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Programming 3- Trading

Galactic Trade Routes
The time for an interstellar trade route has come! The
plaque sent out on the Pioneer probes (see image at right)
was decoded by an alien civilization, and they have imparted to us the secrets of interstellar travel. Your job is
to find the two stars nearest to each other in our galaxy,
and begin your trade route between these two star systems.
We’ll assume that you can pick any two starts to begin your
trade route; you don’t have to start at Earth. Being as our
galaxy has a lot of stars (up to 400 billion), your algorithm
will need to be efficient.
We will assume that the galaxy is 2-dimensional. This
is not an unreasonable assumption for this problem, as it’s
diameter is 1,000 times more than it’s thickness. The coordinates are on a 2-D plane, and in light-years from the galactic center; thus they will range from -50,000
to +50,000 (the Milky Way is 100,000 light years in diameter). Your trading ships cannot travel more than
10,000 light years, and any input case that has no stars closer than this will need to indicate such.
Your task is to determine the distance between the two closest of the provided star coordinates.
The input will consist of a number of test cases. The first line of each test case will contain n, the number of
points in that case: 2 ≤ n ≤ 10, 000. The following n lines will contain the (x, y) coordinates of successive
points. Each x and y coordinate will be a real number with a minimum value of -50,000 and a maximum
value of 50,000. The input will terminate when n = 0.
For each test case, your output should contain a single line that is the minimum distance between two
points, to four digits of accuracy after the decimal point. You should not print the stars that are closest;
only the distance. If there are no points closer than a distance of 10,000, you should print out ’infinity’.
This homework MUST be a divide-and-conquer algorithm. A solution that is not divide-and-conquer will
receive zero credit.
An Θ(n
) algorithm will not work for this assignment, as there will specifically not be enough running
time for such an algorithm to complete.
Sample Input
1.25 6.11
1.64 1.50
0 0
0 10001
-6.47 2.24
8.90 6.53
-1.45 5.05
2.77 -9.81
-0.19 4.85
1.38 9.05
-4.95 3.93
8.15 6.21
-5.64 -4.31
-0.03 7.05
5.98 -4.64
1.49 -1.59
4.34 0.67
-2.79 -0.93
-7.41 2.89
-1.79 -6.22
-0.98 1.74
Sample Output
How to start
You should first generate some sample input cases – just generate lots of random points, and make sure
the input file format is correct. You will want test cases of a large size and a small size. You can write
a Θ(n
) algorithm to find the minimum distance, and print that out. This will (hopefully!) ensure that
you have the correct answer. You can then use this solution to test your Θ(n log n) solution to check for
accuracy. Once you think you have it working, try generating many different test cases (different sizes,
etc.), and seeing if your two solutions – the Θ(n
) one and the Θ(n log n) one – yield the same results. A
good debugger, and print statements tracing your program’s execution will be your friend.
The algorithm is as described in lecture, and is also on pages 1039–1044 of the textbook; although the
lecture explanation used slightly different notation than the text, the idea is still the same.

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