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Project7 CECS277 

Submit folder before the deadline
Please make sure to follow the naming convention for your project. If your project does
not run because of the naming issues, you won’t receive any credit. should include project7 Package and project7.jar
Project7 package will include:

Part 1:Essay Class
Design an Essay class that inherits from the GradedActivity class. The Essay class should
determine the grade a student receives on an essay. The student’s essay score can be up to
100 and is determined in the following manner:
Grammar: 30 points
Spelling: 20 points
Correct length: 20 points
Content: 30 points
Demonstrate the class in a simple program.
Assign scores to the object.
Grammer = 25 points, Spelling = 18 points,
Length = 20 points, and Content = 25 points.
Essay termPaper = new Essay();
termPaper.setScore(25.0, 18.0, 20.0, 25.0);
Sample output:
Part 2 : Course Grades
In a course, a teacher gives the following tests and assignments:
 A lab activity that is observed by the teacher and assigned a numeric score.
 A pass/fail exam that has 10 questions. The minimum passing score is 70.
 An essay that is assigned a numeric score.
 A final exam that has 50 questions.
Write a class named CourseGrades. The class should have an array
of GradedActivity objects as a field. The array should be named grades.
The grades array should have four elements, one for each of the assignments previously
described. The class should have the following methods:
Demonstrate the class in a program.
Following classes extends from GradedActivity…
Essay class: please see the class description in step one.
Private Member Fields:
numQuestions: int
 pointsEach: double
 numMissed: int
Public methods:
Overloaded constructor: void
accepts as arguments the number of questions on the exam and the number of questions the student
 getPointsEach(): double
 getNumMissed(): int
FinalExam class:
Private Member Fields:
 minPassingScore: double // Minimum passing score
Public methods:
Overloaded constructor
Accept the minimum passing score as its argument

getGrade: char
The getGrade method returns a letter grade determined from the score field. This method overrides the
superclass method.

Private Member Fields:
numQuestions: int
 pointsEach: double
 numMissed: int
Public methods:
Overloaded constructor: void
accepts as arguments the number of questions on the exam and the number of questions the student
 getPointsEach(): double
 getNumMissed(): int
PassFailExam class extends from PassFailActivity
PassFailActivity class:
Sample output for these specific inputs:
Create an object for the lab grade and set the lab score to 85.
Create an object for the pass/fail exam.
20 total questions, 3 questions missed, minimum passing score is 70.
Create an object for the essay grade and Set the essay scores.
Grammer = 25, spelling = 18, length = 17, content = 20.
Create an object for the final exam. 50 questions, 10 missed.
Part 3: Analyzable Interface
Modify the CourseGrades class you created in part2 so that it implements the following interface:
The getAverage method should return the average of the numeric scores stored in the grades array.
The getHighest method should return a reference to the element of the grades array that has the highest
numeric score. The getLowest method should return a reference to the element of the grades array that has
the lowest numeric score. Demonstrate the new methods in a complete program.
In UML, the empty diamond
signifies an aggregation.
Aggregation is a variant of the
"has a" association relationship
This relation is stronger than a
simple association. In this case a
CourseGrades aggregates

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