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Homework #3: SQL

Software Development Methods and Tools

This homework will give you hands-on practice in working with SQL (Structured
Query Language.) In this homework you will create a database and populate it
using scripts provided. The database you create will then be used for various
queries/problems in this homework.
➢ Become familiar with SQL language & syntax for SELECT queries, DDL
and DML
➢ Become familiar with a tool of your choice for building and submitting
queries (whether command mode or GUI.)
➢ Successfully run the scripts necessary to create a sample database consisting
of 8 tables, verify that your database is correctly built.
➢ Use SQL your database to answer the assigned problems.
Step1: Download and Install PostgreSQL/PostgresAdmin
Please follow the installation guide, if you haven’t installed it
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CSCI3308 Software Development Methods and Tools
Homework #3: SQL
In this homework, if you want to use console or the Admin too, You are free to use
either one. The guide is for your VM or Ubuntu system. If you have any other
operating system, please download the respective installer for it.
Step2: Creating the tables
Download a Script folder from Moodle under HW3. There are 8 scripts files to
create 8 tables and insert values inside these tables. Before creating these tables,
you have to create on database. Please read the below instruction carefully.
Before you can create your database, you need to make sure that your instance of
PostgreSQL is running.
To check your instance is running or not, Open a new terminal and type “service
postgresql status”, if the status is Active then your postgreSQL is running. If the
status is inactive or dead, then type “service postgresql start” and hit enter and
type your system password when the window is pop-up.
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CSCI3308 Software Development Methods and Tools
Homework #3: SQL
Follow this writeup to start your postgreSQL:
Do the following:
1. Create a Database: create database company WITH ENCODING
2. Open a new terminal and go to the directory where you download your script
files from Moodle. Go inside this directory and use ls command and it will
list out all the files. You will get below files in the folder.
a. categories.sql
b. employees.sql
c. orders.sql
d. order_details.sql
e. customers.sql
f. products.sql
g. suppliers.sql
h. shipper.sql
3. Import all the tables from your SQL files inside your database named
a. To import, please type in your terminal sudo su postgres and it will
ask your system password and then type
psql company<categories.sql
Do the same thing for the rest of the sql files.
Note: If you get any error while importing the files regarding unsupported
character set or UTF8, then please go to /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/
“9.5” is my postgresql version, likewise you may have different version. So, please
follow the version and find postgresql.conf file. First, check that the file is
writeable format or not. If not, then convert it into writeable format which you
learned in your script Lab class.
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CSCI3308 Software Development Methods and Tools
Homework #3: SQL
Go inside this file and search for “client_encoding” and comment it out if it’s not
and restart your postgres server which is given in your “Creating the table”
section. Drop the database “company” and start from Step 1.
The company database consists of 8 tables. The HW3_scripts folder contains 9
script files, one for creating each table, and one for generating this one. Please run
psql company<verify.sql likewise you run your script files. It will show you
below results:
Note: Please make sure you are getting the same count of rows as above pictures.
If you are not getting then drop the table and insert it. If you are getting the errors
while inserting the values then follow the guide patiently.
Preparing Your Homework Submission
Your results for this homework assignment should be captured in a document (such
as a .txt file, MS Word or similar tool.) Use the link found in the Homework
Assignment section in the Moodle site to submit your work for grading. If you are
doing PAIR PROGRAMMING on this assignment, please be sure to identify the
name of your programming partner on your submission. You must EACH submit
your own results document for this homework.
You must turn in BOTH your SQL and your ANSWER SET (One file with only SQL
queries. The other with queries and answer set). Save your SQL Query files as
HW3.sql and change permissions to make it executable.
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CSCI3308 Software Development Methods and Tools
Homework #3: SQL
For each problem where a multi-row answer set is created, the number of rows you
should expect in your answer set is listed. Some queries will produce NO answer
Query Problems
For this homework you must create and execute queries against the company
database to fulfill the requirements listed below. For each query requirement the
number of rows to expect in your answer set is listed in parentheses.
1. Create an alphabetical listing (First Name, Last Name) of all employees not
living in the USA who have been employed with company for at least 5 years as of
today. (4)
2. Prepare a Reorder List for products currently in stock. (Products in stock have at
least one unit in inventory.) Show Product ID, Name, Quantity in Stock and Unit
Price for products whose inventory level is at or below the reorder level. (17)
3. What is the name and unit price of the most and least expensive product sold by
company? Use a sub-query. (2)
4. Create a list of the products in stock which have an inventory value (the number
of units in stock multiplied by the unit price) over $1000. Show the answer set
columns as Product ID, Product Name and “Total Inventory Value” in order of
descending inventory value (highest to lowest.) (25)
5. List the country and a count of Orders for all the orders that shipped outside the
Germany during October 2013 in descending country sequence. (12)
6. List the CustomerID and ShipName of the customers who have more than or
equal to 10 orders. (37)
7. Create a Supplier Inventory report (by Supplier ID) showing the total value of
their inventory in stock. (“value of inventory” = UnitsInStock * UnitPrice.) List
only those suppliers from whom company receives more than or equal to 5
different items. (2)
8. Create a SUPPLIER PRICE LIST showing the Supplier CompanyName,
ProductName and UnitPrice for all products from suppliers located in the United
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CSCI3308 Software Development Methods and Tools
Homework #3: SQL
States of America or Germany. Sort the list in order from HIGHEST price to
LOWEST price. (21)
9. Create an EMPLOYEE ORDER LIST showing, in reverse alphabetical order
(LastName, FirstName), the LastName, FirstName, Title, Extension and Number
of Orders for each employee who has more than 50 orders. (7)
10. Create an ORDERS EXCEPTION LIST showing the CustomerID and the
CompanyName of all customers who have no orders on file. (2)
11. Create an OUT OF STOCK LIST showing the Supplier CompanyName,
Supplier ContactName, Product CategoryName, CategoryDescription,
ProductName and UnitsOnOrder for all products that are out of stock
(UnitsInStock = 0). (5)
12. List the productname, suppliername, supplier country and UnitsInStock for all
the products that come in a bags or bottles. (16)
13. Create a NEW table named “Top_Items” with the following columns: ItemID
(integer), ItemCode (integer), ItemName (varchar(40)), InventoryDate
(timestamp), SupplierID (integer), ItemQuantity (integer)and ItemPrice (decimal
(9,2)) . None of these columns can be NULL. Include a PRIMARY KEY constraint
on ItemID. (No answer set needed.)
14. Populate the new table “Top_Items” using these columns from the products
ProductID ➜ ItemID
CategoryID ➜ ItemCode
ProductName ➜ ItemName
Today’s date ➜ Inventory Date
UnitsInStock ➜ ItemQuantity
UnitPrice ➜ ItemPrice
SupplierID ➜ SupplierID
for those products whose inventory value is greater than $1,500. (No answer set
(HINT: the inventory value of an Item is ItemPrice times ItemQuantity. ) (16 rows
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CSCI3308 Software Development Methods and Tools
Homework #3: SQL
15. Delete the rows in Top_Items for suppliers from USA or Canada. (6 rows
deleted. No answer set needed.)
16. Add a new column to the Top_Items table called InventoryValue ((decimal
(9,2))). No answer set needed.
17. Update the Top_Items table, setting the InventoryValue column equal to
ItemPrice times ItemQuantity. (No answer set needed.)
18. Drop the Top_Items table. No answer set needed.
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