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Assignment 7 UDPServer and UDPClient

Assignment 7

/ Instructions
All answers to homework problems must be typed and submitted in a PDF file (if you need help
converting to PDF - please ask. I’m happy to help!).
Make sure to include a README.txt file for your code that tells me what OS you built / tested your code
in and how to compile your code (remember: the easier for me to build it – the happier I am – the better
grade you get).
Code should be easy to read… please comment any complex blocks of code and / or tell me what each of
the methods do (remember: if I understand your code easily – the happier I am – the better grade you
Remember to cite URL sources you use in comments inside your code.
Please compress your PDF file with your code and README.txt file into a zip file or tar.gz.
/ Homework Questions
Chapter 6 Review Questions (Starting on pg. 507): R1, R2, R3, R5, R7, R8, R9, R11, R12, R13, R14
/ Programming Assignment
Write programs in Java named UDPServer and UDPClient. UDPClient should ask the user for a message
and then send it to UDPServer. UDPServer should then print the message to the screen and wait for
more messages.
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