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Assignment 1-Postman and SOAP-UI

Assignment One
Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to work with Postman and SOAP-UI and become familiar with HTTP, REST and SOAP through the testing framework provided by Postman and SOAP-UI.
You will create a Postman collection and create a REST test and SOAP-UI project for a SOAP test within the project. You will need to automate each test and include at least 1 assert for each request in the validation.
Requirements • Sign-up for a free GitHub account: – Homework assignments will be stored on GitHub. • Sign-up for a free WebStorm license (needed for future assignments): https://www. – • Create a REST request to get started: volumes?q=turing – Use this request to get a JSON response of books with the name Turing in the title. – Asserts can include validating books returned have the title turing (e.g. items[i].title) – Review the HTTP Headers in the Request and Response – create text file and describe each key value pair in the HTTP header in both request and response and check it in with the project to GitHub (e.g. what is the content-type and what does it mean) • Create a SOAP endpoint by importing a WSDL as geoipservice.asmx?wsdl – Create a request using an IP address to lookup by its county. – For example ping to get the IP used in the UK for BBC – Assert on Country in the response – Review the HTTP Headers in the Request and Response – create text file and describe each key value pair in the HTTP header in both request and response and check it in with the project to GitHub (e.g. what is the content-type and what does it mean)
Resources GitHub: Windows: Mac: SOAP-UI –14 day trial: Postman:

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