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Project4 CECS277 

Please make sure to follow the naming convention for your project. If your project does not run
because of the naming issues, you won’t receive any credit. should include project4 Package and project4.jar
project4 package will include the class, and

Inventory Class
Design an Inventory class that can hold information for an item in a retail store’s inventory.
The class should have the following private member variables.
Variable Name Description
itemNumber An int that holds the item’s number.
quantity An int that holds the quantity of the item on hand.
cost A double that holds the wholesale per-unit cost of the item
Member Methods Description
default constructor Sets all the member variables to 0.
constructor #2 Accepts an item’s number, quantity, and cost as arguments.
Calls other class methods to copy these values into the appropriate member
setItemNumber Accepts an int argument and copies it into the itemNumber member variable.
setQuantity Accepts an int argument and copies it into the quantity member variable.
setCost Accepts a double argument and copies it into the cost member variable.
getItemNumber Returns the value in itemNumber.
getQuantity Returns the value in quantity.
getCost Returns the value in cost.
getTotalCost Computes and returns the totalCost.
Boolean ValidInt(int) validates for integer values entered by the user not to be negative. Call this
method from setItemNumber, and setQuantity. Program should loop if negative values entered.
Boolean ValidFloat(double) validates for cost entered by the user not to be negative. Call this
method from setCost. Program should loop if negative values entered.
Demonstrate the class by writing a simple client program that uses it. This program should user
inputs and validate the user inputs to ensure that negative values are not accepted for item
number, quantity, or cost.
I executed the jar file generated on the command line the way it was
described during lecture.
 java -jar project4.jar
Please see the sample output.

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