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PS 2 Game Playing and Minimax

Artificial Intelligence CPSC 470/570
PS 2
16 points
Game Playing and Minimax

I. Introduction
The goal of this assignment is to create an agent that can accurately play Othello using a
minimax strategy with alpha-beta pruning. These topics were covered in detail in lectures
#5 and #6, and are also covered in detail in Chapter 5 of your textbook.
II. Environment setup
Once you get the starter code, you can run this command:
$ python3 random1 greedy
This will run the player “random1” against the player “greedy” and show you the final
board and score. You can also use the –v option for more information about the game:
$ python3 greedy random1 -v | more
To play against an AI agent, you can use the human agent, which will allow you to input
$ python3 human greedy
The engines directory also contains a student agent in This file is, by
default, a copy of the greedy agent. Throughout this assignment you will be replacing this
with your own implementation of minimax search.
III. Assignment part a: a minimax Othello player (6 points)
Using the starter code of the student engine, implement a player for the Othello game
that uses the minimax search algorithm to select its move.
You will implement the get_minimax_move method of StudentEngine in, which should return a coordinate pair (x, y) that indicates the move that
your agent chooses to make. You can implement any helper function you want in the
StudentEngine class but you shouldn't modify the skeleton of the get_move function.
Your agent should be able to beat the random agent consistently. It should also be efficient
enough to select moves in a reasonably short amount of time. You will be asked to
document your heuristics and algorithmic choices in your report.
This means that you may have to find a compromise: an algorithm that perhaps doesn’t
always find the best possible outcome, but that makes a good decision in a reasonable
amount of time while using a reasonable amount of memory. (You can enforce a cutoff at a
fixed depth by defining a class attribute in the StudentEngine class).
In writing your Othello player, you may find useful to examine and understand some
methods of the Board class located in We especially suggest that you look at:
• count – get the number of pieces for a specified color
• get_legal_moves – return a list of all valid moves for the player whose turn it is
You're free to reuse these functions in your code.
Also, note that there are several research papers and web sites that discuss possible
heuristics. You're welcome to make use of these as long as they are properly cited in your
report. Using any external code is strictly prohibited and can result in a grade of 0 on this
assignment and possible disciplinary action.
IV. Assignment part b: an alpha-beta Othello player (6 points)
Now implement get_ab_minimax_move. Like get_minimax_move, this function
should implement the minimax search algorithm, but it should also use alpha-beta
pruning during search. Alpha-beta pruning makes use of two additional values α (your
best score by any path) and β (the best score of the opponent by any path). Since the utility
of any viable path will fall between α and β, it is possible to stop following a branch
whenever a value less than α or greater than β is found.
To test your implementation of alpha-beta pruning, you can use the -aB and -aW options
to turn alpha-beta pruning on for black (team 1) and white (team 2) respectively, e.g.:
$ python3 -aB student greedy
The above command will simulate the student agent with alpha-beta pruning enabled (i.e.
it will call get_ab_minimax_move instead of get_minimax_move) playing against the
greedy agent.
VI. Comparing your implementations (4 points)
Design and conduct some experiments to determine the following statistics on the search
process, for both the minimax and alpha-beta players:
• the total number of nodes generated (1 point)
• the number of nodes containing states that were generated previously, i.e.
duplicated nodes (1 point)
• the average branching factor of the search tree (1 point)
• the runtime of the algorithm to explore the tree up to a depth of D, for different
values of D (1 point)
Provide a short description of the experiments you performed in the text file [netid]-
README.txt and discuss your results.
VII. Tournament (bonus points)
A class tournament will give you a chance to test your code against that of other students.
It will consist of several group stages, in which each student will meet all other contestants
of his/her group. The initial format will be 16 groups, including some players provided by
the course staff. The matches will be timed, so that each player will have 30 seconds total of
CPU time to use during each game. The less efficient programs will be eliminated after each
stage and new groups will be formed consisting of the top 3 agents from the previous
groups. A final group stage with the top performers will then determine the champion.
A second tournament will also be conducted, in which your agents will be given less time to
select their moves. This will help us to distinguish the most efficient implementations of the
It is possible to use to test how your agent will perform against another
student agent:
$ python3 student1 student2
(You are permitted to test your code against your classmates, but please remember that
looking at their code is forbidden!). We will give discretionary bonus points depending on
your performance in the tournaments.
VIII. Submit your assignment
Please zip the following two files:
• When you turn this in, make sure you rename to [netid].py For example, if your netid is
abc123, then rename the file to .
• [netid]-README.txt
Please rename the zipped file to: [netid]
IX. Grading criteria
This assignment will be scored out of a total of 15 points:
• 6 points for part a
• 6 points for part b
• 4 points for written comparison
Bonus points will also be awarded on a discretionary basis for good performance in the
class tournament.

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