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Develop a Simple Client Program Written in C

Overview In this Lab assignment you will develop a simple client program written in C to interact with a “CSE 3300 Server” running on a remote machine. The server, running on the machine, waits for TCP connections on port 3300. When a client establishes a connection to that port, the server waits for the client to initiate communication. (This document is written as if you are going to write your programs in C, even though you are allowed to write your programs in C++ or Java or Python.) This assignment has two parts. For the first part, you will be given a C program skeleton, which you can fill in to create the client (however, use of the program skeleton is not required). For the second part, you will modify the first part and write additional code to extend the interaction. The primary objectives of this assignment are: • to illustrate the client-server paradigm; • to show you how programs actually access network services; • to introduce you to the UNIX sockets interface. Setup and Preparation To complete this assignment, you may use any UNIX system that is connected to the department’s network (or use our VPN solution The skeleton code for this assignment is also available. This assignment requires that you have some understanding of the use of the sockets API for connection-oriented interprocess communication. You will definitely need to read carefully the manual (“man”) pages for the socket(), connect(), send(), recv(), close(), bind(), listen(), and accept() routines, if you are not already familiar with them. Since computers can be either big-endian or little-endian, care must be taken to ensure that multi-byte integers sent onto the network are laid out in a standard network byte order, which may or may not be the same as host byte order. Several functions are available for this purpose: ntohs(), ntohl(), htons(), htonl(), etc. Note: To read the man page for the “foo” routine, type man foo. This will print the first man page encountered that is titled “foo”. However, if you want the man page for the “foo” socket routine and there’s also a command foo, you have to specify the section of the manual you want. Thus if you want the socket routine “send”, you type man 2 send on a Linux machine, because section 2 contains manual pages for system calls. To learn how to use the command man, you should type man man. There’s a better way to browse manual pages if you use the X window system: xman provides a nice point-and-click interface, with search capability. Note: On linux systems, the routines making up the socket interface are system calls. Among other things, this means that they are included in the standard C library so you don’t have to do anything special at compile time, and their manual pages are in section 2. Exercise 0: Four-way handshake In this exercise you will customize a skeleton client program and use it to interact with the CSE 3300 Server according to a four-way handshake protocol: The client begins by sending a request, the server sends back a confirmation; then the client sends an ack, and the server replies with an ack. The protocol is specified next.
The Protocol (Exercise 0) The client and server communicate by exchanging lines of ASCII characters via the reliable byte-stream service provided by TCP. (For this lab, the socket type is SOCK_STREAM, and the address family is AF_INET.) The interaction between the client and server for this exercise proceeds as follows: 1. The server “listens” for connections on port 3300 of (IP address 2. The client opens a connection to the server’s socket. 3. The server accepts the connection and waits to receive a request string from the client. 4. Once the client is connected to the server, it immediately sends a request string. The format of the request string is: (request type)(WS)(connection specifier)(WS)(usernum)(WS)(username)(newline) where: • The (request type) is a string of the form “exi”, where i is the exercise number (i.e. for this exercise the string would be ex0). Case is ignored in this string. • (WS) is “whitespace”, one or more blank or tab characters. • The (connection specifier) is of the form (server endpoint specifier) (WS) (client endpoint specifier) i.e., two endpoint specifiers separated by white space, where each endpoint specifier is of the form (dotted quad)-(port number) The first of these specifiers refers to the server’s socket, and the second to the client’s socket. • The (usernum) is any integer (randomly selected by you) from 1000 to 8000. • The (username) is the student’s (i.e. your) name, in the form of first initial, middle initial, last name, all one word with no whitespace (for example, “E.W.Dijkstra”). • (newline) is the end-of-line marker, represented in C language by the single character ‘\n’. Thus, an example of a client request is: ex0 4321 I.M.Student\n 5. Upon receiving and parsing the request string, the server sends back a confirmation in the form of one or more lines terminated by ‘\n’. The first line always contains an identification (“CSE 3300 Server”) and the date and time. If the request was properly formatted, and the connection specifier does in fact refer to the current connection, the second line will contain the string “OK”, followed by whitespace, followed by identification information from the client request (in the form of
1 To increase availability and spread the load, an identical server runs on port 3301. Your client may access any one of the servers.
