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Linked List Variations_Assignment 3 Solution

Linked List Variations
Problem 1: Deque and bag implementation First, complete the linked list implementation of the deque (as in Worksheet 19) and bag ADTs (Worksheet 22). Files needed:
linkedList.c linkedList.h linkedListMain.c makefilelinkedList.txt(after you download, rename it to makefile)
Problem 2: Comparison The file linkedListMain.c contains code which does the following:
1. Takes an integer argument (say n) from the command line and adds that many elements to the bag. 2. Prints the memory in KB used by the bag. 3. Calls contains() with each integer 0 to n in a loop. 4. Prints the time taken by these contains() calls in milliseconds.
Your job is to compare, for various values of n:1. the memory usage for bag - implemented using a linked list
(Problem 1) vs. implemented using a dynamic array. Plot the memory usage of the two programs for various values of n starting from n=1000to n=256,000; doubling the number of elements on each run. 2. the running time for bag contains() - implemented using a linked list (Problem 1) vs. implementedusing a dynamic array. Plot the running times of the two programs for various values of n starting fromn=1000 to n=256,000; doubling the number of elements on each run.
Note that the dynamic array must have a capacity of 1000 to start with. The policy is to double the size whenthe array is full. Use the dynamic array implementation from Assignment 2 or the previous week’s worksheets . Then answer the following questions:
Which of the implementations uses more memory? Explain why. Which of the implementations is the fastest? Explain why. Would you expect anything to change if the loop performed remove() instead of contains()? If so,what? Important:
Please run all memory usage and timing tests on flip for consistency. The memory calculation code runs on flip only. Please follow the instructions in linkedListMain.c and dynamicArrayMain.c to comment out the memory code if you develop your programs in Visual Studio. Files needed:
dynamicArray.h dynamicArray.c dynamicArrayMain.c makefiledynamicArray.txt (after you download, rename it to makefile)
Problem 3: Implementation of the deque ADT using a circularly linked list For this problem, you will implement the Deque ADT with a Circularly-Doubly-Linked List with a Sentinel. Asyou know, the sentinel is a special link, does not contain a value, and should not be removed. Using a sentinelmakes some linked list operations easier and cleaner in implementation. This list is circular, meaning the endpoints back to the beginning, thus one sentinel suffices. The header file and the implementation file for thisapproach are cirListDeque.h and cirListDeque.c, respectively. Complete the functions in cirListDeque.c.
Files needed:
Programming Assignment 3
College of Engineering CS261
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CS261 Programming Assignment 3
cirListDeque.h cirListDeque.c makefilecirListDeque.txt (rename to makefile after downloading) listDequeTest.c

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