Computer Project #11
Assignment Overview
This assignment develops familiarity with the instruction set architectureof the ARMmicroprocessor.
It is worth30 points (3% of coursegrade) and must be completed no later than 11:59 PM on Thursday,12/8.
Assignment Deliverables
The deliverablesfor this assignmentarethe following files:
proj11.makefile –themakefile which produces "proj11" proj11.support.c –the source code for yoursupport module proj11.driver.c –the source code for your driver module
Be sure to use the specified file names and to submit themfor grading via theCSEhandin system.
Assignment Specifications
The programwill simulate some of the actionstakenduring the fetch-execute cycle for theARMmicroprocessor.
1. You will develop asupportmodule which calculates the value which should be used to update thePC register at the end of the execute stage in thefetch-execute cycle. Theinterface to thesupportmodule is through function "update", which is declared as follows:
unsigned update( unsigned PC, unsigned IR, unsigned CPSR );
The first argumentis the current contents of the PC register, the second argument is the current contents of theIR register, and thethird argument is the current contents of theCPSRregister.
Based on that machine language instruction in the IR register, function "update" will compute and return the next value of thePC. The value zero will be returned for illegal machine language instructions.
The support module will consist of function"update"and any additional helper functions which you choose to implement. The support module will not perform any input or output operations. For example, the functions in the support module will not call function"scanf"or function"printf".
2. You will develop a driver module totest your implementation of the supportmodule. The driver module will consist of function "main" and anyadditional helper functions which you choose to implement. All output will be appropriately labeled.
Your driver module may not be written as an interactiveprogram, where the user supplies input in response to prompts. Instead,your test cases will be included in the source code as literal constants.
Assignment Notes
1. Your driver module and your support module must be in separate source code files.
2. Your source code must be translated by "gcc", which is a C compiler and accepts C source statements.
3. You must supply a "makefile" (named"proj11.makefile"), andthat makefile must produce an executable program named "proj11".
4. Note that the functions in your support module cannot perform any input or output operations. All communication between the driver module and the support module will be done via the threearguments to function"update".
5. This projectwill focus on a subset of the ARM machine language instructions. Bits 27:26 of the IR identify the category to which a machine language instruction belongs:
00 Data Processing 01 Data Movement 10 Branch
6. The following describes the format and actions performed by Branch instructions.
Bits 31:28 cond (condition field) Bits 27:26 10 Bits 25:24 1L (L is 0 for B, L is 1 for BL) Bits 23:0 simm24 (signed immediate 24-bit value)
When the condition field indicates that the branch should be taken, the following computation is used: PC + sign_extend( simm24 << 2 ) → PC Otherwise, the default computation for all instructions is used: PC + 4 → PC 7. The following table lists the condition field entries.
cond meaning NZCV state
0000 equal Z set
0001 not equal Z clear
0010 carry C set
0011 not carry C clear
0100 negative N set
0101 not negative N clear
0110 overflow V set
0111 not overflow V clear
1000 unsigned greater than C set and Z clear
1001 unsigned less than or equal to C clear or Z set
1010 signed greater than or equal to N == V
1011 signed less than N != V
1100 signed greater than Z clear and N == V
1101 signed less than or equal to Z set or N != V
1110 always irrelevant
8. Machine language instructions which do not meet thecriteria given above are to be processed as illegal instructions.