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Assignment 4: Matrix Multiplication

Matrix Multiplication
Writing a recursive function subprogram in MIPS
Dynamically allocating variables on the stack
Passing parameters to functions by value
Passing arrays to functions by their address
Assignment statement

The product of two matrices A×B=C may be recursively defined as:

where A=[A11A21A12A22]A=[A11A12A21A22], B=[B11B21B12B22]B=[B11B12B21B22] and C=[C11C21C12C22]C=[C11C12C21C22]

The decomposition is done so that the sub-matrices have half the number of rows and columns as the original matrix and the base case being handled as [a][b]=[ab][a][b]=[ab].

Write a function matMul that is passed the following parameters: (positive) integers m, w and n and addresses of three arrays A (of m rows and w columns), B (of w rows and n columns) and C (of m rows and n columns). It is to multiply the two given arrays A and B treating them as matrices and store the resulting sum in the array C. The multiplication is to be done recursively, as indicated.

Write a MIPS program which:
prompts the user for two positive integers s, and b as "Enter two positive integers s, b: "
compute m=n=2b
allocates space for three m×n arrays A, B and C on the stack
populates the arrays A and B with random numbers generated using the linear congruential scheme: Xn+1 = (aXn+c) mod m, taking a=7×47+1, c=100 and m = 482-1
For generating the elements of A, let X0 = s. For generating the elements of B, let X0 = s+10.

print the elements of A and B using matPrint as specified in an earlier assignment
multiply the matrices A and B into C using matMul, for each invocation, print the matrices A and B an also the resulting product C
print the elements of C using matPrint
You may use functions that you have already developed in your earlier assi

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