CSE6140/CX4140 Project - TSP
1 Overview
The Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP) arises in numerous applications such as vehicle routing,
circuit board drilling, VLSI design, robot control, X-ray crystallography, machine scheduling and
computational biology. In this project, you will attempt to solve the TSP using different algorithms,
evaluating their theoretical and experimental complexities on both real and random datasets.
2 Objective
• Get hands-on experience solving an intractable problem that is of practical importance
• Implement an exact branch-and-bound algorithm
• Implement approximate algorithms that run in a reasonable time and provide high-quality
solutions with concrete guarantees
• Implement heuristic algorithms (without approximation guarantees)
• Develop your ability to conduct empirical analysis of algorithm performance on datasets, and
to understand the trade-offs between accuracy, speed, etc., across different algorithms
• Develop teamwork skills while working with other students
3 Groups
You will be in a group of up to 4 students. Please respond to the Canvas quiz for group assignments
and you should be assigned to a group shortly after the quiz closes.
4 Background
We define the TSP problem as follows: given the x-y coordinates of N points in the plane (i.e.,
vertices), and a cost function c(u, v) defined for every pair of points (i.e., edge), find the shortest
simple cycle that visits all N points.
Note that the cost function c(u, v) is defined as either the Euclidean or Geographic distance
between points u and v (see TSPLIB documentation for details http://www.iwr.uni-heidelberg.
This version of the TSP problem is metric: all edge costs are symmetric and satisfy the triangle
For more details about types of TSP, please refer to the lectures slides.
5 Algorithms
You will implement algorithms that fall into three categories:
1. exact, computing an optimal solution to the problem
2. construction heuristics, some of which have approximation guarantees
3. local search with no guarantees but usually much closer to optimal than construction heuristics.
In what follows, we present the high-level idea behind the algorithms you will implement.
• Exact algorithm using Branch-and-Bound. Implement the Branch-and-Bound algorithm
as seen in class. The slides present several approaches to compute the lower bound function
(please use either the 2 shortest edges or the MST bounding functions or something stronger
you find in the literature). Feel free to read up on what researchers have proposed for this
problem. You may design any lower bound of your choice as long as it is indeed a lower bound.
Since this algorithm is still of worst-case exponential complexity, your algorithm must have
additional code that allows it to stop after running for T minutes, and to return the current
best solution that has been found so far. Clearly, for small datasets, this algorithm will most
likely return an optimal solution, whereas it will fail to do so for larger datasets.
• Construction Heuristics with approximation guarantees. Please implement the MSTAPPROX seen in lecture and choose one more Construction heuristic (for a total of 2).
MST-APPROX implement the 2-approximation algorithm based on MST detailed in lecture
FARTHEST-INSERTION insert vertex whose minimum distance to a vertex on the cycle
is maximum
RANDOM-INSERTION randomly select a vertex and insert vertex at position that gives
minimum increase of tour length
CLOSEST-INSERTION insert vertex closest to a vertex in the tour
• Local Search. There are many variants of local search and you are free to select which one
you want to implement. Please implement 2 types/variants of local search. They can be in
different families of LS such as SA vs Genetic Algorithms vs Hill Climbing, or they can be
in the same general family but should differ by the neighborhood they are using, or by the
perturbation strategy, etc. They need to be different enough to observe qualitative differences
in behavior. Here are some pointers:
– Neighborhood - 2-opt exchange presented in slides
– Neighborhood - 3-opt exchange or more complex one
– Perturbation using 4 exchange discussed in class
– Simulated Annealing
– Iterated Local Search
– First-improvement vs Best-Improvement
6 Data
You will run the algorithms you implement on some real and random datasets.
The datasets can be downloaded from Canvas as DATA.zip.
In all datasets, the N points represent specific locations in some city (e.g., Atlanta).
The first several lines include information about the dataset, including the data type (Euclidean
or geographical). The format is as used in TSPLIB.
For instance, the Atlanta.tsp file looks like this:
NAME: Atlanta
COMMENT: 20 locations in Atlanta
1 33665568.000000 -84411070.000000
2 33764940.000000 -84371819.000000
3 33770889.000000 -84358622.000000
Note that the node ID is a unique integer assigned to each vertex, the x and y coordinates may
be real numbers, and the three values are separated by spaces.
Handling input and computing distances are as follows.
6.1 GEO Format
For the GEO format (x-coordinate is latitude, y-coordinate is longitude):
• Converting x-y coordinates to radians: use same formula as in the TSPLIB FAQ (“Q: I get
wrong distances for problems of type GEO.”), i.e. take the floor of the x and y coordinates.
Do not round to nearest integer.
• Computing geographical distance between points i and j: use the exact same formula in the
TSPLIB FAQ for dij; this formula rounds the distance to the nearest integer.
6.2 EUC 2D Format
There is no need to do anything with the x-y coordinates in the input files. Compute Euclidean
distance then round to nearest integer. Note that a double with 0.5 decimal value is rounded up
(also in FAQ).
7 Code
All your code files should include a top comment that explains what the given file does. Your
algorithms should be well-commented and self-explanatory. Use a README file to explain the
overall structure of your code.
Your executable must take as input i) the filename of a dataset and ii) the cut-off time (in
seconds) iii) the method to use, iv) a random seed. The arguments cannot be changed and if your
submitted code does not compile to or result in an application that executes with these arguments,
you will lose a significant number of points. If you have any questions, please contact the TAs well
in advance of the submission deadline. If it is run with the same 4 input parameters, your code
should produce the same output. The executable must conform with the following arguments /
exec -inst <filename
-alg [BnB | Approx | LS1 | LS2]
-time <cutoff_in_seconds
[-seed <random_seed]
Any run of your executable with the three or four inputs (filename, cut-off time, method, and if
applicable based on method, seed) must produce two types of output files in the current working
1. Solution files:
• File name: <instance_<method_<cutoff[_<random_seed].sol, e.g.
instance_BnB_600.sol or jazz_LS1_600_4.sol.
