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Homework 8 Recurrent Neural Networks

BME646 and ECE60146: Homework 8
1 Introduction
This homework has the following goals:
1. To gain insights into the workings of Recurrent Neural Networks.
These are neural networks with feedback. You need such networks
for language modeling, sequence-to-sequence learning (as in automatic
translation systems), time-series data prediction, etc.
2. To understand how the gating mechanisms in GRU (Gated Recurrent
Unit) helps combat the vanishing gradients problem in RNNs.
3. To use GRU-based RNNs for the modeling of variable-length product reviews provided by Amazon for automatic classification of such
2 Getting Ready for This Homework
Before embarking on this homework, do the following:
1. Carefully review Slide 46 through 59 of the Week 12 slides on “Recurrent Neural Networks for Text Classification and Data Prediction” [2].
Make sure you understand how gating is done in GRU to address the
problem of vanishing gradients that are caused by the long chains of
feedback in a neural network.
2. Review the Week 13 slides on “Word Embeddings and Sequence-toSequence Learning” [3]. In particular, pay attention to Slide 39 through
49 on word2vec and fastText. Make yourself familiar with their use
and advantages over one-hot vector encoding.
3. Download and install the newly released version 2.2.5 of DLStudio
from the main documentation page [1]. Note that if you pip install
it directly, you will not get the changes in the Examples directory of
the distribution.
4. Download the text datasets from the same page into the Examples
directory of the distribution and execute the following command on
the downloaded gzipped archive:
tar xvf text_datasets_for_DLStudio.tar.gz
This will create a subdirectory ‘data’ in the Examples directory and
deposit all the datasets in it. If you followed the previous instructions,
you will find the following datasets in the Examples/data/ directory:
# sentiment400 (vocab_size = 64,350)
# sentiment200 (vocab_size = 43,285)
# sentiment40 (vocab_size = 17,001)
# sentiment3 (vocab_size = 3,402)
Refer to Slide 10 through 14 of the Week 12 slides to familiarize yourself
with how the datasets are organized.
5. After you have installed the datasets, it’s time to become familiar
with some actual code for text classification. Do this by executing the
following script in the Examples directory of the distribution:
The script uses DLStudio’s GRUnetWithEmbeddings as the RNN for
word sequence processing. As the name suggests, it uses the word2vec
embedding to represent each input word as opposed to the one-hot
vector encoding.
6. Finally, you should go through Slide 94 to 96 of the Week 12 slide
deck. This introduces you to Prof. Kak’s implementation of the minimally gated GRU or pmGRU. Moreover, you should execute the following script in the ExamplesDataPrediction directory of the DLStudio
where the data can be downloaded from:
With these steps, you are ready to start working on the homework described in what follows.
3 Programming Tasks
3.1 Sentiment Analysis with Your Own GRU
Your first task in this HW would be to write your own implementation of
GRU. The steps are:
1. Before starting, make sure you fully understand the materials on GRU
presented on Slide 46 through 59 of the Week 12 slides. You should
gain intuitions on how the gating mechanisms in LSTM and GRU
can combat the issue of vanishing gradients caused by the long chains
of feedback. Additionally, you should be very comfortable with the
equations on Slide 59 that summarize the interactions between all the
variables within a GRU.
2. Based on that set of equations, implement your own GRU logic (without using torch.nn.GRU). Wrap your GRU module into a RNN that
can be used for predicting sentiment. That is, your RNN should be
able to take in a review, which is represented as a sequence of word
embeddings produced by word2vec, and output a sentiment label (i.e.
negative or positive).
3. Train your GRU-based RNN on the sentiment400 training set for at
least 4 epochs. Again, you should use the word embeddings produced
by word2vec as the input to your RNN, as opposed to the one-hot
vector representations. For better convergence, you should use the
Adam optimizer and experiment with different learning rates. For
quantitatively evaluating your RNN, record the confusion matrix as
well as the overall prediction accuracy on the sentiment400 test set.
4. In your report, designate a code block for your own implementation of
GRU. Accompany that block with a paragraph explaining the GRU
logic in detail and how you think the problem of vanishing gradients
is mitigated with the gating mechanism. Include a plot of the training
losses over iterations. Finally, report the confusion matrix and the
overall accuracy achieved by your GRU-RNN on the sentiment400
test set.
3.2 Sentiment Analysis Using torch.nn.GRU
In this task, we ask you to carry out the same sentiment prediction task but
with PyTorch’s GRU implementation. The steps are:
1. First, familiarize yourself with the documentation of the torch.nn.GRU
module [4]. Also, you should go through Slide 67 through 87 of the
Week 12 slides to understand how you may feed in an entire sequence
of embeddings at once when using torch.nn.GRU. Using the module
in such manner may help you speed up training dramatically.
2. Carry out the same sentiment prediction experiment that you did with
your own GRU-RNN but this time use torch.nn.GRU instead. Perform
the same quantitative evaluation on the sentiment400 test set with
your new RNN that is based on torch.nn.GRU.
3. Now, repeat the step above with PyTorch’s bidirectional GRU (i.e.
with bidirectional=True). Note that you’ll also need to adjust several other places in your RNN to accommodate the change of shape
for the hidden state. Does using a bidirectional scan make a difference
in terms of test performance?
4. In your report, report the overall accuracy and the confusion matrix
produced by your RNN that is based on torch.nn.GRU as well as its
bidirectional variant. Also you should include plots of the training
losses for the two RNNs. Write a paragraph comparing the test performances of all three RNN implementations that you have done.
4 Submission Instructions
Include a typed report explaining how did you solve the given programming
1. Make sure your submission zip file is under 10MB. Compress
your figures if needed. Do NOT submit your network weights
nor dataset.
2. Your pdf must include a description of
• The figures and descriptions as mentioned in Sec. 3.
• Your source code. Make sure that your source code files are
adequately commented and cleaned up.
3. Turn in a zipped file, it should include (a) a typed self-contained pdf
report with source code and results and (b) source code files (only .py
files are accepted). Rename your .zip file as hw8 <First Name><Last
Name>.zip and follow the same file naming convention for your pdf
report too.
4. For all homeworks, you are encouraged to use .ipynb for development
and the report. If you use .ipynb, please convert it to .py and submit
that as source code.
5. You can resubmit a homework assignment as many times as you want
up to the deadline. Each submission will overwrite any previous
submission. If you are submitting late, do it only once on
BrightSpace. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee that your latest submission will be pulled for grading and will not accept related regrade
6. The sample solutions from previous years are for reference only. Your
code and final report must be your own work.
7. To help better provide feedbacks to you, make sure to number your
[1] DLStudio. URL
[2] Recurrent Neural Networks for Text Classification and Data Prediction,
[3] Word Embeddings and Sequence-to-Sequence Learning, . URL https:
[4] GRU. URL

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