usernum+1 and username), followed by a random integer (to be called servernum): CSE 3300 Server Tue Feb 10 16:29:00 CDT 2005\n OK 4322 I.M.Student 1601812701\n If the request is not properly formed, or does not refer to the present connection, the second line will contain an indication that an error occurred, and no random integer. 6. If the server confirmation is OK, the client then sends an ack string as follows: (request type) (WS) (usernum+2) (WS) (servernum+1) (newline) Thus an example of a client ack is: ex0 4323 1601812702\n 7. Upon receiving the client ack, the server sends back an ack string terminated by ‘\n’, containing its identification (“CSE 3300 Server”) and the date and time. If the client ack was properly formatted, the server ack will contain the string “OK”, followed by whitespace, followed by servernum+1, such as: CSE 3300 Server Tue Feb 10 16:29:02 CDT 2005 OK 1601812702\n If the client ack was not properly formed, the server ack will contain an indication that an error occurred. 8. After sending the ack, the server waits for the client to close the connection. Upon receiving the ‘\n’ character of the server ack, the client closes the connection. When the server sees that the client has closed the connection, it closes also, and goes on to service the next client request. Client Operation To implement the above protocol, the client does the following: (i) Create a socket (of type SOCK_STREAM and family AF_INET) using socket(). (ii) Fill in a sockaddr_in data structure with the host IP address and port number ( and 3300, respectively) of the CSE 3300 server. (To convert a “dotted quad-port” string to a socket address, i.e. to fill in a sockaddr_in structure, use the StringToSockaddr() routine provided in the skeleton code. You can also use the inet_addr() routine to convert a “dotted quad” string to the correct 32-bit unsigned integer representation, and atol() to convert the port number.) (iii) Call connect() with the filled-in sockaddr_in data structure to initiate a connection to the server. If unsuccessful, print out the reason for the error and exit. (Note that the pointer to the sockaddr_in structure that is passed as a parameter needs to be “type cast” to a plain sockaddr structure in the call.) (iv) Generate an integer from 1000 to 8000 randomly (usernum). Construct a request string using the server and client address information. To determine the client address information, the client must use the getsockname() and getpeername() system calls.2 The former fills in a sockaddr_in structure with the IP address and port number to which a socket is bound, while 2 The desired information can’t be obtained from getsockname() until after the socket is connected to the server.
the latter fills in the IP address and port number of the “peer” socket at the other end of the connection. To convert from a sockaddr_in structure to an endpoint-specifier of the form needed for the request string, use the SockaddrToString() routine, included in the skeleton code. (v) Write the client request string to the socket (using send()). (vi) Read data from the socket (using recv()) until the second newline character is encountered. Verify that the first word on the second line is “OK”, the value of usernum+1, and output the received random number (servernum). If the first word is not “OK”, print an error indication and the received string. (vii) Construct an ack string and write it to the socket (using send()). (viii) Read data from the socket (using recv()) until the newline character is encountered. Verify that the string “OK” is received and output the received value of servernum+1. If not verified, print an error indication and the received string. (ix) Close the connection (using close()). The skeleton code for the client program of Exercise 0 is available on the web page. Your job for this exercise is to fill in the missing portions of the code, so that the client follows the steps given above to implement the four-way handshake protocol. Writeup Turn in your well-commented code along with a record of the information your client received from the CSE 3300 server, including the server numbers obtained in steps 5 and 7 of the protocol. (Please turn in the zip named “Firstname”.) Exercise 1: Listening for a new connection In this part of the exercise, the client sends a request with the same format as above but with a different request type (“ex1”). For this type of request, the server interprets the second endpoint of the connection specifier as the target to which it (the server) should initiate a second connection. The server first sends the confirmation (including the server’s random number) on the original connection, and then tries to open a new connection to the indicated endpoint. Thus, the roles of the client and server are swapped during the latter phase of this exercise, with the client passively waiting for a new connection initiated by the server. Remember, you are requiring to accept an incoming connection to your computer, so you will need public IP address with firewall disabled, or use UConn VPN