Note that as in the first example above, random_seed is only applicable when the method
of choice is randomized (e.g., local search). When the method is deterministic (e.g.,
branch-and-bound), random_seed is omitted from the solution file’s name.
• File format:
(a) line 1: quality of best solution found (integer formatted in ASCII)
(b) line 2: list of vertex IDs of the TSP tour (comma-separated, in ASCII): v1, v2, v3, ..., vn
2. Solution trace files:
• File name: <instance_<method_<cutoff[_<random_seed].trace, e.g.
instance_BnB_600.trace or jazz_LS1_600_4.trace. Note that random_seed is used
as in the solution files.
• File format: each line has two values (comma-separated):
(a) A timestamp in seconds (double formatted in ASCII)
(b) Quality of the best found solution at that point in time (integer formatted in ASCII).
Note that to produce these lines, you should record every time a new improved
solution is found.
3.45, 102
7.94, 95
8 Output
You should run all the algorithms you have implemented on all the instances we provide, and submit
the output files generated by your executable, as explained in the Code section.
Note: Save all of our resources (bits, electricity, time spent downloading your files) and do not
submit any data files. Any submitted data files will be ignored.
9 Evaluation
We now describe how you will use the outputs produced by your code in order to evaluate the
performance of the algorithms.
1. Comprehensive Table: include a table with columns for each of your TSP algorithms as seen
below. For all algorithms report the time, your algorithms solution quality, and relative
error with respect to the optimum solution quality provided to you in the TSP instance files.
Relative error (RelErr) is computed as (Alg − OP T)/OP T). Round time and RelErr to two
and four significant digits beyond the decimal, respectively. For local search algorithms, your
results for each cell should be the average of some number (at least 10) of runs with different
random seeds for that dataset. You will fill in average time (seconds) and average solution
quality. You can also report in any other information you feel is interesting.
Branch and Bound Etc. (other algorithms)
Dataset Time (s) Sol.Qual. RelErr Time (s) Sol.Qual. RelErr
instance 3.26 3400 0.0021 ... .... ...
The next three evaluation plots are applicable to local search algorithms only. All the information
you need to produce these plots is in your solution trace files.
1. Qualified Runtime for various solution qualities (QRTDs): A plot similar to those in Lecture
on Empirical Evaluation. The x-axis is the run-time in seconds, and the y-axis is the fraction
of your algorithm runs that have ‘solved’ the problem. Note that ‘solve’ here is w.r.t. to some
relative solution quality q
. For instance, for q
∗ = 0.8%, a point on this plot with x value 5
seconds and y value 0.6 means that in 60% of your runs of this algorithm, you were able to
obtain a solution quality at most the optimal size plus 0.8% of that. When you vary q
for a
few values, you obtain the points similar to those presented in class.
2. Solution Quality Distributions for various run-times (SQDs): Instead of fixing the relative
solution quality and varying the time, you now fix the time and vary the solution quality. The
details are analogous to those of QRTDs.
3. Box plots for running times: Since your local search algorithms are randomized, there will be
some variation in their running times. You will use box plots, as described in the ‘Theory’
section of this blog post: http://informationandvisualization.de/blog/box-plot. Read
the blog post carefully and understand the purpose of this type of plots. You can use online
box plot generators such as http://shiny.chemgrid.org/boxplotr/ to produce the plot
automatically from your data.
10 Report
1. Formatting
You will use the format of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Proceedings
to write your report. Please use the templates from https://www.acm.org/publications/
2. Content
Your report should be written as if it were a research paper in submission to a conference or
journal. A sample report outline looks like this:
• Introduction: a short summary of the problem, the approach and the results you have
• Problem definition: a formal definition of the problem.
• Related work: a short survey of existing work on the same problem, and important
results in theory and practice.
• Algorithms: a detailed description of each algorithm you have implemented, with pseudocode, approximation guarantee (if any), time and space complexities, etc. What are the
potential strengths and weaknesses of each type of approach? Did you use any kind of
automated tuning or configuration for your local search? Why and how you chose your
local search approaches and their components? Please cite any sources of information
that you used to inform your algorithm design.
• Empirical evaluation: a detailed description of your platform (CPU, RAM, language,
compiler, etc.), experimental procedure, evaluation criteria and obtained results (plots,
tables, etc.). What is the lower bound on the optimal solution quality that you can
drive from the results of your approximation algorithm and how far is it from the true
optimum? How about from your branch-and-bound?
• Discussion: a comparative analysis of how different algorithms perform with respect to
your evaluation criteria, or expected time complexity, etc.
• Conclusion
11 Deliverables
Failure to abide by the file naming and folder structure as detailed here will result in penalties.
Failure for your code to run as clearly required above will result in penalties. If your code does not
run as intended the correctness of your entire project can be in question and submitting code that
the TAs can run correctly is a hard requirement.
1. Each group must submit a Report: a PDF file of the report following the guidelines in section
2. Each student should submit the same zip file.
The zip file must have the following files/folders:
• Code: a folder named ‘code’ that contains all your code, the executable and a README
file, as explained in section Code.
• Output: a folder named ‘output’ that contains all output files, as explained in section
3. Each student should submit an evaluation of the team. For each team member (including
yourself) include a score from 0 to 10, outline the contributions that the member did to the
project, and justification for the score.
4. If your group wishes, it may enter a competition for bonus points. More details will be released
on this later, and the first entry will be required two weeks prior to the project deadline.