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Photometric Stereo_Homework 1 Solution

Homework 1

1 Perspective Projection [6 pts] Consider a perspective projection where a point P =?x,y,z?T is projected onto an image plane Π0 represented by k = f0 0 as shown in the Fig. 1.
Figure 1: Image formation
Given the coordinate frame e = [i,j,k]T, consider the projection of a ray Q in the world coordinate system
Q = p1 + s p2 where p1 =?4,−7,0?T, p2 =?0,2,1?T, and s ∈ (−∞,−1] . 1. Calculate the coordinates of the endpoints of the projection of the ray onto the image plane. [2pt] 2. Find the equation of a ray L 6= Q that is parallel to Q. How did you arrive at this equation? [2pt]
3. Can you find the point where the rays L and Q meet? If so, what is that point? [Hint:Think in terms of projective geometry] [2pt]
2 Image formation and rigid body transformations [12 points]
In this problem we will practice rigid body transformations and image formations through the projective camera model. The goal will be to ‘photograph’ the following four points given by AP1 = (−1,−0.5,2)T, AP2 = (1,−0.5,2)T, AP3 = (1,0.5,2)T, AP4 = (−1,0.5,2)T in world coordinates. To do this we will need two matrices. Recall, first, the following formula for rigid body transformation
BP = B AR AP + BOA (1)
where BP is the point coordinate in the target (B) coordinate system, AP is the point coordinates in the source (A) coordinate system, B AR is the rotation matrix from A to B, and BOA is the origin of coordinate system A expressed in the B coordinates. The rotation and translation can be combined into a single 4×4 extrinsic parameter matrix, E, so that BP = E AP. Once transformed, the points can be photographed using the intrinsic camera matrix, K of dimensions 3 × 3. Once these are found, the image of a point, AP, can be calculated as K[I|0] E AP. We will consider four different settings of focal length, viewing angles and camera positions below. For each of these calculate: • the extrinsic transformation matrix E, • intrinsic camera matrix K under the perspective camera assumption. • Calculate the image of the four vertices and plot using the supplied plotsquare.m function (see e.g. output in figure 2).
Camera Settings:
1. No rigid body transformation [3 pts]: . Focal length = 1. The optical axis of the camera is aligned with the z-axis.
2. Translation [3 pts]: BOA = (0,0,1)T. The optical axis of the camera is aligned with the z-axis.
3. Translation and rotation [3 pts]:. Focal length = 1. B AR encodes a 60 degrees around the z-axis and then 45 degrees around the y-axis. BOA = (0,0,1)T. 4. Translation and rotation, long distance [3 pts]:. Focal length = 15. B AR encodes a 60 degrees around the z-axis and then 90 degrees around the y-axis. BOA = (0,0,13)T.
Note: we will not use a full intrinsic camera matrix (e.g. that maps centimeters to pixels, and defines the coordinates of the center of the image), but only parameterize this with f, the focal length. In your report, include a image like Figure 2.
Figure 2: Example output for image formation problem. Note: the angles and offsets used to generate these plots are different from those in the problem statement, it’s just to illustrate how to report your results.
3 Rendering [14 points]
In this exercise, we will render the image of a face with two different point light sources using a Lambertian reflectance model. We will use two albedo maps, one uniform and one that is more realistic. The face heightmap, the light sources, and the two albedo maps are given in facedata.mat (each row of the lightsource variable encode a light location). Note: Please make use out of subplot.m to display related image next to each other.
1. Plot the face in 2-D [2 pts]: Plot both albedo maps using imagesc.m. Explain what you see.
2. Plot the face in 3-D [2 pts]: Using both the heightmap and the albedo, plot the face using surf.m. Do this for both albedos. Explain what you see.
3. Surface normals [5 pts]: Calculate the surface normals and display them as a quiver plot using quiver3.m. You may have to subsample while using quiver3.m to make it look nice. Recall that the surface normals are given by
δf δx
δf δy
Also, recall, that each normal vector should be normalized to unit length.
4. Render images [5 pts]: For each of the two albedos, render three images. One for each of the two light sources, and one for both light-sources combined. Display these in a 2×3 subplot figure with titles. Recall that the general image formation equation is given by
I = a(x,y)hˆ n(x,y), ˆ s(x,y)i
s0 d2(x,y)
where a(x,y) is the albedo for pixel x,y, ˆ n(x,y) the surface normal, ˆ s(x,y) the light source direction, s0 the light source intensity, d(x,y) the distance to the light source, andh·,·idenotes the dot product. Use imagesc.m to display these images. Let the light source intensity be 1 and do not make the ‘distant light source assumption’.
4 Photometric Stereo [18 points]
The goal of this part of the assignment is to implement an algorithm that reconstructs a surface using the concept of photometric stereo. Your program will take in multiple images as input along with the light source direction for each image. Implement the photometric stereo technique described in Forsyth and Ponce 5.4 and the lecture notes. Your program should have two parts:
(i) Read in the images and corresponding light source directions, and estimate the surface normals and albedo map.
(ii) Reconstruct the depth map from the normals. You can first try the na¨ıve scanline-based shape by integration method described in the book. If this does not work well on real images, you can use the matlab implementation of the Horn integration [source-link] technique.
Figure 3: Synthetic Data
Try this out on the synthetic dataset (synthetic data.mat) with : (i) A subset of 3 images, viz. {im1, im2, im4} (ii) All four images (Most accurate)
In your report, include the following results: (i) Estimated albedo map [3 pts ×2 = 6 pts] (ii) Estimated surface normals by either showing [3 pts ×2 = 6 pts] • Needle map (you will need to subsample the image to get a needle map which can be displayed). You can use the matlab functions meshgrid and quiver3 • Three images showing three components of surface normal (iii) A wireframe of a depth map for which you may use MATLAB’s surf function. [3 pts ×2 = 6 pts]
All files are on the course webpage.

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