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Lab 01: Monomials and Polynomials

Lab 01: Monomials and Polynomials
In this lab, you will play with object-oriented programming and inheritance. You will also got to see
some of python's magic methods at work. These are methods that start and end with two
underscores. You should not make up your own variable names that start and end with two
underscores. These are special to python.
Recall that a monomial is an expression where is a number and is (usually) an integer. A
polynomial is a sum of monomials. We also think of polynomials as functions. That is, if we specify a
number for , we can compute the value of the polynomial at . This is called evaluating the
polynomial. The polynomial evaluated at is because .
Here are the descriptions of all the methods we want to be able to call on Monomial s and Polynom
ial s. The acronym ADT stands for Abstract Data Type. Usually, we will use this term to describe
the interface to the classes we are writing, but often it will be more abstract in that it might not
describe just a single class There are a lot of methods, but most of them are provided in the starter
The Monomial ADT
__init__(self, coeff, exp) - Initializes a new Monomial with the given coefficient and the given
evaluate(self, x) - Evaluate the monomial at x and return teh result.
__eq__(self, other) Returns True if self and other have the same coefficient and same
exponent. Returns False otherwise.
__lt__(self, other) - Returns True if self.exp < other.exp . Also returns True if self.exp
== other.exp and self.coeff < other.coeff . Returns False otherwise.
__mul__(self, other) - Returns the product of the two monomials.
__neg__(self) - Returns a new Monomial whose coefficient is -self.coeff and whose
exponent is self.exp . This is the same as multiplying by the monomial by .
The Polynomial ADT
__init__(self, terms) Initializes a new Polynomial with the given sequence of terms. It could be
a list of Monomials or a list of (coefficient, exponent)-pairs.
axb a b
x x
x + 3x + 7 2 2 17 2 + 3(2) + 7 = 17 2
evaluate(self, x) - Evaluate the polynomial at x and return the result.
__eq__(self, other) - Returns True if self and other have the same terms. Returns False
__mul__(self, other) - Return a new monomial that is the product of self and other .
__add__(self, other) - Return a new polynomial that is the sum of self and other .
__neg__(self) - Returns a new Monomial whose coefficient is -self.coeff and whose
exponent is self.exp . This is the same as multiplying by the monomial by .
reduce - Combine like terms. Remove zero terms. Sort the terms by the monomial ordering.
Evaluating Polynomials
Write a method called evaluate for the Polynomial class that takes a parameter x and
evaluates the polynomial at x . You will have to add up the evaluations for each of the monomials.
Don't forget to make the first parameter named self for the polynomial you are evaluating.
Reducing Polynomials
There is some code provided to reduce a polynomial by combining like terms and eliminating zeros.
This will be handy for several different functions. It uses a dictionary ( dict ) object to keep track of
terms. It maps exponents to coefficients. If the exponent already appeared, it updates the
coefficient. If the exponent is new, it adds it to the dict . Then, it creates a list of terms from the
dictionary and updates the list of terms. Finally, it sorts it.
Sorting the terms works because we defined __lt__ on the Monomial class. It allows us to use
the < symbol to compare terms, and this is enough to sort them.
Take a look at the code and make sure you understand what it is doing. Take a moment to think
about how you would do this without a dictionary. I suspect it would be a little tricky.
Testing Equality
There is some code provided to test if two polynomials are equal. It uses the fact that python
compares list by comparing the elements. Each time it compares terms, it uses the __eq__ method
from the Monomial class. It also reports False if the lengths are different. It calls the reduce
function first to be sure the terms are aligned.
Take a moment to look over this code. Ask a question if you don't understand it.
A case for inheritance.
Once we have these two classes, it might make sense to try to add two monomials to produce a
polynomial. Or, we might want to add a Monomial to a Polynomial . Or, we might want to multiply
a Monomial times a Polynomial . Without care, these operations are all problematic. The reason
these operations all make sense is really simple: a monomial is a polynomial. So, we might hope that
a Monomial can be treated as a Polynomial . We have to be careful to make this work, because
objects really do have types. This is accomplished using inheritance.
Here is an important rule of thumb: "Inheritance always means is a". That is, if we make our Monomi
al class inherit from Polynomial , then it better be the case that a monomial is a polynomial.
In the code, the parent class (AKA the superclass) is put in parentheses after the name of the child
class (AKA the subclass).
We say that the subclass extends the superclass. If we want to call the initializer for the superclass,
we have to do it explicitly. So, the code looks like the following:
class Monomial(Polynomial):
def __init__(self, coeff, exp):
self.coeff = coeff
self.exp = exp
Polynomial.__init__(self, [self])
We have to use the "full name" of the superclass's initializer. If we wrote self.__init__ we would
be calling this function again (recursion!) and we don't want that. In this explicit call, you also need
both arguments, self (the object to operate on) and [self] (the list of monomial terms). It's okay
if this blows your mind a little to begin with. It does mean that the monomial will have a list of terms
and it is itself an element of that list. It's not the only way we could have done this, but it's fine for
Modify the Monomial class to extend Polynomial .
We want to be able to add two polynomials. Ideally, we want code like the following to work
f = Polynomial([(1,2), (2,1)])
g = Polynomial([(3,2), (5,1), (3,0)])
h = f + g
In this case, we need to define our own function to be called when the + sign is used with Polynom
ial s. In python, the magic method __add__ does exactly this.
def __add__(self, other):
# Add self and other.
You have been provided with a method called reduce that combines like terms and removes zeros.
