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Regression Testing

Regression Testing

Regression Testing
Regression tests validate that a program still produces "correct" output after the program has been updated. A common form of regression testing
compares the System.out output of a run to a known correct output. Many of our Java programs benefit from such tests. JUnit is a standard for
regression testing.
A problem with JUnit is that it is a test harness to create input to a method and to capture the output of a method call and compare it to the correct results.
You need more when the output to be captured is via System.out.
Solution Regression Testing System.out
Here is how to create these tests. The instructions below are targeted for NetBeans, but can be used for other IDEs as well. You will need the following
JAR file and if you are interested, its Java code:
NetBeans Project (optional, FYI)
In NetBeans, create a JUnit file:
right click on the Java file to create a test→tools→create JUnit Tests; OK. This creates a JUnit test for the particular Java file you selected. But be
careful -- If you have a test file already created, recreating it deletes the old file and installs a stub of a new test file.
right click on Test Libraries→Add JAR/Folder→select "RegTest.jar". This adds "RegTest.jar" to the list of additional files you need to compile your
test files.
Now, transform the test that was generated, which might look like this:
public void testMain() {
String[] args = null;
// TODO review the generated test code and remove the default call to fail.
fail("The test case is a prototype.");
public void testMain() {
RegTest.Utility.redirectStdOut("out.txt"); // redirects standard out to file "out.txt"
String[] args = null;
RegTest.Utility.validate("out.txt", "correctOut.txt", false); // test passes if files are equal
where "out.txt" is the name of the file to which all System.out is to be written, and "correctOut.txt" is the name of the file that contains the correct
output against which the "out.txt" is compared. "false" means don't sort the files before comparing -- sorting is useful if the order in which lines are
output does not matter.
To execute a test program in NetBeans: Run→TestProject.
Note: this jar file requires the use of a JUnit jar file. Netbeans comes with the lastest JUnit library, so you need not download anything.
New: Advanced Regression Testing
Occasionally, you have files with generated values (identifiers, x-y coordinates) that may not match but have no relevance to equality. So to do a diff on
these files, you first have to remove the irrelevant data. Here are two files, side by side. They are clearly not identical because the manufactured
identifiers given in tuples are different. But these identifiers are not really essential to invalidate equality.
output.txt correct.txt
10/11/2017 Regression Testing 2/2
There is a facility in RegTest.Utility that allows you to specify an array of java regular expressions (Strings) that are eliminated from both the "correct" file
and you "output" file before diffing takes place. The method is defined as:
public static void validate(String outputFile, String correctFile, boolean sortedTest, String[] eliminate)
To compare the above files (sans identifiers) is accomplished by the following call:
static String[] eliminate = {"\\(m.,","\\(c.,","\\(d.,","\\(n.,"};
public void testSomeMethod() {
Utility.validate("output.txt", "correct.txt", false, eliminate);
The eliminate array removes a parenthesis, 2 characters, and comma with nothing from both files, and then compares the result (to say that they are
Regression Testing Other Output Files
Sometimes programs produce file output, in addition to terminal output. You want to check the contents of these files too in regression testing. Use the
same testing harness except with different calls. Simply use one or more calls to RegTest.Utility.validate() to compare outputted files with their correct
counterparts. You don't need to use RegTest.Utility.redirectStdOut() if you are not interested in capturing standard out output. So the general format of
a test is:
// this call is optional -- use only if you want to capture standard out
RegTest.Utility.redirectStdOut("stdout.txt"); (place output in file "stdout.txt")
{run program};
// now for every file that is produced, you can compare it to its correct output:
RegTest.Utility.validate("stdout.txt", "correctStdOut.txt", false); // false means don't sort before comparing files
RegTest.Utility.validate("A.txt", "correctA.txt", true); // true means sort both files before comparing
RegTest.Utility.validate("B.txt", "correctB.txt", true);
Generally, you may not know the correct output of your program. What can do in such circumstances is to run the program, collect its output, and
manually check to see if the output is correct. Once it is correct, you can simply rename the output file as "correct", and use it in your tests above.
Remember: when you are performing multiple tests, NetBeans will simply count the number of tests that have succeeded and failed. So looking at any
output files that may have been built along the way won't help you (as you won't know from which test the file was produced). By developing and
debugging tests one at a time, and finding their correct output, you'll save yourself a lot of headaches.

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