to get one. The Protocol (Exercise 1) The first five steps of the protocol are identical to Exercise 0 with two exceptions. The request format is identical to that of Exercise 0, except that the request type is ex1 instead of ex0. Also, in the request string, the second endpoint-specifier refers to a socket different from the client side socket of the original connection. In other words, the client has multiple sockets for this exercise. The protocol diverges from the Exercise 0 protocol at Step 6: 6. After sending the confirmation and random number, the server immediately initiates a connection to the second endpoint address specified in the client request. This address must refer to a host and port on which the client is “listening” for a new connection. That is, after sending the request string, the client must be prepared to accept a new connection on the second endpoint address in
the request. Note that this port number (endpoint) must be different from the port number (endpoint) on which the client is originally connected to the server. 7. After accepting the second connection, the client waits for the server to send on the second connection a new random integer (newservernum) as follows: CSE 3300 server calling (WS) (newservernum)(newline) (Subsequently, the CSE 3300 server stops sending by calling shutdown with argument 1.) 8. After receiving the string, the client prints CSE 3300 server sent (newservernum) and then sends back on the second connection the following string (servernum+1) (WS) (newservernum+1) (newline) where (servernum) is the random number previously received from the server in the confirmation string (second line). The client then closes the second connection. 9. Upon receiving this string, the server closes its end of the second connection. 10. After verifying that the string received on the second connection contains the two random numbers it sent, the server sends a second confirmation string on the original connection, and then waits for the client to close that connection. (Note: the second confirmation string does not include the string with the date, only “OK” followed by a new random number, followed by newline.) If the server has encountered some problem, it instead sends an error indication on the original connection. 11. When the client has received the second confirmation string, it closes the original connection to the server. “Client” Operation The steps followed by the client for the protocol of Exercise 1 are: a. Create a socket (call it psock) of type SOCK_STREAM and family AF_INET using socket(). b. Bind the socket psock to an available port, using bind(). (Note that by calling bind() with the special IP address INADDR_ANY and port number 0, the system will bind the socket to a “random” available port on the host.) c. Find out what port psock was bound to using the getsockname() system call.3 Print out the address and port, so the user can see what’s going on. d. Call listen() on psock so it will accept new connections. e. Construct the request string to be sent to the server. The process is similar to Exercise 0, but the client endpoint specifier has a different meaning. f. Open the first connection to the server and send the request. g. Receive the confirmation string from the server on the first connection opened in step f; if the first word of the status line is “OK”, save the random number for constructing the string that will be
3 Note that the IP part of the socket address will be specified as 0 (wildcard) if that is what was specified when it was bound. To determine the IP address of the socket, you can use the gethostname() and gethostbyname() routines. Remember to use them on a connected socket (the first socket created in ex0, and after connect()).
sent on the second connection. Otherwise close the connection, print an error message, and exit. h. Call accept() on psock; if successful, this will return another socket (call it newsock) for the second connection, which has been initiated by the server. i. Call recv() on newsock to get the new random number from server or until it returns zero (indicating that the other end of the second connection has stopped sending). If the random number is received, print the line CSE 3300 server sent (WS) (newservernum) j. send() the string (servernum+1) (WS) (newservernum+1) (newline) on newsock, and then close the second connection. k. Receive data on the original connection, printing out the result. Close the original connection and exit. For this exercise no skeleton is provided. However, all you need to do is follow the steps above in the order given. In particular, be sure to call listen() on psock before sending the initial request to the server. Otherwise, the server request may arrive before psock is ready to accept connections, and it will be refused. Writeup Turn in your well-commented code along with a record of the information your client received from the CSE 3300 server, including all three server numbers obtained. (Please turn in the zip named “Firstname”.)

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