So, it suffices to simply make a new polynomial whose list of terms contains all the terms from self
and all the terms from other . Then reduce it and return it.
The magic method for multiplication is called __mul__ .
To multiply two polynomials, you add up all the products that can formed by multiplying a term from
the first with a term from the second. This will require two loops. One to loop over the terms in the
first polynomial and one to loop over the terms in the second. Because multiplication has already
been implemented for Monomial , it's easy to produce these terms.
Work out small examples on paper if you are stuck. Also, use the reduce method on the result before
you return it.
There is one weird thing about inheritance and magic methods. Regardless of the order, python will
try to call the magic method from the subclass. In our case, we want to use Polynomial.__mul__ if
we are multiplying a Polynomial times a Monomial . This is why we added an explicit check if n
ot isinstance(other, Monomial): to make sure python gets it right. We had to do the same thing
for the __eq__ method. This is a rather rare case and I highlight it here in case you wanted to know
why that code is there. Many things will still work without that line, but not all.
Delegating to the superclass
One of the most important reasons to use inheritance is to avoid code duplication. This is partly from
the convenience of not repeating ourselves, but also because duplicated code is prone to bugs. If
you copy the same method for two different classes and you fix a bug in one copy, you have to fix
the same bug in the other copy. You think you will remember, but you need all your working memory
to write code. You waste your mental resources when you expect yourself to remember unimportant
things. Also, experience has shown that many errors are introduced by copy and paste
Look closely at the method for negating a monomial. It works by creating a monomial and
multiplying it by self.
def __neg__(self):
return self * Monomial(-1, 0)
It seems that this is also the way to negate polynomials. So, we can simply move this function from
Monomial to Polynomial . We don't want to have two copies of the same code. We use inheritance
so the method works for both classes.
In general, we always want to be on the lookout for functions that can be handled higher up the
class hierarchy.
Implement __neg__ for Polynomial s.
Note that we can also implement subtraction now quite easily:
def __sub__(self, other):
return self + (-other)
Polynomials are also functions, let's treat them that
Often, in math, if we said is a polynomial and is evaluated at , we are treating like a
function. It would be nice to write our code accordingly. In python, to make an object callable this
way, we just have to implement the magic method __call__ .
The __call__ method is not implemented on every class. For example, see the following code and
its output.
p p(x) p x p
s = "Hello"
On the other hand, the following works.
class Foo:
def __call__(self, x):
print("Foo", x)
f = Foo()
f("exececuted f(...)")
# This is the same as
Foo.__call__(f, "executed Foo.__call__(f, ...)")
Foo exececuted f(...)
Foo executed Foo.__call__(f, ...)
In our case, we want Polynomial.__call__(p, x) to return p.evaluate(x) . To do this, in the Po
lynomial class, add the following method.
def __call__(self, x):
return self.evaluate(x)
Now, try it out with code such as the following.
# p = x^2 + 3x + 7
p = Polynomial([(1,2), (3,1), (7,0)])
Did it do what you expected?
Now, try to use the same syntax with a Monomial . That is, run m(2) for some Monomial called
m . But first, predict what you think will happen. Discuss it with your partner.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/don/Dropbox/work/teaching/new_ds/18_spring/01_OOP/lab/skeleton/xb4mogl08_code_chunk", line 2, in
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
It is very useful to think about what is happening in this case. If m is a Monomial then writing m(2)
invokes the __call__ method. This method has not been implemented in our Monomial class.
As a result, python checks the superclass, Polynomial . The __call__ method is implemented for
Polynomial , so it gets called. Inside the __call__ method, it calls self.evaluate where self
in this case is m . Since m is a Monomial , it calls the Monomial.evaluate method rather than the
Polynomial.evaluate method. Every time we look up a name, we restart the lookup process.
This is an important idea. Inheritance can (and often does) lead to an object having multiple methods
with the same name. The method that actually gets called is the most specific class of that object
that has the method defined. This is really just an ordered list of namespaces to search to find the
attribute or method with the given name.
In this case, we only have to write the __call__ method once and get the benefit for both classes.
Just for Fun: Monomials don't really need terms
Only go through this last part if you thoroughly understood everything above and want to learn about
a cool feature of python.
If you felt uncomfortable with the idea that an instance of the Monomial class was required to have
a list of terms that included just itself, there is another approach you could take. Notice that every
time you need the terms of a Polynomial , you are iterating over all of them. Iteration works by yet
another magic method, __iter__ . You could make Polynomial iterable by implementing this
method as follows.
# In class Polynomial
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.terms)
It just returns an iterator over the terms. Now, it's possible to write code like: for t in mypolynomi
al: instead of for t in mypolynomial.terms: . It's a little shorter and makes sense. To
implement the iterator for Monomial , we do the following.
# In class Monomial
def __iter__(self):
yield self
The yield keyword is a little like return but is slightly different. We'll learn more about it as the
course goes on and I encourage you to look it up if you are interested. In this case, iterating over a M
onomial , will loop one time and will only have the one value, self . This is exactly what we wanted.
To make this work, you will want to remove most references to the terms in the Polynomial class
and only iterate instead.

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