricted from accessing customer credit card numbers,
expiration dates.
o Customers can view past orders, but NOT change past orders.
o Staff can’t delete purchases after they are entered in the system.
• Include at least two sequence numbers to create unique values.
In addition to the data entered in project two, you must enter at least the following new
• At least 5 customer product surveys
• At least 5 purchase surveys
• At least 5 tips to purchases
• Disable the auto commit flag before performing all operations.
• Replace underlined items with values of your own choosing. For instance,
replace the underlined terms last year with your own date range.
• Format all output. For instance, all numbers will display with commas, dollar
values will display with a $ prefix and create descriptive labels for all columns.
• Be very descriptive explaining your results. For instance, use appropriate
terminology, print screens and SQL
1. Identify customers who have not completed a purchase/delivery survey in the last
6 months. Display the customer name and email. Use a nested select to answer
this question.
2. Identify the most popular product purchased in the last month. Display four
columns: warehouse, product name, product type and number of orders. Display
one distinct row for each warehouse, product and product type. Display the
product with the most orders first.
3. Identify customers with the most purchases of fruit in the last year by customer
location. Display five rows in your output – one row for each borough. Display
three columns: borough, number of orders, total dollar amount of order. The
borough with the most orders is displayed first. You may need multiple SQL to
answer this question.
4. Identify customers with no comments in the product survey. Display the
customer name.
5. Search the open-ended narrative text/comments in the product and delivery
comments to identify personally identifiable information (PII). This includes any
data that could potentially be used to identify a person. For instance, examples of
PII include email address, date of birth, Social Security number, bank account
number, home address, and full name. Display the customer who created the
comment, date of comment and the comment. Order the output by customer
6. Customers can view, but not change past orders. Create SQL to implement.
Demonstrate your implementation will not edit past orders by attempting to
change data.
7. Staff are restricted from accessing customer credit card number and expiration
dates. Create SQL to implement. Demonstrate your implementation will prevent
staff from viewing customer credit card data.
8. Staff can’t delete purchases after they are entered in the database. Create SQL to
implement. Demonstrate your implementation will prevent staff from deleting
9. The product Raisin Bran is no longer being offered by the grocery store and being
available for 3 years. Identify the SQL to implement.
10. In one SQL window, delete all customers. Don’t commit. In another SQL
window, add five new customers. Don’t commit. In each SQL window, identify
the number of customers. Explain your results. Disable the auto commit flag at
the top of the window before performing this operation. Show all SQL to
perform these operations. Demonstrate the functionally of your SQL by
displaying the before and after results.
11. In one SQL window, delete all dairy products. Don’t commit. In another SQL
window, delete all products Don’t commit. Explain your results. Resolve the
problem. Create a backup of your table before implementing. To create a backup
<ORIGINALTABLE; COMMIT; Then you can rename a table using the
RENAME TABLE commit. Disable the auto commit flag at the top of the
window before performing this operation. Show all SQL to perform these
operations. Demonstrate the functionally of your SQL by displaying the before
and after results.
12. In one SQL window, change the password for the customer Bo Li. Don’t commit.
In another SQL window, change the last name of customer Bo Li (use the same
name as above). Don’t commit. Quit both Oracle sessions. Login to Oracle again
and display all columns for the customer Bo Li . Explain your results. Disable the
auto commit flag at the top of the windows before performing this operation.
Show all SQL to perform these operations. Demonstrate the functionally of your
SQL by displaying the before and after results.
13. Use the SQL DESCRIBE operation to display the structure for all tables.
14. Display the version of Oracle. Enter:
FROM v$version;
Additional Design Requirements
• Include all SQL commands to create your database and answer the questions
including create tables, select, update, insert data, alter column names and alter
column types.
• Create your database using Oracle version 11g or 18c. Projects created with other
databases will be rejected and not graded. Utilizing other databases requires prior
instructor approval.
• Normalize your database to third normal form.
• Output for all questions must include at least one row displayed.
• Identify and create primary keys for all tables.
• Create foreign keys to enforce referential integrity.
• Include the question, SQL command to answer the question and output from the
SQL command.
• Create descriptive column labels for all output. For instance, don’t display a
column label named count(*)
• The column output should be displayed in a non-proportional font
such as courier. This will display the columns vertically straight.
• All columns in your search must display on one line. Don’t wrap columns to two lines.
• Your project must be typed.
• All pages of your output must include the following in the header: name, class,
date and project number.
• The first page of your project must include your name, the last four digits of your
student id, class, submission date and the project number.
• Review the grading rubric on Blackboard to identify how the project will be
evaluated and graded.
• Projects are due on the due date. No projects will be accepted after the cutoff
• An electronic copy of your project will be submitted to Blackboard on or before
the due date. The file name uploaded to Blackboard will be in the format: [last
name] [first name] Project3.docx. For example, Smith Sally Project3.docx.
• Submit one MS Word file. For instance, don’t submit separate files for create
tables, insert and output.
• No projects will be accepted if sent to my email, left in my office mailbox or
delivered to any other member of the department.
• If you submit multiple versions of the project, the last submitted project will be
graded. Unless you receive prior approval, a project submitted before the due date
and re-submitted after the due date is late.
• Unless you receive prior approval, projects submitted after the due date is late.
• Projects not in compliance with the submission requirements will be rejected and
not graded.
Academic Integrity
Projects and examinations must represent your own work. Group projects and exams
are not permitted. Although you are encouraged to ask other students for information,
you should neither copy another student's project nor permit another student to see
your work. You can be asked to perform specific procedures and operations in the
presence of the instructor. A student who submits a project that is too similar to
another student's work will receive a ZERO for the project. Additional penalties may
be imposed. Students found guilty of any form of academic dishonesty such as
plagiarism or cheating on an exam or computer project are subject to discipline,
including, but not limited to, failure in the course and suspension or dismissal from
the College. You are required to comply with the CUNY Policy on Academic
Integrity available at

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