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Project Two – Pipelining RISC-V Simulation with Data Forwarding

ECEC 355 – Computer Architecture
Project Two – Pipelining RISC-V Simulation with Data Forwarding

Distributed, Intelligent, and Scalable COmputing (DISCO) Lab
ECE Department

1. Objective
This project is intended to be a comprehensive introduction to pipelining RISC-V simulation.
Please submit your work by August 30th, 2019, at 11:59 pm, via Bblearn. You may work on this
project in teams of up to two people.
2. Required Reading
Chapter 4, The Processor, Sections 4.5 – 4.7
3. What to do
3.1 Pipelining without hazard detection
Your first task is to divide the single-cycle core into five stages, represented by five new structures.
Complete all the five stages and simulate cpu_traces/task_0 with initialization:
• x1 = 0; x2 = 10; x3 = -15; x4 = 20; x5 = 30; x6 = -35
• 40(x1) = -63, 48(x1) = 63
3.2 Pipelining with hazard detection
Integrate your pipeline simulator with a hazard detection unit to detect control hazard as well as
data hazard. Conventionally, the zero signal is generated in the EX stage leading to two potential
flushes for instructions following a conditional jump. Please add a comparator and modify
corresponding stages to make decisions in the ID stage, with this modification, only one flush is
• Simulate cpu_traces/task_1 with initialization:
◦ x1 = 8; x3 = -4; x5 = 255; x6 = 1023
• Simulate cpu_traces/task_3 with initialization:
◦ x1 = 0; x2 = -5; x5 = -10; x6 = 25
◦ 100(x7) = -100
• Simulate cpu_traces/task_3 with initialization:
◦ x1 = 8; x2 = -5; x5 = -10; x6 = 25
◦ 100(x7) = -100
3.3 Pipelining with data forwarding
Integrate your pipeline simulator with a forwarding unit.
• Simulate cpu_traces/task_1 with initialization:
◦ x1 = 8; x3 = -15; x5 = 255; x6 = 1023
• Simulate cpu_traces/task_2 with initialization:
◦ x5 = 26; x6 = -27;
◦ 20(x1) = 100
4. Submissions
Zip the followings and submit through Bblearn:
• Report on how you complete the five stages
• Report on how you implement the hazard detection unit
• Report on how you implement the forwarding unit
• Your source codes

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